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PsychologyWord Association TestDos and Don'ts of Word Association Test

Dos and Don’ts of Word Association Test

WAT Word Association Test is a critical exercise. It lets the psychologist analyze by just a few sentences! Hence you must know how crucial it is to give the correct responses in this test. So here is a guide on some dos and don’ts of this test.
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Dos and Don’ts of Word Association Test

  1. Do write your natural response.
  2. Don’t mug up sentences on certain words, and write responses then and there.
  3. Do write your good thinking, or your positive thinking.
  4. Don’t write simple observations. E.g.- Sleep-A dog is sleeping.(Wrong response). Sleep Refreshes us( Correct Response).
  5. Write the effect of the word. E.g.: War- War causes destruction.
  6. Don’t write idioms, phrases, quotations, universal truths. They show lack of original thoughts.
  7. Write a meaningful sentence.
  8. Don’t give negative response or any word, try remaining positive as much as you can. If a negative word comes try to write something positive for that as well.
  9. Write sentences from human point of view.
  10. Don’t use the word “I or Me” much.
  11. Don’t write the word in the answer sheet.
  12. Maintain as far as possible a good hand-writing.
  13. Attempt at least 45-50 words.
WAT Word Association Test is meant to put you under pressure and squeeze the real you out of you! You need practice to do well in WAT. Several PPT’s and words are present online and also on SSBCrack you can take them and write your responses keeping the given points in mind.
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Tashi Mishra
Tashi Mishrahttps://www.ssbcrack.com/
An ardent follower of Military, football. Loves to read. Writer by choice, computer professional by chance! And Dil toh fauji hai jee!!

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