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Merit ListNDA-128th Merit List

NDA-128th Merit List

UPSC has released the merit list of NDA-128th course and Naval Academy for 90th INAC, for joining/admission to  the  Army  ,  Navy  and  Air  Force  wings  of    National  Defence  Academy commencing  from  29th  June  2012. Merit list is prepared without considering the Medical examinations ,means it is only on the basis of SSB Interview but not the medical examination. Check below for  some statically data regarding the NDA-128th and the past NDA127th Course  . 

Merit List of NDA 129th Course 2013

NDA 128th 

Total number of candidates passed NDA and NA for 128th Course  : 8386

Airforce: 2000 Candidates were nominated for AFSB

Army: 5071 Candidates were nominated for Army SSB

Navy: 1315 Candidates were nominated for Naval Board SSB

Total Candidates Passed in SSB Interview : 837

Click to Open NDA-128th Merit List By UPSC(Medical Examination is Not considered 

NDA 127th 

Number of candidates made in the merit list  Army/Navy/Airforce :579 (Approx digits )

Compare the NDA-127th UPSC Merit List vs Final Merit List 
Click to Open NDA-127th Final Merit List

Some Joining Instructions 

  • Candidates are required to submit class xth certificate and xiith maksheet in orginal along with photo copies duly attested by gazetted officer to adjutant, nda, khadakwasla at the time of joining.
  • Candidates are requested to report on the dates mentioned against their names failing which their candidature is liable to  be cancelled.
  • The candidates who have been marked as class xii mark sheet/certificate awaited against their name are required to immediately send the said documents duly indicating their name and upsc roll no in the documents by fax ( fax no 011-26196205/26108706) and one copy by post.
  • In case of non receipt of joining instruction, selected candidates will report to adjutant nda on the given dates along with proof of identity and all other mentioned documents. Joining instructions may be down loaded from nda website www.nda.nic.in
  • This directorate will not be responsible for any tampering of information published on net

Candidates can check there written mark on UPSC.gov.in after  15  days  from  the  date  of declaration of final results.

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    1. ser meri 569 rank hai nda2 2012 merit list mein that have published on 7 june 2013…………ser pls tell me whether i make it through final list?????

    2. i am a recommended candidate for 128th nda course which has already commenced. what i want to know is that will they call the candidates from old lists.i am fit for all, did they publish the final merit list excluding the medically unfit guys.

      • (1).Was your name in the final merit list of nda 128th?
        If yes then what was ur rank?
        There are chances if some candidate leaves the academy and the very next candidate from the disclosed rank can get call to join academy(fitness level considered also).
        All the best …

    3. sir i am krishna and was recently recommended from 2 afsb mysore though my first preference was airforce followed by navy and army in medicals due to poor eyesight i was given fit for army status ,,i am worried bout merit list i am expecting abv 400 marks in written and was gud in ssb also so i would like to know how the merit is prepared and what are the chances of me making it


        it is strongly recommended to score high marks in entrance exam because SSB marks of all recommended candidates varies marginally which make it a cut throat competition in merit list. At an average people get marks in SSB from 360 to 450 in men entry.

        No body can tell you that you are going to make it in merit or not. So it is better to not take tension about the merit. Chillax!!!

    4. Hi sir i have cleared nda1 2012 and i am a 12th studying student , if i got recomended in ssb , i wont be able to join the academy as the session will comence from janand my. 12th result will be out in may. One of my friend told me that i can join the aug batch in such circumstances.please help me sir its the worry of thousand7 please do reply

      • @ajay
        sorry for the above figures , now that i have gone through the figures by upsc in its annual report, the approx candidates in this year are more than 4 lacs and increasing every year,but nearly 2.97 lacs have appeared in the paper this year and this estimate is based on the figures disclosed by upsc itself of
        NDA and NA Examination(I) 2010 in its annual report magazine,here is the true and confidential and ofcourse accurate data -:
        (I)No. Of Applicants-
        (II)No. Of Candidates Actually Appeared:-
        (III)No. Of Candidates interviewed/whose service records were evaluated:-
        (IV)No. Of Candidates recommended for appointment:-
        and when it comes to cutoff marks, they never disclose it , not even by RTI act,
        bad news……huh?
        I hope this info helped my friends a lot, i spent my half day for this.

    5. Sir, can you please tell me that approx. how many aspirants appeared for the NDA NA II 2012 Paper, that was conducted on 19th August 2012..? Any rough figure..? & usually how many appear and how many are selected..?

    6. …Hey i visited the link you posted and the one “upsc exam” who commented about the 70 or 75 pcnt. IS TOTALLY FAKE.UPSC dont disclose such future releases…..and if not satisfied by my answer,anybody can ask ORIGINAL upsc by calling in its office.The man/site-owner with a name “upsc exam” is freaking you out and nothing else…..have a nice day

      And yes , when the hell are they gonna declare the results,this is going to be the most delayed nda I result in past 9 years ,the most delayed earlier was in 2003 9 august,so expecting to come by 10 aug , this year monsoon is delaying the results too….lol……. 🙂

    7. Thanks and i am eager to know that if someone got a rank in the final merit list not satisfactory for air force then will it got admsn. due to army or navy as a second choice or does that depends on other candidate’s rank as well?…every body must have given AF as a 1st choice,so there will be a competition , huh?

      dont worry friend i have deeply checked it out,in the notification published by upsc,there is nothing like 70% and 75…..its jus bullshit whatever u hv read on any prank site,only upsc conducts nda exam and nothing changes without prior notification of upsc,dont worry my friend there is nothing like that,nda test was easy,it is easy and it’ll be easy.

      • @Yogesh, from CDSE the chanance of getting merit out are very less, if suppose your medically unfit for Pilot entry[fit for other] in IAF [ CDSE-IAF is only for flying] , then you may get in 2nd choice i.e. IMA or what so ever.

    8. and Sir, i just saw in a website (not upsc website)..that they are changing selectn crteria. They will admit students who have got 70% in pcm and 75% in whole.. Is that true? Sir, i have got just 58% but now i have very hard worked on maths and physics. And from the academic life i am very good in physics..but nt dat gud in maths.. Bt now working so hard i can solve problems.. Sir i am very desperate to join NDA! What should i do in this situation? I had rejected offers of other colleges even.. BUT FIRST TELL ME WHAT I SAW IN THAT NON UPSC WEBSITE IS IT TRUE ??? Please reply..

      • and Sir, i just saw in a website (not upsc website) ..that they are changing selectn crteria. They will admit students who have got
        70% in pcm and 75% in whole.. Is that true? Sir, i have got just 58% but now i have very hard worked on maths and physics. And from the academic life i am very good in physics..but nt dat gud in maths.. Bt now working so hard i can solve problems.. Sir i am very desperate to join NDA! What should i do in this situation? I
        had rejected offers of other colleges even.. BUT FIRST TELL ME WHAT I SAW IN THAT NON UPSC WEBSITE IS IT TRUE ??? Please reply..

    9. 1.i got 751 rank in nda 128 course n what are my chanses to make final cut?
      2.i m planning to apply for nda 1 this tym whose notification comes in dec my age is 17 years 9 mnths right now does i m still elegible to apply n nda 1?

    10. Sir, will the Army issue any further lists after the 8th list? My rank is 523 and the curent reporting dates have gone till 500. So if a new list is issued then i might have a chance. Will a next list be issued. Please reply soon sir
      Thanks in advance

    11. sir i got 616 rank in merit list of nda & na 128 course do i hold any chance of getting call my first choice is army and second choine is naval academy

    12. Sir,i have got a merit rank of 523 in the list. I am fit for Army. Even in the third list i have not been alloted my joining date. What are my chances of making it? It it sure i will make it?

    13. sir final list of army came can u tell me one thing y in last course of nda 127 almost every fit canddate was called ,will it be repeated n what are my chanses,n how many list does army declare

    14. sir i am a candidate of nda 128th course my 12th original marksheet has not arrived yet and we have to send educational certificates to army headquat.
      Can we send the internet print out attested by school principal with school stamp on it.
      And sir what is the last date of submitting these certificates?
      please help me to get out of this problem.

    15. are new seats created in NDA128 course or not??
      and i want to know what are the average number of candidates in waiting list that are alloted seats later????

    16. sir…..
      i am a recommended candidate of 21 ssb bhopal…….
      i am geeting above 550 in written and was not boderliner in the ssb….
      what are the chances of mine in the army merit list…..as i have filled army as my 1st preference …..
      how many vacancies are there in nda…….

    17. Sir…I am Recommended from 1 afsb Dehradun for 128 nda course
      Referring to the merit list of 127 nda on the net today I saw nearly 600 candidates with branches allotted. Then how come only 272 candidates joined the course

      Guidance needed.

    18. Sir i would like to comment in this post…
      As far as my knowledge is concern NDA & NA (II) 2011 Only 7286 candidates were passed in written exam …And the figure mentioned by you is of NDA & NA (I) 2011 ….
      when the result came last year on the month of nov 2011 i have counted 5 times the number of students passed ….
      And the fig was 7286….i will search in my store weather i have a copy of selected candidate list, if i get i will mail you .!!!!


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