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Merit ListIMA 133 Merit List

IMA 133 Merit List


The highly awaited merit list of IMA-133th is going to be published soon in  joinindianarmy.nic.in ,all the successful aspirants  will join the prestigious IMA-Dehradun for 133th course commencing on July 2012. 

IMA 133th 

Total number of candidates passed CDSE for IMA 133th Course  : 4924

Number of candidates allotted with Allahabad  :2497
Number of candidates allotted with Bhopal  :679
Number of candidates allotted with Bangalore :949
Number of candidates passed SSB Interview : 356

Note: Approx  figures 

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  1. sir , igot reccomended and medically fit……what is the probabllity of merit out in ima-135 cdse entry???

    • hey, congrats bro…….i’m too got recommended in ima-135…….do u know how many are recc. in our entry

      • people say there are no chances of merit out in cds entry..and according to what ive heard a total of 160-170 candidates have got recommended in total…any idea of the merit list??

  2. sir i was merit out in nda and now i have been recommended for ima 135,but still the dark memories threatens me and above reply gives a huge comfort but still my doubt is that if around 300 candidates get recommended then will they give a call to everyone..please reply sir.and what about joining dates..

  3. good evening sir this is gagan bhonde i m a civil engg. wants to be part of indian army i m also attend the TGC116 but still i m confused how i can creak it any guidence regarding to u . i am national lavel fotball player also . is help to me or not ,……. but how i creak SSB …. kaise prapair karu…………………………

  4. sir plz guide for territorial army.one of brother wants to join army at any cost.but he didnt get any study material plzz refer some books so that he can perform well.

  5. i have received my JI….does army HQ display any further final merit list to confirm the admission into IMA????

    and sir, i have my provisional certificate only,pass certificate will need time, so mean time will provisional certificate be able to do the needful?????

    • As you can see there are total 250 vacancies for IMA and only 259 candidates have cleared SSB Interview for IMA-133th. 10%-15% of them mostly have some medical problems so there are just 9 additional candidates are there. If any 9 out of 259 are medically unfit for IMA-133th then all 250 will be in . So your probability to be in is 99.9%.

      Good luck and all the best .


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