Here there will be obstacles placed and a candidate is required to complete them in a given period of time individually. The level of individual obstacles for women is slightly lower than that given for men. Men’s are given three minutes for 10 obstacles roughly and women are required to complete 6 obstacles in a time of 4 minutes, this is because level of energy and stamina in men and women are different. You can repeat an obstacle after you complete all. Each obstacle is associated with points ranging from 1 to 10, most difficult one with maximum number of points (10).
Basically your self-confidence, physical fitness, stamina, courage, determination and speed of decisions are some major points amongst others to be checked. Hence you have to do it will full zeal and stamina. Generally the obstacles are placed one after the another in such a way that you can start with an obstacle you like and keep on attempting others and finally come back to the first one where you started.
Here is a list of some of the obstacles popularly given by SSB’s, you can get any six of them or similar kinds to do.
- Going over a balance beam called as single ramp.
- Long jump across a ditch of about 4-6 feet (generally covered with a barbed wire).
- Monkey crawling.
- Climbing a wall.
- Passing through a tire.
- Rope climbing.
- Tarzan Swing or Tarzan jump
- Balance walking over a zigzag beam.
- Walking over parallel ropes (Burma Bridge).
- Screen Jump (come running climb on the plank jump over the screen or red cloth without touching the screen).
- Commando walk.
- Tiger’s leap.
Tips for tackling Individual Obstacles
- Practice running & do some exercise before appearing for SSB.
- When the GTO is explaining listen very carefully and make a mental note of what you have to do or a plan of action.
- If you fail to tackle an obstacle in first attempt try it again after finishing other ones.
- Choose the correct sequence.
- Do not merely walk on the ground, run from one obstacle to other.
- Do not break rules or touch red portions.
- Remain composed while attempting high rise obstacles or one’s with jumping.
- Do not look at others or at the GTO while tackling obstacles concentrate and do your thing.
- Do not exceed your time.
- Do not give up in the middle.
You can tackle these obstacles easily if you are physically fit. Since balancing requires concentration hence you must attempt it in the beginning (this is my personal opinion however you can attempt in a way you like). Since Individual Obstacles are scoring thing hence you must try to put in your best efforts because these marks count in the final merit list. Don’t forget to test your shoes (sport shoes) which you have to wear in this task because you must be accustomed and habitual to the shoes in which you are going to run. The same applies to the dress you have to wear in this task.
Best of Luck Ladies:)
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Jay Hind 🇮🇳