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Importance Of SSB Interview Training by Col. Kataria

Importance Of SSB Interview Training by Col. Kataria

Training is very important, before I explain reasons; we must understand the concept of selection. Selection is based on behavior  through behavior we assess personality of an individual. While assessing the personality we focus on 15 officers like qualities.

1. Every individual possesses these qualities but scale or levels vary from individual to individual. During the course of SSB, through various tests you have to project or express your qualities or you have to tell assessor that I have these qualities in me. If you are not able to project yourself, how will the assessor know that you possess 15 officer like qualities?

2. So, training is important. If provided by right person. Training helps in:

  • You learn the art of expressing or projecting your qualities through – verbal expression, body language and actions. And also nature of various tests is such that you do not come to know about your performance. So it’s important that you should follow right approach for right test which can be learnt through training.
  • You come to know your weaknesses. If you know your weaknesses then only you can improve.
  • When you go through the practice tests the familiarity with SSB environment increases which helps in gaining confidence, enhances your performance.
SSB Training In  Delhi
SSMentors, SSB Training and Guidance, Delhi

3. Second important issue is, human being has different state of mind i.e. conscious or semi- conscious or unconscious. These states of mind make him behave in different manner. Therefore, various tests used in different techniques assesses how are you behaving in different state of mind. To know your acceptable behavior it can only be achieved by good quality of training.

4. Thirdly, you hear different point of view from untrained people which leads to forming myths or wrong opinion about selection system and you create wrong opinion about your own capability which results into poor performance.

5. Fourthly, where ever you take coaching you make sure that you are trained by ex-assessor.

6. Training makes sure that you start believing in your own capabilities and you start knowing what my goal is and what my role is.

For any SSB related doubt and queries contact SSMentors here

Contact Details

Mobile: 09910397817,

E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Also Read: Do we need SSB Interview Training 

SSMentor+Col+Kataria Author: Col. Kataria, Sena Medal
Col Kataria has served in all premier institutes of Indian Army i.e. Indian Military Academy, Dehradun, Psychologist, 14 SSB Allahabad and Recruitment Directorate (Officer Selection), RK Puram, New Delhi.

18 SSB Allahabad Experience By Nitish Nalawade


Nitish Nalawade Recommended in 8th Attempt
Recently I was recommended for IMA 135 course and completed my Medicals. This is brief information about the experience. I was called to report on 14th March 2013 at Allahabad at 1 pm. I reached there in morning and then got a dormitory at Allahabad Station itself.

This was my 8th Attempt so it was a bit of regular thing for me. Then I reached the MCO office and we were all received by the Army Person. After reaching the centre, we were allocated chest numbers. As I had appeared from 18 and 14 SSB before, I got 18 SSB. My Chest number there was 3. On the next day we had OIR and PPDT. The discussion was nice and as ours was a repeaters batch, we all did cooperate. Few friends started my deciding to go ahead with my story.

SSB Interview at Allahabad
Nitish Nalawade Recommended in 8th Attempt 

Then after discussion, our result was announced. And from 47people 22 were screened in. As very less people had reported, we had only 22 screened in. 5 more from 14 SSB joined us and we were 27. Then After new chest number allotment, my chest no. was 11. We had 2 groups of repeaters and a batch of freshers.

Then on that day, we filled all forms. Next day was our Psychological Test. I did all of them swiftly. I was able to complete 40 SRTs and wrote fairly well stories. As the 11 picture in TAT was the same as my 12th story, I had to write the last story on the spot. But I took care not to contradict myself anywhere.
On the next day was our GTO. I did fairly well in GDs and in Group Planning Exercise, the group nominated me to give the solution. I did Okay in PGT and HGT. In my command task, the GTO gave me a tough obstacle, And I was only able to give the idea in 15 mins and did not formulate it. Then immediately after GTO, I had my interview. The IO asked me about myself. He asked more about my organizing skills and my hobbies. He asked me two technical questions. I was not able to answer both.

Then on Next day we finished our remaining GTO tasks. In my conference, I was asked about my stay and my performance. I gave an accurate description of what I felt, and also answered the two questions, I wasn’t able to answer in my interview. When results were announced, I did not expect myself to be recommended as the candidate before me was already a recommended one. But I was surprised to hear myself being called. It was the best feeling; hear your name being called. And after so many attempts, I finally succeeded.   My medicals were normal and I was declared Fit. Our medicals were done in 4 days.

Now I am waiting for my Merit List. All I can say is that always keep a hope and never under estimate yourself. And try harder as if it is your last attempt and you will succeed.

SSB+Allahabad Author:  Nitish Nalawade
I am Nitish Nalawade a student from Ruparel College, Mumbai. I had previously attended 6 SSB interview. twice I was screened out at Varanasi and 4 Times I was conference Out twice at Allahabad and Twice at Mysore.

Do We Need SSB Interview Coaching

Confidence For SSB Interview

This is something which most of the defence aspirants ask, we are getting lots of queries on which SSB coaching academy to join or which is the best SSB Interview coaching academy etc. But, sometimes candidates ask whether SSB interview coaching is required or can we pass SSB Interview without any professional coaching.

Now answering something like this is a difficult job, there are candidates who took SSB coaching and cleared the interview, also there are candidates who took SSB interview coaching two times and still trying to clear the SSB Interview. Candidates who never took any professional SSB interview coaching or neither joined any SSB coaching institute also got recommendations by SSB. So what is the point here?


To be very clear, no SSB interview coaching institute guarantee 100% success rate, if you think merely joining any SSB Coaching will make sure you clear your next SSB Interview, you are in dark. But that doesn’t mean it will not help you, if you join any good SSB coaching institute you will definitely double your chances of clearing  SSB Interview.

oir test book ad

You may find candidates including recommended candidates, saying that there is no need of joining any SSB coaching and you can clear the SSB interview without any professional guidance. There are candidates who cleared it without any SSB coaching but what is the %age of them out of total candidates who applies for a particular entry and how many of them cleared it in first go without any coaching. I agree, that repeaters can clear it without any SSB coaching but only if they have ability to learn and improve. If you are a repeater and do not want to join any professional coaching institute then you have to learn it from yourself, you need to analyze your performance and have to improve it.

Now enough said, I tried to get some feedback from experts who produced many officers from their guidance. Lets see what experts say about the importance of SSB Interview Coaching.

AFSB Medical Examination Experience By Komal Pawar

AFCAT recommended candidates

Dear Friends, here is my new experience during my medical checkup! My medical was scheduled on 11th Feb. I had no idea what tests they are going to perform, we were only informed to reach their before 7 am and that our medical will be completed within a week.

This time it was only me and Shilpy  from our 20 girls and swathi  was through her medical as her medical was scheduled on 4th Feb. But thank god it was Swathi again who helped us to know the procedure.

I was only having the address of the IAM  banglore, and that it was nearby to HAL. I went to Banglore a day before my medical test. I thought that even this time the IAF Staff will come to escort us, but this time we had to go by ourselves, so I called swathi the night before i.e. on 10th and enquired her about reaching to IAM and she was very well acquainted with the place because she has her house nearby.

Also Read: My AFSB Interview Experience
I left my hotel at 5.30 am in morning because HAL was too far from my place and reached IAM at 6.15 am. I was surprised to see that shilpy their before me, coz at night I’d tried to contact her bt was having some network problem. We had a long chat till 7 and then we asked one of the office their about the procedure but he was not knowing and then came Swathi who told us about the procedure of the medical test, she escorted us to the in charge and later left us since her medical was incomplete. And after an hour Ashwini  joined us, she was knowing about medical tests before hand so didn’t hurry to reach IAM.

Later then that sir made us to fill some forms required for the test and guided us with the locations of various departments. We had to do following tests:

  • ENT
  • Ultrasound and X-Ray test
  • Dental test
  • Blood, sugar, urin test
  • Eyesight test
  • ECG, height weight test
  • Gynec test  And human engineering for flying branch

The first day I and Shiply had the ultrasound test, and it was then that kind of cyst was detected in my rt. Ovary . I asked to the doctor that whether that will create a problem in my selection, but he said it was not a serious issue and that detailed investigation will solve this, so I was relieved thinking that I’ll not be rejected.

Later one by one we had our other medical tests, ENT, Eye test, X-ray, Blood sugar urine and even ECG everything was perfect and in dental I got 22 on 22, but the only problem was with the Cyst.

As the days were passing I was getting depressed thinking of the cyst, finally on 14th feb one of the sir and the gynecologist said that it might be an ovarian cancer and that I’ll be rejected permanently. That was the day I burst out crying, I went completely despair. Shilpy and Ashwini  were busy with their TMT because they had problem with their ECG report, and I went in the hostel and was sobbing continuously, Swathi had seen me running in the hostel  crying and followed me, completing her work, and she made me understood that I should not lose hope and that I still have the chance to reapply as it was not the reason of permanent rejection, those were just the random predictions.

Later I too realized that it is just the examination god is conducting for me to check my firmness. Because there were some boys who were rejected for having more height by 1 cm or 1.5 cm, there was no hope for them coz ht can’t be reduced and I was happy once again. Later I contacted some of the doctors for enquiring about the cyst and even I surfed net and found that ovarian cancers and not detected in girls of my age and that had helped me to regain my confidence.

I had two boys along with me for the medical both for IAF, they were Kartik(NDA) and Rohit , Kartik was rejected for IAF but recommended for army and Rohit, Shilpy & Ashwini were all recommended only I was left. I felt bad for about my rejection but was happy for others and so we had a party at KFC on our last eve at IAM. Next day at the conference sir said convincingly that this rejection is not the end of life you can do many other things in life, but I was sure this is not my rejection but my test and so I’d applied for remedical.

Air Force Medical Candidates 

The staff at IAM hostel had taken care of our stay their very well, we never missed our home. Apart from my rejection everything else was very well and we enjoyed our 1 week stay there.

Re- Medical Telegram

It was on 28th Feb, I received a telegram for my re- medical, my happiness had no bounds because when I went home after my banglore medical I’d done the ultrasound and there was no cyst observed and that doctor said it was something corpus luteum.

I was suppose to report RK puram, Delhi on 15th March for my test , and in the telegram it was written that, I will be provided with the accommodation facility, I thought that it will be same as it was in banglore. I reached to Delhi on 14th eve thinking that I should not get late in morning, and then the real problem started, as I reached there one of the officer came and said that they have mentioned in the telegram that no accommodation will be provided and asked me to show the telegram, when he went through it he said that, the word “no” is not printed and that I have to arrange for my own accommodation. I was shocked hearing this, I went numb and my eyes were filled with tears. I knew no one from Delhi and it was evening time and I had a heavy bag with me.

Suddenly I remembered one of my friend Dinesh, who once said that his classmate and my senior, Sudha, lived in Delhi and I called him asking for help and after sometime it was Sudha who called me, inviting me to her house. The problem for that day was solved, I went to her and had a stay for nearly 10 days. Her parents were very caring towards me, they were like disciples of god for me.

Next day I went to R K puram and from there we were escorted to the base hospital. It was an OPD day and doctors were available, I was waiting for my turn in the hospital and when it came doctor said that I need to do ultrasound else he will not be able to investigate so I went to the ultrasound section, but the sir there said working hours were over and I’ll have to wait for the next day.

Next day it was Saturday and not an OPD day, so I just had my ultrasound and the radiologist said that there are some consistent loops but didn’t explained me anything and was informed to visit the hospital on Monday. I was tensed hearing that So wanted some relaxation & had much spare time on Sunday, so instead of thinking about the findings, I opted and went to Agra, explored the city but was completely exhaust by the night and even was late to bed, and had to reach the hospital by 8am, that means getting out at 6 am, and so I did. But as I reached, the receptionist said that doctor is absent today, so I went home thinking that I still have time on Tuesday for OPD.

Even on Tuesday I came at 8am and that time the receptionist told the real reason of doctor being absent, the commander of hospital was on leave for a week and that all the responsibility was on the doctor who was going to investigate me, that time I was pleading god to show some miracle, I was tired of all this problems, I called my mom and started crying on phone explaining her the situation, she made me believe in god and convinced not to lose hope and faith in god. And here it was, our Lord, showing his presence. As soon as I disconnected the call with mom, the doctor arrived there, since he had some office work. I was so happy that can’t be expressed in words, the first tension was released and later when he went through the repots he said I have no such problem and that I’m medically fit.

It was the time, I was willing to jump and dance and sing loudly and tell everyone that, “Problems in life are not to destroy you but to cross check the ability within you”

Also Read: My AFSB Interview Experience 

photo Author: Komal Pawar: I’m an engineering graduate, from Information Technology and working at a software company in Pune.

SSMentors SSB Training, Gurgaon, Delhi


Best SSB Coaching in Delhi

Col (Retd) Kataria, Sena Medal founder and Director, SSMENTORS, he was trained and certified as a Psychologist by the Defence Institute of psychological research, New Delhi (DIPR). He has acquired immense experience in assessment and as a psychologist in 14 SSB, Allahbad, he has assessed over 2000 candidates. 

Later, he served as Joint Director Recruitment (officer selection) at Army Headquarters, New Delhi. He has nurtured young talent in to potential leaders of the Armed Forces as Instructor at Indian Military Academy, Dehradun.
SSMentors, SSB Coaching Delhi
Col Kataria is an MBA( HR) Symbiosis University, Masters in Psychology. He is certified trained assessor and skill personality profile evaluator through Projective Techniques (TAT,WAT,SRT) from Defence Institute of psychological research, New Delhi (DIPR) and Psychometric Testing, IP University Delhi.

 He has been trained and certified as Counselor by DIPR. He is empanelled as Assessor (Behaviour Assessment) with KPMG Assessment Centre. He is accredited as Assessor (Security Training) with Security Knowledge and Skill Development Council (SKSDC).
SSMentors,  GTO Training
SSMENTORS institute for SSB training has recently been established and has its own indoor/outdoor training 

area where candidates are exposed to realistic and SSB like conditions.  Since its existence, institute has trained 

89 candidates and out of which 24 candidates have been selected.

Col Kataria has served in all premier institutes of Indian Army i.e. Indian Military Academy, Dehradun, Services Selection Centre, Allahabad and Recruitment Directorate (Officer Selection), RK Puram, New Delhi.

SSMentors SSB Training
He has an immense experience and well versed with selection process right from applying to joining training academies. Aspirants candidates who has doubts of any nature are welcome to interact with him personally or on phone or through Email.

Course Offered by Us

  1. Preparation for SSB Interviews
  2. Preparation for AFSB Interviews
  3. Special Focus on Repeaters
  4. Personality Development
  5. Special Touch on Psychological and GTO testings

Our Approach

  • Explain the Concept of Selection, Officer Like Qualities, and Selection Process.
  • Expose candidate to look alike SSB experience
  • Clear and clarify myths about Selection System which exists in the environment
  • Build self confidence and make candidate believe in his own abilities.
  • Monitor candidate preparation.
  • Conduct interactive sessions and exercises for holistic development.
  • Special attention to repeaters.

Contact Details

Mobile: 09910397817,

E-mail: [email protected], [email protected].
Website: http://www.ssmentors.com/ 


SSMentor+Col+Kataria Author: Col. Kataria, Sena Medal
Col Kataria has served in all premier institutes of Indian Army i.e. Indian Military Academy, Dehradun, Services Selection Centre, Allahabad and Recruitment Directorate (Officer Selection), RK Puram, New Delhi.

The Cavalier SSB Interview Coaching Delhi


Top SSB Coaching In Delhi The Cavalier
The Cavalier is well established name in the field of SSB interview coaching and NDA, CDS, CPF written coaching. The success rate of our students stands testimony to our claim. A large number of THE CAVALIER students have come at the top of various MERIT  lists for joining the Defence Forces.

India’s No. 1 Defence Career Academy cavalier.in
Some Meritorious Students 

A large number of Sainik / Military school batches have excelled in the in the SSB interview and written exam after being coached by the Cavalier.
SSB Interview Coaching Delhi
Students of The Cavalier

 SSB Interview

  • THE CAVALIER has most experienced faculty with long tenures in SSB Center. Their details are listed at www.cavalier.in all of them have teaching experience of over a decade.
  • The students are put through a mock test on psychology on arrival and thereafter given a personal interview with the Psychologist. The students can ascertain their areas of improvement and take the SSB interview with confidence.
  • Two interviewing officers from Army and Air Force also interview the students and debrief them on their strength and weakness, which gives tremendous advantage to candidates.
  • The outdoor training facility of The Cavalier provides real time training to candidates to become more deft in doing outdoor tasks.
For more tips on SSB LOG ON TO www.cavalier.in

NDA/CDS/CPF Written Coaching

  • The cavalier has most experienced faculty for written exam coaching.
  • Our notes are the best and most updated.
  • The students learn shortcuts techniques to enable them solve more questions.
  • Each student goes through 5 Mock Tests which are followed by discussions on the test.
  • Special emphasis is laid on SPOKEN ENGLISH.

The Cavalier Converts Your Dreams Into Reality 

Also Read
bannerfans 4678671+(1) About SSBCrack Editorial Team

The Editorial Team of SSBCrack consists of a group of Professional writers and aspirants. Their main aim is to provide up to date information regarding SSB Interviews and sharing quality information about Indian Defence to help aspirants. Mail us to join our editorial team now.

Indian Navy Executive Branch & Technical Branches Notification 2013


Indian Navy Notification 2013

Indian Navy Notification 2013, applications are invited from unmarried male candidates for grant of Short Service Commission (SSC) in Executive Branch (General Services/Hydro Cadre) and Technical Branches of the Indian Navy for Dec 2013 Course at Indian Naval Academy (INA) Ezhimala, Kerala. Candidates to fulfill conditions of nationality as laid down by the Government of India.

Eligibility Criteria


Ser No
Entry (Branch/Cadre)
Born between
(both dates inclusive)
Technical (General Service)
19½ to 25 years
Branch (‘E’ & ‘L’)
02 Jan 1989 to
01 Jul 1994
Submarine Specialisation
19½ to 25 years
02 Jan1989 to
01 Jul 1994
Executive (GS)/Hydro Cadre
19½ to 25 years
02 Jan1989 to
01 Jul 1994

Educational Qualification:

Ser No
Eligible streams of BE/B. Tech.
Engineering (E) Branch
(i) Mechanical (ii) Marine (iii) Automotive Branch (iv) Mechtronics (v) Industrial & Production (vi) Metallurgy (vii) Aeronautical /Aerospace
(viii) B.Sc Marine Engg
Electrical (L) Branch
(i) Electrical (ii) Electronics (iii) Tele Branch Communication (iv) Instrumentation (v) Instrumentation and Control (vi) Electronics and  instrumentation
(vii) Electronics and Communication
(viii) Power Engineering (ix) Control System Engineering (x) Power Electronics
Engineering Branch
Electrical Branch
‘Electrical’ or ‘Electronics’ or
‘Control’ or ‘Telecommunication’ or
Executive (GS/Hydro Cadre)
BE/B. Tech (Any discipline)

Also Apply:  TGC-118 Notification 

Indian Navy Recruitment 2013

How to Apply

  • Candidates are to submit application in ‘e-application’ (Online) for this entry.
  • The candidates desirous of applying online (e-application) can do so from 28 Mar 13.
  •  Click on the ‘Officer Entry’ button under the option ‘Apply Online’ on the Home Page.
  •  Fill the online registration form.
  • Before clicking the Submit button it should be checked whether all the details entered in the form is correct as you will not be able to make any corrections after saving the record.
  • After submitting the form, a ‘Application Number’ will be generated by the system and displayed on the screen.
  • This Application Number will automatically appear on the print out of the form.
  • Print two copies of the online Application Form having the system generated Application Number.
  • One copy of this Application Form is to be duly signed and mailed(posted) to Post Box No. 04, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi – 110 011 along with the following documents:- Self attested photograph, Attested photo copies of 10th &12th class certificates along with Mark Sheets, other educational certificates and mark sheets of all semester/years.
  • Applications to be sent by ordinary post only.
  • Speed Post, Courier and Registered Post will not be accepted. (f) A superscription is to be made on envelope: ONLINE APPLICATION NO. __________ APPLICATION FOR SSC GS(X)/HYDRO CADRE/TECHNICAL BRANCH (E/L/SM) – DEC 2013 COURSE Qualification _______ Percentage _____%.NCC ‘C’ Yes/No.

Apply Now

For more details Read Official Notification

Also Read:

10 Reasons of Getting Screen Out In SSB Interview

ppdt group discussion

It is very painful getting screened out from stage-I testing of the SSB interview. The screening test is a crucial process and one must be fully prepared for it, clearing screening test puts you in 5 days of stage-II testing. Most of the candidates are not at all aware of what is to be done in the screening tests, but now let’s talk about what is not to be done during the screening tests [PPDT].

ssb psychological tests practice book

The screening test is a day one testing conducted by the board to filter the candidates, assessors are interested in selecting those candidates who show some qualities during the screening test but one who can be a waste for the next five days of testing.

What is Officers’ Intelligence Rating Test

Day-I Screening Tests:

  1. Verbal and Non-Verbal Test
  2. Picture Perception and Discussion Test [PPDT]

Now, the question is which test matters the most? Is it your performance in the verbal and non-verbal tests, your written story, your narration, or the group discussion?

  • Verbal and Non-Verbal: This must be considered at least priority, these tests are very easy and mostly you may find the same set of questions in different boards, however, if you do not perform well in these tests, do not feel nervous because you still have 100% chances of getting screened in. How?
  • Your Story: Your story matters a lot during screening, because it can also make your narration powerful. If you are a not a good writer but you still have a good theme, you can put that while narrating your story.
  • Story Narration: This is the starting point of your real screening test, this is where you start creating the first impression. You need to be full of confidence to narrate your story with correct expressions. You also need to show your communication skills here and believe me it always adds you more points. While narrating story, you are the king because no one disturbs you ( except assessors ) so you need to take the full advantage of this part, but here first impression is the last impression policy might not work.
  • Group Discussion: Up to here you have already created an image of yours in front of assessors, it can be a good or bad, group discussion provide you one more chance to add few more points. You just need to show some maturity at this point, merely shouting won’t help and you may loose more points instead of gaining.

Top Ten Mistake Candidates Do In Screening Test [PPDT]

  1. Nervousness: If you are nervous it will lower down your performance, you need to believe in yourself and your preparation.
  2. Lack of knowledge: If you don’t know about the process in advance, you will definitely loose few marks.
  3. Poor Story: Writing negative stories like suicide, murder etc directly hamper your chance.
  4. Bad Communication Skills: You must know how to speak in English then only assessors and others can understand you. There is another option of Hindi, but if you are choosing it then better pack your bags.
  5. Bad Narration: If you are not confident enough while narrating your story you may spoil half of your marks.
  6. Poor Body Language: Standing up, moving your body parts continuously showing aggression, touching others all these shows low confidence level and badly affect your performance.
  7. Unable to help group: If you are doing something which disturbs your group members then you are doing it really wrong, if you can’t convince them then you should not disturb their performance by shouting or talking continuously.
  8. Selfishness: If you go with only motto of clearing screening then you might make a mistake in nervousness, perhaps you must go with a mindset of helping others by putting group effort to make a common story, it will improve your performance.
  9. Discussion Vs Debate: You must clear yourself on what is the difference between a healthy discussion and a debate.
  10. Liveliness: This is what most of the candidates don’t have, if you can attract group members by the way you narrate and discuss then you will definitely attract assessors. You are suppose to talk with group members in GD else there is no point in attending a group discussion.

You can also read a few posts of screening tests:

University Entry Scheme UES-22 Document Submission


UES 22 Merit List

Indian Army is going to publish the merit list of UES-22 July 2013 course. UES also know as University Entry Scheme is a technical entry for final year candidates of engineering. All recommended candidates of UES-22 are advised to take the appropriate action as mentioned below for faster administration process.

All recommended candidates are advised to submit attested photocopies of Mark sheet of 1st to 7th Semester of Engineering degree Course and furnished a certificate as mentioned below by 05 Apr 2013 positively, if not already done so, otherwise candidature would be cancelled. These documents should be forwarded by speed post to Dte Gen of Rtg (UES Entry), West Block 3, RK Puram, New Delhi, PIN – 110066, with envelope marked as “UES-22 Edn Qual”. OR BY FAX NO. 011-26108706.

(For Final Year Appearing Candidates)

Certified that Shri___________________________________ S/o Shri ______________________________ is a bonafide student of this University/College studying in final year/eighth semester of BE/B.Tech in ____________________________ (Branch of Engg). His final year eighth semester examination including written, practical , viva and supplementary examinations (including backlogs of previous years/semesters) will be over by 01 July 2013.

Round Stamp of the                                Name and Signature of the Principal of college or authorized
college/University                                    signatory of the University

Place :

Date :

Also Read:

Meteorological Branch AFSB Interview Dates 2013


Meteorological Branch AFSB Interview

Careerairforce.nic.in has published the list of Meteorological Branch AFSB Interview schedule for candidates applied for Meterological Branch in Indian Air Force for 135 GDOC, 28 SSC (male) and 44 SSC (female) courses commencing in January 2014 at Air Force Academy.

General instructions

  • Call up details of eligible candidates for meteorology branch for 135 ground duty officers’ (135 gdoc) (permanent commission), 28 short service commission (men) and 44 short service commission (women) courses scheduled for commencing in jan 2014 are given below. Candidates are required to quote the roll number allotted in all future correspondence pertaining to these courses.
  • Candidates are to report for ssb testing at the place, time & date mentioned below. A representative of the board (in Indian air force uniform) will receive the candidates and escort them to the selection board.

Meteorological Branch AFSB Interview Dates 2013

Allotment of candidates:

  • Mysore 2 AFSB: 156
  • Dehradun 1 AFSB: 134
  • Varanasi 4 AFSB: 147

Time of reporting:

  • 0700 Hours

Date of AFSB Interview

  • 15 April – 6 May 2013