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Merit ListTGC 115 Merit List

TGC 115 Merit List


All candidates who have passed the TGC-115 SSB interview are  egarly waiting for the merit list of TGC-115. TGC-115 merit list is expected to come in June 2012, it may come near  2nd week of June though it also depends on the Army HQ and how fast they deal with the paper work, expectations are high with the recent release of NDA-128th and IMA-133th Merit list by UPSC, hope to see the TGC-115th merit list soon. Lets have a look at TGC-114th and TGC-115th related statistics . 


Merit List TGC-115

TGC-115 Joining Instruction 

Number of Applicants : 30,858

Allotted with Bhopal SSB: 14,518
Allotted with Allahabad SSB: 11,681
Allotted with Bangalore SSB:  4,659

Approx  Digits  


Number of Applicants : 14,224

Allotted with Bhopal SSB: 4,234
Allotted with Allahabad SSB: 7,129
Allotted with Bangalore SSB:  2,861

Approx  Digits  

TGC-114th Joining Instructions/ Merit 

Branch Total Fit Unfit 
Civil  7 7 0
Electrical  12 10 2
Mechanical  28 27 1
Automobile 1 1 0
Electronics  6 6 0
Commn/Telecom/ECE  37 35 2
Food /Bio Tech 3 3 0
Compute Science Engg 24 23 1
Info Tech 8 8 0
AEC 2 2 0

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  1. Hello Sir,

    I got recommended from Allahabad for TGC-116.

    Although I got recommended, but the officer their told us to keep doing what we are currently doing, In other words, recommendation does not guarantee me getting into IMA.

    So I want to know when will be merit list out and what are the chances that I can expect myself on that list.

  2. Sir I am also a wait listed candidate for TGC 115 entry, I want to know whether we will be accomodated in SSC T 39 merit list or not? Some are saying u ll b accomodtd and some r not. I also contacted army hdqrtr thy r saying u will have to wait we havnt rcvd any dirctn to add u in d list. I am very wrrd so please provide your suggestion or share any information on this if you have any……..

  3. Jatin though i m not sure but wht i have heard is ths…guys recommended frm ALD have Better chances of getting into merit. But truth is It all depends on ur performance not on the board(all boards have same standards ).

  4. Hello Sir. I got recommended for SSC-39 this July from ALD. Medicals all clear. What are d chances of my name coming in d merit list. Have heard from almost everybody that recommended candidated from ALD seldom gets merit out. N do u hv any idea when is the meir list coming out for the course?

    • That is a not correct, merit is based on your marks, not based on board. Though the seats in SSC-tech are limited, I hope you will get it, rest depends on your merit list. All the best.

  5. Sir, what about those who have been recommended for TGC 115 but got disqualified because of IT branch. Is it there fault that they have done engineering with IT as main branch. SSBs should have disqualified them at the time of testing only. Its really sad that people are getting disqualified merely on the basis of difference in the names of almost same branches. In my opinion IT & CS should be notified as one, not separately. And we should raise this matter in front of Army HQ. What is your opinion about this sir???

  6. Hope fr the best sir, I wish all wait list candidates of tgc-115 will get joining.

    Sir tell me one thing that if v were nt able to get J.I’s fr IMA, Will dey consider us for OTA-SSC

  7. Sir candidates who are fit in tgc but in waiting will receive J.I’s or not I went to army headquarters dey said u have to wait..but fr how long we have to wait..they are not clearing our doubts. what shall i do sir…

  8. Sir, I went to army head quarter’s Dey said dat u have to wait…as my name is in waiting…they will issue j.I depending upon how much candidates report on 6th July at IMA

  9. Sir i am SHEKHAR VERMA, I have cleared tgc115 ssb nd i am medically fit…but my rank in merit list is 43 (mechanical branch) & there are only 33 vac, will they issue J.I or not…do reply

  10. Sir my name is there in the tgc 115 merit list..but its in the waiting list..There are only 16 vacancies in CS branch but my rank is above 16.what will happen now?? plz do reply asap

  11. well i hv a question..i am an electronics engg n comleted my engineering dis year…i have a one year back and my aggregate is 55%…my age is 22 years..m i eligible 2 apply for tgc or ssc..??..kindly letme know asap…thanxz..

  12. i want to be a pilot in IAF,done diploma in IT n now will do 2nd yr engineering…DOB is 20th oct 1992…the age bar for air force is 23 yrs and der also is a rule dat one can apply for air force even if he’s in final yr n is waiting 4 results to come…..mine is gonna be the same situation but i want to ask dat can i try 2 attempts in 1 year..??

  13. Now this is getting onto my nerves admin…this merit list announcement thing!!…hahahaha but to be very frank i am enjoying the feeling of being on the verge of this excitement…i advice to all my fellow recommended candidates of TGC 115 to be patient (although its very hard to do and easy to say 😛 ) but we will be in….that’s what vibes m getting.. 🙂 god bless u all and all the very best..even to myself..lol

  14. sir i applied for tgc 116…but computer couldnot generate..roll no……when i again tried to apply..application didnot submit..sir now i have no roll no…..and no application……

    sir,will i get call letter for ssb……..

  15. sir i applied of tgc 116…but computer didn,t generate my roll no…when i again tried to apply for it…computer show it as you have already submit an application.but now sir i have no roll no.pls tell me…
    will i get call letter for interview

  16. Admin the numbers that you have shown, I believe they are not exactly right because the TGC 114 Joining Instructions List on the joinindianarmy.nic.in website shows around 27 people from ECE who got the Joining Letter whereas you are showing it as 6. Six were the original vacancies that were shown in the notification for ECE branch. Can you please verify if what i’m saying is right?

    • Yes, sorry I have missed out Comm/telecom/ECE earlier , I have added that also. There were 37 ECE in which 2 were unfit and out of 35 fit some where waiting for the result of review medical board docs.

  17. Sir, please tell me frankly which coaching institute of SSB is best who can give much personal attention to each candidate… I am a repeater(4 times attempted) needs practical personal guidance for SSB… how about OLIVE GREEN,Chandigarh or National Defense Service academy , NEW DELHI or any other institute ….i know that SSB does not required coaching but i need practical guidance in all tasks, bit confused wat to do ?? ..so please guide me sir… i am very confused….

    • To be frank I do not know much about any specif coaching academy , may be you should gather info from candidates who have gone through the coaching.

      Professional coaching always helps you but again its you who will use brain at SSB Interview , so merely going through any coaching wont assure success, you have to do it with proper planning.

  18. Hello sir ,please answer my few question given below:

    1.I want to from u that presently my age is 22yrs nd 4 months (DOB : 25 jan 1990), sir till how much age can i apply for CDSE entry ????
    2.Tell me whether i will be eligible in upcoming CDSE – 2012 exam which is going to be held in SEPTEMBER.
    3. also tell me when the training will me beginning for CDSE -2 of SEPTEMBEER exam ????

    please answer these sir, i will be very thankful to u…

    • I may like to help you out my friend.
      1) till 25 years one can last apply for OTA entry only, AS per your date of birth yes you can apply for the SEP 2012 CDSE Exam for ARMY, AIR FORCE and OTA but not for NAVY the last eligible age requirements are
      NAVY 22YRS
      Air Force 23 yrs
      Army 24 yrs
      OTA 25 yrs
      3) for the Sep 2012 CDSE exam the training will starts in JULY 2013.

      Sorry Admin For doing your job.


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