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SSB InterviewTipsHindi-To Use Or Not To Use In SSB Interview

Hindi-To Use Or Not To Use In SSB Interview

Many candidates are confused about whether or not to use Hindi as a medium of speaking in their SSB interviews or GTO’s. Well friends SSB is a matter of five to six days hence your true personality is bound to come out. It is not like a test of one or two hour where you can very safely put on a cover to your real personality.Most of us are fluent in Hindi but not very fluent in English. This is certainly because we consider Hindi to be very own and mostly with our parents or friends we are talking in Hindi. On the other hand we consider English to be a formal language we are interacting with only selected people in English like our Boss, teacher or with people at work. The problem which arises is that we as youths are neither using English nor Hindi but Hinglish, which spoils our grammar and make us habitual to use slangs and slang language. Hence in SSB also we are ought to use it but definitely we must not use it.

Improving English For SSB Interview

Most of us are fluent in Hindi but not very fluent in English. This is certainly because we consider Hindi to be very own and mostly with our parents or friends we are talking in Hindi. On the other hand we consider English to be a formal language we are interacting with only selected people in English like our Boss, teacher or with people at work. The problem which arises is that we as youths are neither using English nor Hindi but Hinglish, which spoils our grammar and make us habitual to use slangs and slang language. Hence in SSB also we are ought to use it but definitely we must not use it.IMA

The question my friends is whether we can use Hindi in SSB or not. As per my suggestion it is a no. In SSB you come across with two categories of people. One are your group mates and other is your board.
Obviously you are with your group mates for 24 hours of the day and gradually you build friendship, thus you become quiet informal with them and hence using English while talking to them all the time is difficult. It’s not a problem if you are using Hindi with them i.e. your group mates. One you have developed a bond with your group mates you all will be talking in Hindi or any other local language which connects you better and this is not a problem.
Next is the Board. You are there in the SSB to become an officer. An officer has to command a number of people. Thus they are required to use an official language in doing so. English is an official language of India which most of Indians understand in comparison to Hindi. Thus an officer by and large speaks in English. Well and if you have a command over English and are fluent in it then it’ll be an advantage for you only.
Let me divide the Tasks given in SSB and the scope of using Hindi/English there. Firstly on the screening day in PPDT you are asked to write a story which you cannot write in Hindi. In narration it is said that you can use Hindi if you get stuck but you are asked to revert back to English as soon as possible. This is a clear indication that they are expecting you to speak in English. In Discussion part of PPDT also there is no point discussing in Hindi.
When you get through the Screening, you face other tasks such as Psychological Tests where again you are expected to write responses in English. In GTO however your GTO might have an informal talk with you where he may use Hindi, you can use Hindi at that time but while doing tasks or giving lecturette you should stick to English. When your GTO asks you something in English you must answer in English only.
In interview and conference your IO or other officer will talk in English you are also expected to talk in English only. Hence in SSB you must stick to English as much as possible you can practice it well before try speaking in English with friends and family, read English newspaper and books. Start practicing now.

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Tashi Mishra
Tashi Mishrahttps://www.ssbcrack.com/
An ardent follower of Military, football. Loves to read. Writer by choice, computer professional by chance! And Dil toh fauji hai jee!!

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  1. I want to join territorial army as an officer i have got question to ask , Is there necessary to attempt SSB in English , Can i give my efforts in Hindi language.

  2. haah india has still not attained freedom in true sense and our millitary is proving it .why the heck chinese and russian dont comply with english i think they r more active in international showings or wars and other talks.i know very well that english is useful but it cant judge ur inner qualities.and for ur kind info our millitary has more of hindi speakers and understanders as officers can command only short msg in english to the sepoys as they r less literate .and english cant invoke the real feelings at war time…

    • The simple answer to you doubt is that in Russia there are russian who speak same lang even in china they speak mandrin…but in India we speak gujrati ,marathi,tamil,telegu,malyalam..only in state of Asom there are more than 28 language..so how can u expect everyone to understand hindi…So English which is also an International language would bind all these people along with that they need not to learn another lang while representing our country Internationally..So think logically

  3. Hello Friends,

    As mentioned in the above post you are in SSB to become officers and it will be good if you follow English as the language during interview and your pyschology tests, but I feel in GTO you can use Hindi if you fail to express yourself in English. In GTO what matters the most is your team spirit and the ideas you give out irrespective of the language you use, but try to give out maximum using English.

    I got rcommended in SSC 41 and I used hindi a couple of times when could not express my ideas in English.

  4. Well SSB is all about naturality, which will come out if you speak in that language which suits you better whether it’s English or Hindi. It doesn’t matter. I want to share one point here, during my 1AFSB Dehradoon SSB one candidate was Recommended who gave his interview in Hindi. Rest up to you..Best Of Luck.

    • Yes, it is acceptable only if you have studied in Hindi Medium and you are not comfortable in English. If your PIQ form says that you have studied in English medium, then at least it should reflect it from your communication also.


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