SSB consist of 2 stages, the first stage is called as the screening test and the second stage consists of 3 important test knows as Psychology test, Group Testing Officers (GTO) Test and personal interview. This post is regarding screening, yes screening seems very difficult for those who got screened out many times. The screening test is indeed a difficult test because of the competition level, the screening test result is on the basis of your Intelligence tests [verbal & nonverbal] and PPDT [Picture Perception and Discussion test].
How To Pass Screening Test In SSB [PPDT]
Verbal and nonverbal is not difficult to crack because it’s just to test your OIR [ Officer’s Intelligence Rate ], try to attempt all the questions because time is very limited if they say 15 mins for a test take it as 10 mins and attempt most of the questions because no “negative” marking.
Now the most famous picture perception and discussion test, what you need to do are write a story according to the picture shown to you for 4 mins only and later you have to discuss about the picture and make a common story in group discussion.

What are the mistakes candidates do generally? Firstly you write a good story which has head and tail and matches with the picture shown to you, for god’s sake don’t write Ram, Mohan, Sohan, all of you have friends with this name only? if not use your friend’s name, I am sure every second person writes “RAM” as his hero, so choose a good name for your character. Also, some of them write totally different stories like if they see a “village scene” then the hero wanted to work for his village as an engineer !! Really you want to do that ?? At least write something which has quick action and not future plans kind of things. Some of you give rewards at the end of your story just for social work, getting a reward for good work is not that easy in Indian ( kidding)please avoid this reward system and just make a happy ending with some twists and turns in your story, Assessors should get some interest and attention while reading/listening to your story but again do not make detective type and superman type stories be normal and practical. Okay, you must be good at writing a story so where is the fault ?? let us talk about group discussion, a very tense situation isn’t it ??
Also Read:
Tips while narrating: Be loud enough while narrating the story, be confident about your story, look at everyone while narrating except looking at assessors, try to convey the message of your story instead of going deep into the story content { do not take much time to finish}. Sometimes we get stuck in between during narration, do not worry about that try to come back on track as soon as possible, and keep your story simple during narration so that you don’t stick in between and also don’t bug others as well. On the whole, your story narration is easy and attractive because all you need to get is attention from assessors, again do not try to gain attention through odd means. What are the odd means ?? okay you must have seen a candidate saying ” gentleman I agree with chest number xyz story ” and that candidate keeps on saying this throughout the whole discussion, what is this? fine it’s good if you like others’ story but it didn’t mean that saying such lines let you in for 5 days, why are you there? you also have a story, did you put your point even once? did you contribute to the story making? did you convince others regarding few points which you think are correct?
All you need to do is to make a story with the help of others, so contribute some points during discussion and try to find out the common point in the story which others also observed and add it to the story because no one objects in something which he/she also observed. Suppose if most of you have seen a village environment then say that keep the village environment only and make a story around that instead of making something odd. All you need is to convince others and also agree with others, supporting your story is good but forcing others to take the whole part of your story as a common story is never gonna work for you. Sometimes GD becomes “Fish Market” and yes it’s not your fault because you are not getting involved but still, you didn’t get selected, why? because you didn’t say a single word, if you try to stop such stupid stuff in GD by convincing others then you have a good chance, try your best to convince them, tell them not to argue, and let’s try to make a good story. If you keep quiet under such a situation it’s difficult for you to get selected and yes people who are shouting may get selected because they were trying to do something to make a story.
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***Here are some really helpful tips to get screened in (especially for those getting screened out constantly)***
of course it will! but there are ppl with 80% and you should justify why they select you and not those people!
sir,, what is happen in ppdt’s gd……how to putt more point ion gd ???????????//
Sir, I was screened out from TGC-117 from Allahabad. My story was good and I narrated my story in well manner with head and tail and in GD also I spoke 3 times with good manner than my other group member, one of my group member use hand while narration of story and he was full of overconfidence but at last he and one of my group member was in and I was out…
So please tell me the how I narrate my story and how take participate in GD.
because My TGC-118 ssb on 7NOV, 2013.
Please Sir,,,,,
screening in is depend on your luck, luck, luck and only on your luck
Campus Selection Team what will ask for interview
I am studying 12th now and i m sure tht i l get 90+ in final exam pls help me to crack Tes 10+2 i want to have satisfied life in INDIAN ARMY
Sir… I have been selected for SSB , I dnt have complete knowledge rregarding SSB but im working on to know much more about SSB and how to prepare for it . Every one r suggesting to take coaching for it but i cant afford for it.. right now. Please help me out from a dioloma wheather i can pass the interview without any coaching or should i need coaching compulsorly….. Please do reply.
take coaching and practise your speaking skills at night
sir at the time i speak english i forget so many thoughts wat i speak tell me any suggestion regarding this
sir pls tell in GD when we are discussing story in screening test we observe the common points can we change our story make story on these points.
Nice sir but how they reject us in the group discuusion plz send me
sir, i am extremely weak in english speaking can i use hindi for story discussion as i could put my best in hindi
Sir, i was screened out last november in bangalore . . . . As for me i believe my intelligence test went perfect . . . . . But the most disappointing thing was that our GD went for around only 2 minutes . . . The accessor rang the bell as soon as i was about to make my point during the group discussion. . . . I this is a little suprising but is it natural for a group discussion to last just for 2 minutes? . . . While i was being a good listener and was about to make my point. . . He rang the bell. . Only 3 guys could speak up out of 12 of us. . Any help sir?
sir, could you please tell me how to start the discussion in the GD during screening? join this page and prepare for CDS 2013
Sir,What are the important things that should be kept in mind in order to crack an SSB interveiw?
Sir, my 10th and 12th my % are 59%,56%
They will definately ask the reason of low percentage.and i had decided to answer truly
By saying from starting itself i hadn’t studied and was giving most of the time with friends in playing cricket and for enjoyment and at last month when xam came closed studied hard and able to score that much mark only.
So sir please tell whether this answer will work or not ??
you have to tell truth
First u have to scored +60% with PCM. Then only u can appear for your NDA.
Dear sir,
I my doing final year computer science and engineering,I have ssc(ues) campus interview call up letter, i have one arrear in my 6th semester i.e current arrear but i put revaluvation the result will come on 13/10/12 but i have interview on 12/10/12, shall i eligible to attend interview.
admn sir rply asap
sir was screened out in tgc116 but confrence out in tgc115. in tgc116 during screening i was wth repeaters and two recomended candidates.. gd goes as well, upto my knowledge everyone showed olq’s like grabbing the attracton of group under control.. even i too plunged 2 to 3 tyms..finaly a guy concluded our story too didnt got screened,but only that two recomended canddats screened in from out group.. our group was so co-operative. can u clear me wat wents wrong in our gd tat we got out?out of 35/221 were in , in that about 16 were already recomended canddtes ,reamainin were freshers and few repeaters.. can u clear my doubts?
First tell about picture and your story.
Also tell the story written by screened in guys.
Then we can figure it out.
Sir,i have english problem….can i gv my interview in HINDI…..
sir if two pic in tat resembles almost , then can we write the same story in both
Sir in TGC did they aask technical question in interview??
did they ask ay technical question in interview in TGC ..IS the ssb pattern same as for tgc and other entry?
is there any site to give mock papers of ssb screening?
hello admin sir reply
hello sir vande mataram
hello sir kindlly tell me regarding my story
sir min right ans in reasoning?
sir how much min requier right ans in reasoning
sohan .teacher ,went on transfer to a new village ,he noticed that very few no of students were coming to school . he then collected some like minded people and went to each and every home and told them about the various policies of goverment like rte. mid day meal sceme,fee waiver in school,he told them about the effects of education he also cantact a local ngo and arranged a transport for the students after few days all were happy the no of students incresded ,,sohan continued his effort sir plz check my story and give comments
Nice story Bhanu
please give me tips to crack ssb
hiiii…my ssb is on 21 august..i just wanted to ask shud i start in picture discussion test on day 1////
plss give some examples to start.. so dat i can set d right foundation…
Hi, there are many of posts here which tells about PPDT, please search and read them. All the best.
hiiiiiiii I had cleared cdse 1 2012 for airforce…now my ssb falls on 6th august but I could not be able to attend it due to my joining in mnc….how I can I get it postponed as there is no secondary date in call letter also
Just contact the allotted board and mail them regarding this also.
Only reactions, no need of explaining why .
sir, in situation reaction test how should we answer means should we only write the reaction or write reaction with why.
@Admin : I had been to 17ssb bangalore for ssc(tech) 39th course.
During screening v had a picture with a old man wearing a shawl in a village environment.
My story:
Rohit was a puc 2nd year student from kangrali village , he was very much invloved in adventurous activities with friends and didn’t study.His father was a farmer who worked very hard for providing rohit all what he wants. Rohit was unaware of this as never went to his farm with his father. Once it was raining heavily at night and his father did’nt return home, Rohit went to the farm and saw that his father was working in the rain After seeing this Rohit realized his responsibility towards his family and also the importance of studies.He worked really hard and got first class in his puc exam by which he and his parents were really happy.
I narrated loudly , clearly and confidently during gd.
I also intiated the gd and contributed to the story, but my group was very poor in English as no one was able to narrate their story.
and also v didn’t arrive at a common story.
Though you have narrated confidently but your story is quite common this is what I think, but sometimes its on luck also so do not worry and try again. All the best
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hello sir,i want to know that what kind of body language will be appropriate at the time of interview.
Be confident avoid nervousness, automatically you will behave normally.
Hello sir,I am mathivanan.I have get call letter for AFSB.I doing
engineering final year ECE.I have backlog which is didn’t clear.Am I
able to attend the AFSB?
plzzzzz reply me.
As per AFCAT official advertisement, you should not have any backlog at the time of AFSB.
sir ,,, i hve completed my 2nd year ,,.cani apply for ssb
sir ,i have applied for afcat in which i gave ssc pilot 1 preference and 2 to AEC …as i am wearing spectacles .if i will be reject from pabt.. will i be eligible to attend ssb interview for the further entries which i gave my prefernce in order?.
You will have only one interview for all entries, if you fail in PABT you may get your name in AEC. PABT will be conducted only when you get recommend.
I have given 4 SSBs and got screened out in every SSB….infact i’m writing this just after getting screened out from AFCAT SSB Varanasi….I have tried everything…I have written good and crisp stories , during the GD i have participated by becoming vocal and sometimes chose to juz lissen to ppl , but nth works…it is all upon ur luck …nth else…anyways i’m not looser..will keep trying as I HAVE IT IN MYSELF !!!! 🙂 JAI HIND
All the best.
Hello Sir
my ht is 166cms
And i have asthma
am i eligible for ssc
how can i improve my english as well as fluency in it.
Good luck, just keep practicing on your weak points.
Hello Sir
my ht is 166cms
And i have asthma
am i eligible for ssc
PRABHANSHU CHOUBEY([email protected])
Sir I would like to know about the BEST coaching institute in Chandigarh.I am going to appear in AFSB on 13 Aug ,2012 for the first time.Also tell me when I should join the institute ( July 1st week / 2nd week). I am also confused about joining Cavalier Institute or Olive greens..? Help me.
Both are well know coaching academy , I personally do not know which is the best in both, I suggest you to take the feedback from other candidates and go with that.
You can join a fresh batch whenever it starts.
@ Mohan i will recommend you to join minerva academy for fresh resluts.
Sir, Myself VIJIT KUMAR SHARMA, I want to tell you about my Experiences of Screening, my last attempt was for IAF AFCAT entry at No.1 AFSB (18/06/2012)….At the Time of PPDT well in our pic. there are three character involved (1 male and 2 female) and it seems like that they are discussing with each other…… this regard i make a +tive story like that : (I just mention the main part here)
“xyz is recently complete his graduation & now he is preparing for IAS exam, and he is also a member of NGO for which he get a responsibility to take care of poor children of NGO…… that and rest is on the work wht he do for those like teaching them,distribute books,food,cloth…etc on his own “
I was pritty sure that I narrate it well with confidence and without stucking any point of time.
But in GD as i was in reapters batch, so u can imagine the real scene during GD……. Although during GD they divide our gp. into two gp. ….but still……the level of noise was at its peak…but i take part in GD, and try to speak and try convince them…
Now i would like to mention some points which i observed in my performance….that may be the cause of my screen out :
1. Sir, During Narration….I narrate my story in such a rapid speed that everyone, just look at my face at that time :p ….i think its may like that they thought that this person may be a crammer … :/
2. During narration, I just keep listening to each and every one with full of concentration and keep looking to that person (with pleasant gesture) until he finishes his story… I repeat that till the last person…..and bcoz of that…almost every person who going to narrate his story..were make a one-to-one eye contact with me(means he narrate his whole story, by just making the eye contact only with me rather than the whole gp.)
3.during narration….the three persons who judge our performance, were gave quit enough time(50-60sec) to each and every to complete the narration,even those who got stuck 1 or 2 time during the narration….but In my case as speak it very fast…i narrate more than half of my story in just 45sec and still there are few lines were left(my story was around of 20 lines)….but they just stop me..and said that “”ok we understand ur theme(with smile)…thank you….next””… that time I think may be they got my points(thats i feel bcoz of his gesture)…….
and i also observe that the story of others (…like some of said that there is a pregnant lady, one of them said that flood scene,dam construction, fire scene,join armed forces,join AAJ TAAK etc…mostly are horrible)…. :O
4.But in GD ….I think that was my dragging point …bcoz i wasn’t able to give my best shot(due to Ex-fish market situation)…no one was listening… they just speak on unnecessary issues like no. of character …..although i was not initiate(that may be a weak point of mine)but in the mid of gd i justify that there are three character and they are discussing on a issue,but no one listen to me…and i just repeat my points(another point which i feel that i was wrong at that time)….and last i think i should speak more and to the point without think about others…………THAT’S WHAT I LEARN FROM MY EXPERIENCE.
Sir…..I want ur view on my above post…..plz help…and give some tips/requirements need to improve..
Its good that you are thinking about your past performance, just work on your weakness and learn from your experiences.
hiii admin
i applied for the post Assistant Commandant (GD)and my psb is on 30th june.on that day i have to goto banglore for bel exam ,is there any absentee batch for psb as similar to ssb(as we have absentee batch in ssb)
..plzz rply soon
thank u..
indian coast guard asst commandant(gd)
Ask the concerned branch of coast guard.
am 2012 passed out..but having one arrear.arrear result mark sheet not yet they isued.but i know my cleared marks . so wat should i do? can i send online application to delhi
Yes send whatever you have got presently.
tank u sir
for posting my online application for tgc-116 from chennai it will tak 5days.. but for me they will provide my provisional certificate after 26th of this month.last date of receipt of application is 30th what should i do?.shall i send application without provisional
If you want to take chances then wait, but if you have all sems mark sheets then send them now.
Hi Admin
i want to know weather the army will issue any new lists for SSC-39???
because my name is not there in all the list i contacted them they sent an reply mail
stating that “more lists to come please wait”
but its been more than a week
will they really issue new lists
my application number is 729715
and 66.84% Throught
Eagerly waiting for your reply
Thank you in Advance
If they said then pls wait for the list updates, also check the updated list in official website.
they said “more lists will come please wait”
they dint say about updated list
they replied me twice
and said the same…
They may add more names in the current list (update) or they may post a new list with all new names ( more lists), anyhow means the same for you.
actually what happened is many of my friend whose % is below 65 they some are on the way to SSB now so i was worried about it
Thank you very Much
sorry for the Mistakes in Above Comment
in excitement i forgot lines
my friends got call letters and i dint get it so i was worried..
Now confidence level increased.
Thank you very much
Sir If we have arrear histories in our graduation degree, while that render the candidate as ineligible for SSB Interview. I have arrear histories in my engineering degree, but I had cleared all my papers in 1st class with overall of 69% and I am currently doing my final year MBA.
Till now I have cleared all the papers in MBA without any extra attempts, so can i attend my SSB Interview using my MBA degree in-case my engineering degree is not valid one.
Sir I don’t want to work any more in private sector/MNC companies, its just 1000’s / Lakhs of people working just for one man’s profit making.
So I decided that I want to server our nation under any one of our defense force, so please suggest me if I have any other opportunity to join our Indian Defense Forces under any division. And I wil be completing my MBA in next 6-7 months.
And I had got call letters for SSB interview on 25th of this month @ Allahabad, After online registration i read that people with arrears are not eligible for SSB interview, so I didn’t send any photocopy of my mark sheets to Service Selection Board, but all of sudden, I received call letter from SSB to attend the interview.
So I just tried calling them to know whether I am eligible for SSB Interview, But those lines are ringing/busy/not reachable. so kindly help me in this case sir.
Please reply sir.
All the best, just be normal and try to show OLQs officer like qualities in the tasks you perform .
you are 100% eligible with backlog history , read the success story of Mangesh , he failed in 12th, he made it this year and joining in July.
Sir thanks for the information, I will perform well to server our Nation.
And this SSB crack gives a clear picture for new candidates like me, its really a treasure for us.
I will give my best to SERVE MY NATION Sir!
Sir, This is the 1st time I am appearing for SSB interview, so can I get any suggestions or any information for people like me appearing for 1st time in SSB.
Tips like any Do’s or Don’ts… any thing valuable for us.
can we speak hindi during GDs and while interacting with the selectors
sir how to take re-print out of application form of 10+2 army tes.
sir please help
You can only take the printout as soon as you submit the application, there is no option to take the printout once you close it.
Do this when the picture demands for it, using it unnecessarily may leads to rejection .
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Hello Admin sir…Can our story have negative start like i wrote Girls father died then she made her mind to become come thing and some thing like that. Sir plz help me out for this because last time i was screen in but my friends told me that that’s wrong… Sir plz help me out….
I won’t suggest to make something very -ve , but you can create some problem at the start.
But the problem is -ve then…..
I mean to say create a problem but not very -ve until unless the picture demands for it. Again thinking very -ve shows our mentality, you can create a daily life problems which would look more realistic and match with your personality.
sir how can i preponed my SSB . becaz i got selected in a company their joining date 18th june but my SSB date is 2nd july 2012 . please help me for Prepone SSB.
You can not prepone all SSB Interview Click here to know how to postpone and prepone SSB
does aptituide tests has any importance in screening
sir please give me tips regarding screening , i m screen out 9 times ……………. what can i do ? please help me
First tell me what do you think, where you are lagging in Screening ??
some time i brief story confidently & took active part in G.D. too but still i screened out , 2 & 3 times i m unable to write a good story so during narration i change my story what i have written ………. & some time i m unable to understand what happen in picture but i still wrote the story what i think ……….. sir please give me some tips regarding screening its very important for me ………. thank u
As I always say Screening is a matter of luck also, so sometimes good story and good narration wont help. Be confident and try to practice story writing.
Thank u soo much sir …
Kartik @ Hello sir ….i went to ssb 2times 1st in Allahabad for Army but i was conference out there i dont know where i gone wrong….and 2nd time for navy but this time i could not able to screenin also…i dont know what happened there we were the batch of 16repeaters. All were shouting at the time of GD..accesors warn us…2times and diveded the group in 8…i spoke well in my group ..but atlast when the result came up..the 6were in who uttered not a single word during plz tell me what should i do to improve my-self that i could make it in my next attempt…because i am very passionate about my carrer in defence force….
Whenever such situation occurs try not to indulge in the unnecessary argument, and be confident , screening is a matter of luck also. All the best.
hey guys..
i’v been called for TGC-115 SSB bangalore. reporting date 07 may 2012. which station is suitable as IRCTC displays 3 station names. Also ON website my status is not shown. even no SSB interview dated 07 may 2012 is mentioned. The number provided are useless (busy everytym). Reply via mail is also awaited. kidly help.. if anybdy called up for same date do contact me//
Hello Sir,
I am going to appear for AFSB at Varanasi on 26/06/2012.Being a girl I want to know is there any difference between SSB for girls and boys? And I have applied for technical branch , my eye sight is weak -5, can that disqualify me? I really want to join Indian Airforce.
Please help.
No difference, SSB procedure is same.
Eyesight is allowed but there is limit for it also.
All the best.
Hello Sir,
Thanks for the help. Sir,Should I wear glasses or contact lenses at the SSB tests and interview? What would be more preferable? Sir Please tell me what are the physical tests so that I can practise beforehand.
Wear which makes you more comfortable, no need of doing anything extra over there.
Check this :
@ Vande Mataram Thanx!! for your help..
Most welcome.
Very gud morn
sir i just came from bhopal SSB i.e for TGC-115 i had a gud story but cant get selected for further stage.i am conferenced out from the pilot entry last year but the picture was so blured this plz help me that from where i get the picture for more practise.
check here :
Hello everyone !!
May I get a simple structure of a story ..I mean what a good story contains.. like a hero, a place, names, age.etc.. What should be the starting of a story.?? what type of ending does a story have?? etc..
it will be very helpful.
Refer this :
hello admin
first of all, a hearty thanks 2 u for this helpful material.
secondly, i have some doubts
1) what shud be the length of the story
2) should our story be relaated to the picture shown or we have to select a character from the picture and then write a story on him based on his age/sex/mood etc.
please reply….:)
Length can be 100 words and depends on the time you have, adjust accordingly.
Yes your story should match the characters shown in the picture as well as the scene in the picture.
respected admin, I have already given 10 ssb totally in army, navy and coast guard. Really in starting I never felt any hardness in clearing screening in my staring 6 attempts, but from last 4 attempts I am getting screened out I have analysed myself that I am not lacking in story writing the only thing is I am bit aggressive so in discussions I shout a lot (I have done that in my earlier attempts to were I got screened in) this is because I fear that if I don’t speak I will not be selected…and sensing this last time in ppdt exercise for cost guard I didn’t shout but then too I got screened out wats the reason sir..plz sir I am getting frustrated over this.
Thats depends on board to board , what kind of candidates they prefer. I guess here the fear of screenout is the main obstacle in your life. Just be normal and calm and do take part in discussion but in a polite way.
Sir from where can we get some pictures for practice for TAT test?
Check in download section.
sir i am great fan of your ideas and guidens.sir i gave almost 3 ssb for army.and in all the chance the bad luck keep with me .i never cleared the 1st stage.
sir my problem is that i stuck during narrating the story.
“sir can i totally speak in Hindi during story narration”
No, improve your English , else it will be hard for you.
Thank you Sir.
Hello Sir,,.
I got Screen out From Allahabad Board , I stuck 4-5 times while narrating the story , was this the main reason of my rejection? I made a decent story , it had a planning and finally a positive outcome.I also spoke 2or 3 times during the GD ,. we had the group of 22 people , so the discussion couldn’t be good enough.
sir I am a recommended candidate from Mysore but got medical out last year.
Also I have My next SSB in Bangaluru next month , Please Guide me and give some points which I need to improve and how to improve.
Getting stuck 4-5 times clearly shows your nervousness , you are a recommended chap, be confident . All the best.
Be confident while narrating the story.
Gd morning,
I hv passed mech. engg. want to join indian army. how can i apply. what kind of questions will be raised during ssb interview. how can i prepare myself.
Apply for TGC, CDSE.
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There are chances that you will get another date, please contact concerned SSB board.
sir my ssb date of 10+2 btech entry for navy is on 10 May but i have my exam on that date can i get another date
sir i have attended the ssb three times,first time i was conference out.then screened out two times,now iam going for the ssb on 26 of this month .suggest me to screen in
1st time you were in freshers group, now you have to face repeaters.
1. Narrate confidently and with interest.
2. Take part in discussion actively.
I recently got screened out from TGC115 SSB interview so I have couple of questions that I need to ask to better understand my shortcomings.Below I have given you the brief explanation of what happened during my PPDT test which can help you answer my questions more effectively.
-I attempted all the 80 questions in aptitude test out of which 80% were correct according to me.
-Then a picture is shown to us having a 2 characters, a male in a suit as businessmen wears and a child in some uniform,walking in some street.I wrote that male one is the father of the shown girl child and he is motivating her to work hard and believe in herself after they were returning from school where father had been called for child’s poor academic performance.Afterward his daughter implemented the values taught by his father and did it well in studies.
-During GD I stammered a bit while narration and when discussion started I urged the group to one by one tell their 1 or 2 points that they would like to have in a common story so that we at least have the content for the story.At this point of time they all were listening to me but eventually it turned out be a fish market.
So this the brief description of exactly what happened.
Q1) What you have to say about the Story?
Q2) What exactly should we stress upon during the GD? Because everyone was cramming their story again while discussion and no one is listening and it turned out to be a fish market.When this stage has come how should we deal with it so that we have something in our favor?
Q3) There was one guy who did not even complete his story but was screened in.
What I want to ask here is the criteria that panel have to select the candidates? He might have performed well in GD but does that mean that only your performance in GD matters to get selected in Stage 1?
Hope to hear from you Sir as soon as possible..:)
I can understand your doubt.
First of all narration is very very important, they way you narrate shows your confidence.
In the case of fish market they just see how you deal with the situation, at that time you have to highlight your self differently from the fish market.
That guy didn’t complete the story but might be he was confident while narrating the story, and during discussion he maintained his calm and control.
Thank you time i’ll keep ur suggestions in mind.
Sir, I am appearing for IMA 133 ssb and my centre is Allahabad. this is second time i am sitting for an ssb interview. last time i sat for NDA entru. I was recommended but i could not join because of medical reasons. this time i am medically fit for it. my centre is allahabad again and ive been asked to report on 15th march. however, they have also given me secondary date of 14th april. I am not too sure whether i will be able to make it on 15th march. please advise whether secondary date of reporting creates negative impression?
thanking you
Snigdh Bharadwaj
I have been selected to attend SSB Interview for TGC-115 in Allahabad.
But my problem is I will not be able to attend the Interview on the given Primary and Secondary date as I am working in a Company in Bangalore rather I will be attending on April 29th which is Absentee batch and for attending the Interview in Absentee batch I need to take an application signed by class I gazetted officer but I am not a local resident of Karnataka,so no-one is willing to sign it,if I sign the application by a Officer of my permanent place of residence which is Assam will it do?And attending Interview in Absentee batch will have any -ve impact?Plz ans my queries ASAP.
Thank you
Take the sign of any gaztd officer, no it doesn’t matter .
Last yr I took my second attempt 2 ssb @ 22nd bhopal. The picture shown 2 us was of a village scene (or slum kind of) in vch a prsn wid turban on head ( seems poor.) Paying greetings to 2 or 3 male standing on sum podium or stone near a tree.
The story I wrote was lyk dis…
Mohan, a representative wid an NGO visited his nearby town whre economic conditions wee vry poor. He decided 2 make village people self sufficient by giving thm training on handicraft making. He asked govts nd big corporate houses 4 financial helps. After For ths he met wid village surpanch nd created a team 2 train village people. He arranged evening classes 4 dose who wre my able 2 cum in mrng tym..he trained thm abt making diffrnt itms out of wastage. Aftr a mnth of tym they wre self efficient. A handicraft fare was conduct in d village whre people sold their items 2 visitors 4m nearby towns. This resulted in huge revenue 2 thm n braught prosperity in d village.
My hand writing was so bad nd I did overwriting 2 tyms…I narrated well nd decently participated in gd…I’m confidnt tht my intelgnce tests went realy his..
Sir, plz help me found out my faults.
Thank you
Wid regards,
Sunny garg
Bro….your story is a self generate one….this can only happen in movies…in real life its not possible…
So , next time make real stories ehich are possible and not slf generated one…all the best
Last yr I took my second attempt 2 ssb @ 22nd bhopal. The picture shown 2 us was of a village scene (or slum kind of) in vch a prsn wid turban on head ( seems poor.) Paying greetings to 2 or 3 male standing on sum podium or stone near a tree.
The story I wrote was lyk dis…
Mohan, a representative wid an NGO visited his nearby town whre economic conditions wee vry poor. He decided 2 make village people self sufficient by giving thm training on handicraft making. He asked govts nd big corporate houses 4 financial helps. After For ths he met wid village surpanch nd created a team 2 train village people. He arranged evening classes 4 dose who wre my able 2 cum in mrng tym..he trained thm abt making diffrnt itms out of wastage. Aftr a mnth of tym they wre self efficient. A handicraft fare was conduct in d village whre people sold their items 2 visitors 4m nearby towns. This resulted in huge revenue 2 thm n braught prosperity in d village.
My hand writing was so bad nd I did overwriting 2 tyms…I narrated well nd decently participated in gd…I’m confidnt tht my intelgnce tests went realy his..
Sir, plz help me found out my faults.
Thank you
Wid regards,
Sunny garg
Last yr I took my second attempt 2 ssb @ 22nd bhopal. The picture shown 2 us was of a village scene (or slum kind of) in vch a prsn wid turban on head ( seems poor.) Paying greetings to 2 or 3 male standing on sum podium or stone near a tree.
The story I wrote was lyk dis…
Mohan, a representative wid an NGO visited his nearby town whre economic conditions wee vry poor. He decided 2 make village people self sufficient by giving thm training on handicraft making. He asked govts nd big corporate houses 4 financial helps. After For ths he met wid village surpanch nd created a team 2 train village people. He arranged evening classes 4 dose who wre my able 2 cum in mrng tym..he trained thm abt making diffrnt itms out of wastage. Aftr a mnth of tym they wre self efficient. A handicraft fare was conduct in d village whre people sold their items 2 visitors 4m nearby towns. This resulted in huge revenue 2 thm n braught prosperity in d village.
My hand writing was so bad nd I did overwriting 2 tyms…I narrated well nd decently participated in gd…I’m confidnt tht my intelgnce tests went realy his..
Sir, plz help me found out my faults.
Thank you
Wid regards,
Sunny garg
I have appeared in AFCAT exam and hope I’ll be going for SSB. My query is whether individual should in one language ( Hindi/English) in which he has started speaking or he can switch over between the two? Will changing of language give negative effect.
Thanking you,
Use English .
Thank you very much, Sir.
Sohan after engineering came to his village. There Sohan come to know about problems due to river. He thought if the village got connected to the city through a bridge over the river, then most of the villagers problems could be sorted out. He made a blue print for the bridge took it to BDO alongwith the Sarpanch. He even suggested to make a picnic spot on both side of the bridge and a boating club for sports lover. BDO by reading the proposal, accepted and hand over the task to Sohan. Shan took the initiative and work hard to fulfill the dream project. After 6 months when the project completed, the whole scenario of the village received a new look. It became a new picnic spot and new market. Sohan was glad to see the prosperity in the region. Sohan’s interest earned him several other assignment and he happily accepted them.
sir please rate my story and pls tell me the short comming
respected sir,
i am going first time for ssb on 21 march.what should i do to get selected in ssb..
Perform well.
I have heard that,more we attend SSB,the chance of selection goes on decreasing,is it true?.I got selected two times for the written test,but i could go there only once and i was screened out.I have written a test recently and i am having confidence that i will get a letter for SSB,whether my previous history will in anyway decrease the chance of getting selected .Kindly consider my query.
Its absurd, candidates gets recommend after 13-14 attempts .
sir my next attempt is 15th i was 9 times screened out & 5 time conference out , do i have any chance to serve my mother land …………i want ur help sir answer it practically
its all about ur courage and confidance .. i think people like you are only use to become winner one day and same way you would be.. off course u will serve our motherland believe on yourself keep improving in yourself by failure one day a stair of failure will end and you will be on your destination..
‘God Bless You’
its all about ur courage and confidance .. i think people like you are only use to become winner one day and same way you would be.. off course u will serve our motherland believe on yourself keep improving in yourself by failure one day a stair of failure will end and you will be on your destination..
‘God Bless You’
@Chetak offcourse u have chance as well as all of us wishes to you get recomended in next attempt ….GOD BLESS YOU!!!
with regards,i recently got a ssb call,wanna ask u a question dat is it necessary to speak in english during gd though i m nt bad at english but i have heard dat if u speak in english then there is more chance of selection.plz suggst me wot to do,,
Yes, speak in English .
& what must be the length is it enough to make a 8 to 10 line story.
Yes, don’t write lengthy one.
sir, Can we put any phrases or quate at the begning of story
no. U should nt put any quotes. U have to write simple practical day to day life stories.
Hi. I am Mangesh. I wish to share my story of screening. I appeared 2 times for ssb. 1st time, i got screened in, second time not.
First time, i wrote a story right from my heart. The story was real incident of capt. Vikrant Deshmukh.I had decided to be polite during GD. I told the story confidently, since i didn’t have to remember it, it came from my heart. As soon as the gd started, it was fire all around. I was fully enraged and twice my voice went so high that i stopped everyone! The assessor, pointed out my chest number, and asked me not to overshadow others. I had a cold blow in my face and my heart stopped pumping.I was sure i will be kicked out. When results were out, i was in!!:) No words to explain that happiness.
Second time, the picture was so hazy, that nothing was visible. On top i was a repeater now. Also our instructor had asked all to wait till a buzzer arrives, and only a few people followed the instruction. My story was incomplete. In fact i made up a story.And i was not satisfied with it, myself. As a result, my voice trembled, i did decently participate in the GD. But, i was thrown out. And what i felt was the guys shouting, went in.
Moral of these two stories is: LISTEN TO YOUR HEART AT SSB. SAY ALL IS WELL.
Thanks for your suggestion bro..
Nice one Mangesh
thanks Mangesh for ur valuable moral….surely day after tomarrow,I will speak from my heart,and make my way for selection in screening,as well as for others test too..
i hv one question ,
we have to tell story by seeing from paper or by our own.
THERE are two more dates for attending the ssb other than the first batch date but for attending the secondary batch or absentee batch u should have a valid reason. it’s all given in instructions letter for ssb.
sir,i am working for MNC and cleared CDSE II,2011 for OTA,i am presently working on a project and there are less chances for me to attend SSB call on the given SSB date,is there chance of postponing the SSB date and how it should be done?
i am also glad to know if you can say me when the call letters for OTA are generally issued?
It will take some time, you will get 2 dates . If you are not able to attend then better try to contact the respective SSB center through contact number mentioned in the call letter .
Can Anyone share link for NCC special entry form 32nd course on site.
Alok what exactly do you want ?? SSB dates for NCC special or what ?
@Devesh : Screening is also a matter of luck , in short time you have to hit on the target. Just be confident this is the only mantra to pass screening. Keep trying .
sir,i appeared six times in ssb and i became screenedin four times & two times screened out.Actually i got 4 times same picture from which two times i became screenedin in earlier ssb & 2 times screened out from last ssb.I dnt understand how they select candidates because i perform at same level as earlier.please suggest me what can i do??
thank you sir,
fir your valuable stuff and suggestions. we all are thankful to you sor.
can any1 post here the story on the pic of a graveyard and a person standing there. .
Why are you fixated with the GRAVEYARD or for that matter with any preconceived picture ? Let loose your imagination. Think ORIGINAL.
i wld gve u a summary ..a son standing in the front of his fathers graveyard…an army officer,who died in sme war.descripting abt sons qualities ,taking father as his role model…was detrmind to join indian army…and he cleard it successfully,,and now serving in army with pride and honour
sir i hve scored much less in 12th as compared to 10th. Bt i had studied well. But i didnt do well. What should I Answer if the interviewer ask me abt the declining performance.
same mine, tell me if any answer u get., .
sir i recently got screened out at ssb banglore.actually the picture is very hazy, almost nothing is visible and our gd last abt 20 min in which 16 min gone for narration and 4 min for actual gd we have 18 members in the group.wat to do in this situation?
sir as you said that stroy should be problem solving., well if the picture doesnt contain any problem faced look then how to write the story..??
@Ashish Yes you can add some points but make sure you are not changing the whole story .
how much a repeater speak in a gd of screening test,viz. how many times,2, it ok to initiate,& sir ,when it come to choose the leader,then can a repeater go ahead n choose the leader or wait for others to choose…..thnx
sir please answer to my query….?
sir can we make some amendment inthe story while narrating it……or we have to narrate the same story we have written….??
@Vivek There is a post regarding PGT search in this blog.
@Chandan NO
I’ll b receivin my ssb call letr in jan 12,for d course tgc-115,after being shortlistd from Indian Army Campussing in our colg.
My query is:will there b any technical rnd in ssb apart from d scheduled rounds??
sir can u please give some suggestions regarding PGT and HGT…
it’s very help full for me,i got 2 time screen out
@Raj Only you know you weak points, just work on them.
i have attended ssb 2 times & got screenout can u help me out & this time i m going for ota(cds1)ssc(nt) in nov so plz give me some tips so that this time i pass my ssb .
Please mention which SSB and Entry you have.
@Krishna No
@Avinash Yes of course
sir, can i make stories on my self….i mean to say that can i relate that picture to some incident occured in my life earlier????
hi guys..i have attended tgc-114 in october 2011…am i eligible for 38 ssc now again.? will i get a call letter for 38ssc again nw .? i have applied both tgc and ssc at the same time earlier….plsss can anyone give me info about this .??
Hi ‘ALL’..I have few questions regarding SSB.
1.I want to get my SSB postponed because of my current job in MNC, I am not able to take leave right now.
Certainly in Interview , Officer will fire a question regarding my presence in absentee batch.
Will He consider my sense of responsibility towards my current job.
2.I couldn’t get good marks in Senior secondary How to justify that, I was not careless but its true that I went after my hobbies, interest and games,that resulted low marks.
3.During my BeTech I passed NCC ‘C’ certificate examination and got certificate for the same in grade ‘B’. Is there any Advantage of this,
@Shashank , No its not compulsory, utilize the time to tell the main part of your story.
thank you for post, it is very helpful for new aspirants. i want to ask a question that is it necessary to describe mood & gender of persons seen in the picture
Hello sir my name is ajay.. I have cleared the AFCAT and next month going for the ssb ..
Can u please tell me what type of technical questions will be asked?
I am a mechanical engineer..
So please can u mail me some technical questions??
My email id is [email protected]
hai sir, I have received a ssb interview call letter for the TGC 114 course.
This is first time am going to attend ssb interview at bangalore.
please, give me a brief description of first day selection procedure, and so on…
Friends said day one is vital one among all.
please give some picture oriented stories for preparation.
interview is on September 10,2011.
Thank you
I mean White tshirt nd white nickers.
Ok it means we shd wear formals in 1st day nd as well as at the time of interview,right??
Shd formals nly we shd wear at group discussions nd tests like wat,tat,etc
Shorts ??? I didn’t get you??
Wear formal dress !
Sir what dress shd we wear at the time of screening(also ppdt).
Shd it be shorts or regular shirt and pant.
Good morning/after noon “gentlemen”…I have observed xyz in the picture shown to us..the central character of my picture is “Mohit” …and start…accordingly..
How to start narrating the story ? I mean what should be the first letter or say sentence ?
Should i start with Good Morning/Afternoon my friends n al… or just start with the story like Mohit was a student……………………
Yes Navjot you can.
Good question, there is not need of creating a disaster until unless the picture demands, but also do not make it simple where there is no scope of showing your problem solving quality and method of tackling a problem. If you see smiling face then it could be after solving any problem. Keep it a real life problem which is common and solve it with a unique method which shows your quality, your story should should stick listeners till the end it should not get predetermined..
sir,if we don’t see any problem in the picture and everything is fine,then is it justified to create unnecessary problem and the solve it?
then how to make a good story for a normal and simle picture?
Ok Sir, I’l keep it in mind next time… 🙂 Thank U.
Kamal again, instead of acting like others try to find what went wrong in your performance, there were 12 13 others who didn’t make it like you. As you said that you looked at assessors which shows lack of confidence, also saying loudly is not the only thing matter, you should make a story which match the picture and should grab the attention of assessors and other candidates, half of the selection is based on your story content. Also its difficult to say what went wrong cause you are saying that you did well…sometimes recommended candidates also got screened out so never mind and perform well next time…all the best Kamal 🙂
I appeared in 4-AFSB varanasi on 4th of july 2011, I narrated my story without any discontinuity loudly and clearly and also contributed to the final story… but I was screened out. Once while narration, my eyes met with those of one of the analyst, rest was good. And after all, the one who was selected was the guy who was just shouting and demolishing others view without any suitable reason… The other 2 guys selected from the group of 15 also introduce the air force station/officer in their stories like d first guy did. So pls tell me what went against me and why the analysts select that guy? should I show aggression next time???
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Achievement is something you get after real hard work and from real talent.
Sir,Can you define what we call an achievement in life?
Okay Saurabh soon post related to TAT will be posted.
ok. sir, but actually i was asking for a sample story so i could get how should we start and how we can lead our story……
Saurabh its not possible to make a story and fit it to any picture, story should be according to picture. Saurabh behave in your natural way during discussion do not get panic if you don’t get chance to speak, you have to make your chance.Support others story, if someone is behaving odd convince him with tricks so that he listen to you. Controlling others in GD is a real job to be done .
sir, during my last ssb i got a very odd picture which was very hazy… and in that picture only a male and two females were visible. so please give us a suitable story for that picture. sir pleasae provide with atleast one or twos olved problems so we can understand what to speak there.
Johm was n army aspirant and was prrsuing B.Sc. In final year he along with few of other friend gave examination for ima and her friends for ota. N with gud prepration cleared the examination. Now they received the call leter for ssb n started gathering data for the procedure of ssb via internet and various books. They prepared together helping each other to understand the shortcomings and finslly cleared the ssb. And now they are under training.
Very helpful post sir. This will open ways for many aspirants among us.Thanks 🙂
Amogh that’s your judgment regarding that guy, he must have show something good regarding him, your case is very common. You indeed wrote your own story but at last it should impress assessors. Do not worry Amogh its also a matter of chance and luck ..keep trying 🙂
Very helpful. Thanks
last time at Bangalore SSB a guy next to me had similar story as you said….the most of the story happened outside of the given picture and had very much calculated stuff….that guy didn’t speak a single word and still got through…sadly i couldn’t ,though i wrote my own story and took part in discussion… i don’t know why
my dear friend….gd is not that something u r giving up……very common case u have…but for a GD u must have a good speaker and a good listner….May be that guy was better listner than u are….ok so keep faith in ur ability an do it again…and believe one thing only..”I have it in my self”