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SSB InterviewTipsImproving English For SSB Interview

Improving English For SSB Interview

Whether you agree or not but still English plays a major role in your personality. By this I definitely do not mean that those who don’t know English well are not having a good personality but I just mean to say that it definitely helps. English is a universal language and when you go around the world you’ll notice that English is the third most spoken language in the world. Hence instead of denying the fact and arguing over it let us admit it and accept that English has a certain level of importance in SSB as well.You are going there to get selected hence you have to do things their way, although there is no rule to speak in English, but it’ll help if you are good in English. So why not let’s start practicing over English if this what the big fuss is about! Well if you have good English it’ll definitely help you in every aspect of your life and will improve your communication skill drastically.

Hindi-To Use Or Not To Use In SSB Interview

You are going there to get selected hence you have to do things their way, although there is no rule to speak in English, but it’ll help if you are good in English. So why not let’s start practicing over English if this what the big fuss is about! Well if you have good English it’ll definitely help you in every aspect of your life and will improve your communication skill drastically.

Here I’ll be making your familiar with some simple and easy ways which will help you a great deal in improving your English.

Improving English for SSB


Read a book in English

Well Reading definitely helps and starting reading with newspaper is not a good idea for a beginner. This is so because newspaper appears to be a little boring to our generation where we can Google everything and get the whole info on any matter, so start with a good book. Find out what appeals to you, means what you like, it can be an old classic of Shakespeare or Dickens or a new writer like Chetan Bhagat or Amish Tripathi, in short read anything which you like, but in English. Initially you might find it boring or lose interest but gradually you’ll start liking but be firm and don’t give up.Also Read

Read English Newspaper

Now those of you who like reading newspaper it is a very good habit. So read it in English if you are doing it in Hindi till now. Develop this habit it’s very beneficial for the interview as well.

Write something

It can be your own daily experience that is a diary, a blog on the net or even poetry or short story. In fact writing small TAT oriented stories in the MS Word will help a great deal, this is because you’ll get practiced for writing TAT and if you are writing in MS Word then the auto check tools will correct the mistakes and point them out.

Watch movies in English

If you have been watching the dubbed movies in Hindi then it’s the time for change now. Watch movies in English, if you don’t get it there are always subtitles for every movie, hence use subtitles.

Listen and Sing English Songs

This is also helpful. I am sure many of us like to listen to songs and sing them, at least in the bathroom! So search for a similar genre in English and listen to them, if don’t get their lyrics look for it on the internet and sing it as well.

Say or think what you are doing in English as you do your daily tasks

Many of us know English but are hesitant to speak; we fell short of words when we are talking in English with somebody to overcome this you can first talk to yourself. Talking to you helps a great deal; we all think something, so think and say that thing in English. Suppose you are going to purchase something then say to yourself “ I am going to market to buy bread and butter”. Like this make plans, and talk to yourself in English.

Keep English to English Dictionary

While reading a book or newspaper in English, it is always better to keep English dictionary with you. When you stuck anywhere and it is solved immediately then it keeps your interest alive. Go for a good brand.

Speak as much as you can

This is the only way out to remove shyness. The more you speak bolder you get. Hence speak in English with you family, friends etc. initially you might feel shy but trust me its better to be shy with then than in the outside world.
So Good luck to all and remember keep the spirit alive and don’t give up in between.

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Tashi Mishra
Tashi Mishrahttps://www.ssbcrack.com/
An ardent follower of Military, football. Loves to read. Writer by choice, computer professional by chance! And Dil toh fauji hai jee!!

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