Indian army is going to conduct ssb interviews for Technical Grade Course-TGC 117, which is a technical entry for permanent commission in Indian army. TGC 117 ssb interviews may start from Feb 2013 onward, joinindianarmy website is soon going to publish the list of allotment center for TGC 117.
Eligible candidates for TGC-117:
All technical graduates from notified branches are eligible for TGC-117. Some of the eligible branches are:
- Civil (including mining/ construction)
- Electrical
- Mechanical (including industrial/ industrial Engg & Management)
- Production (including Manufacturing)
- Bio – Tech/ Food Tech / Bio – Medical Engg / Chemical Engg
- Communication/ Telecommunication (including ECE/ Electronics & Communication)
- Electronics (including Electronics & Instrumentation)
- Architecture/ Building Constr Technology
- Computer Science & Engg/ Computer Science/ M.Sc (computer)
Note: Recently, Indian army has considered few more branches in SSC-40 tech, you can check more details here on SSC-40 tech eligible branches.
TGC-117 SSB Interview Dates:
Read More:
when tgc-117 merit list wil be out… and how many candidates wil join IMA
my dates are also same and is in allahabad bt during that time my sem starts from 16-22 may …….so do u get any answer that is any alternative to attend ssb…or this chance just got wasted..plss reply
I got the SSB date for TGC -117 dated 17th MAY, ALLAHABAD.
I want to know that i am in final year of B.Tech, my end semester exams are in june, and it’s clearly mentioned in the call letter that i have to carry all semester marksheets. Will i be considered for SSB?or will be thrown out considering the lack of documents?
And also my 7th semester result is not yet announced.
hi i m praveen i had applied for tgc 117 on line but , i dint sent the print of that application but i got mail from them i am short listed. and to attend for interview process
can any one guide me
DOn’t know about Bhopal and Bangalore but SCE SSB candidates are receiving call-ups by post. Mine arrived today.
I got shortlisted for tgc 117 and my ssb date is 17 may allahbad but yet i have not recieved any mail from indian army….so what to do now…is it menditary to go with call letter or i cn just go with the hard copy of center allotment list … plz let me know asap……
Hey guys,
Has anyone received the call-up for SCE yet?
Please Post regarding the Removal of cut-off in the tech entries, plenty of candidates waiting for the opportunity to prove them self especially repeaters. this is only blog which we can convey our message to Higher Authorities.
As many of the dedicated candidates missing out because of the cut-off criteria who earlier conference out for several times, they improve them self and prepare for the next SSB hoping to get recommended, And do everything through their best of handwork. may be some or other reasons they couldn’t perform well in studies because like sports and extra curricular activities. which is most preferred in Indian army. As These are also
officer like qualities like organizing activities and sports, team spirit’s etc.
I always heard that Indian Army looks for the Ordinary men who can do extraordinary tasks in pressure and crisis.
Many of the candidates would be able reach their only destiny to Serve in the Honorable Indian Army..
sir how to calculate overall % i have 2 backlogs in 6th semister total marks is 750 now i have to calculate my aggregate for 550 or 750 pls reply me
sir how to calculate overall % i have 2 backlogs in 6th semister total marks is 750 now i have to calculate my aggregate for 550 or 750 pls reply me
plz tell me were we get roll no for SSB INTERVIEW TGC-117 SSB INTERVIEW TGC-117
Anyone plz help me …I have my ssb dates of tgc117 at allahbad on 17 may 2013 and absentee on 20 may 2013.I have mt final semester papers on these dates What I can do now I can neither prepond to 9 may nor postpone the dates. Is there any other alternative…if any do suggest
any one gettng allahabad ssb call letter? reply
Allahabad Link is out now.
sir after the afcat(held on 24-feb-2013) result… which date or month afsb should be conducted..
Guys anyone pls send me the list of bhopal ssb interview dates on my mail id
[email protected]
Pls guys its urgent.
My name is in center allotment list but I have not recieved any mail regarding my ssb dates…what should I do now? My friend got ssb Bhopal on 14 april. Kindly help.
plsss tell me i have 64.30% aggregate percentage upto 6th sem im eligible for tgc 116 or not or last time i had no call for ssc40.
Surya, you can take a print out of the duplicate copy which is available in the official website in the downloads section and fill up it with the pen and get it attested by a gazetted officer, My Best Wishes for your interview, prepare well….
Please post me the Allahabad TGC-117 Link.
Hi candidates,
I need the list or link for Allahabad SSB dates for TGC 117. Please help me out with this as I need to apply for leaves in the office for the same.
Thanks [email protected]
Can anyone tell me from where can i get my BHOPAL SSB TGC-117 Call letter? or can i download it?
can anyone let me know about the ssb date of Allahabad board… my email i.d is [email protected]
go through the official site of INDIAN ARMY
first info is updated on this site only ……
dont unnecessarily force admin to publish the dates …until n unless this site releases the allahbad dates admin cant publish it ……..
sir me having a problem.. allotment list shows my ssb centre as BHOPAL.. bt bhopal list starts from 530048 and my roll num is 530020… and no one is pickin the calls nw wat to do…
plzzz replyy admin itsss urgent………..
my ssb dates for TGC-117 are on the same dates of my main practical exam and absentee batch coincides with my main university exams dates i.e 3 may and 18 may respectively. My ssb center is at BHOPAL.
please suggest me what to do.
guys joinindianarmy.nic has updated tgc 117 bhopal ssb dates check the site
[email protected] bhopal ssb dates
guys mail me bhopal ssb dates atttatchment please
my name is not listed in the list and i am pursuing in Civil branch.
Please check whether civil branch ones are listed or not?….
My name ( Abhishek Gawande) is included in the list of Allocation Centre and still I am awaiting for SSB call letter. Anyone having SSB dates of Bhopal kindly mail me the file at [email protected] u can fellow this web site
For allahabad aspirant the list shall be out on next week and the call up would be from May onward.
sources ?
I have called them and they told me that it shall be out this week.
Is there any information about TGC-117 ALLAHABAD SSB dates? Please mail to [email protected]
got my tgc-117 bhopal date on 14th april
Please send me the link of allahabad ssb dates at [email protected]
ajit , surya, plzz will u mail me the interview dates of TGC-117 ssb bhopal on [email protected]
i will thankful to u.
ajit , surya, plzz will u mail me the interview dates of TGC-117 ssb bhopal on [email protected]
i will thankful to u.
please mail me the bhopal ssb dates….thanks…email id is [email protected]
@ajit sharma
could u pls send me the mail of bhopal dates
to [email protected]
could somebody plz send me bhopal TGC 117 ssb dates to [email protected]
could somebody mail me bhopal 117 TGC ssb dates on [email protected]
hello frnds…i hav lost my application form..i hav ssb on 14th april(bhopal)..what i hav to do…plzzzzz help frnds….its urgent
Buddy u just go for ur ssb…even if u have lost it hardly matters..u have all the documents..u can proced them when required …so just relax its just a minor issue…
I don’t know if you can still get your Princi’s signature in time o not, but here you go.” ” Visit that url and download the TGC form given in the end an fill it manually and submit it during reporting.
All the best!
I have lost my application form for TGC-117.What i have to do…plzzzzz help
Please send me link to see the SSB interview dates of Allahabad center. As early as possible
please send me on [email protected]
ajit .. will u plz send the list of interview dates of ssb bhopal tgc 117 on [email protected]
ajit , will u plz send me the dates of interview in bhopal TGC-117 on [email protected]
This comment has been removed by the author.
email id is [email protected]
please mail me the soft copy of the BHOPAL SSB DATES…thanks
please mail me the soft copy of the BHOPAL SSB DATES…thanks
Could you please forward me the mail containing bhopal TGC 117 ssb dates to [email protected]
plz tell the link about tgc117 allahabad ssb dates
Hi Arpit,
If you have received the link regarding dates of ALLAhABAD SSB then please forward the list to me please its a humble request.
pls anyone who have the soft copy of Bhopal SSB Dates send me on [email protected]…
i’ll be thankful to him. plssssss
buddy i’v maild u an attachment on d id u’v given.. chek it..
ajit and naresh if u have the bhopal ssb dates for tgc 117 plz forward to [email protected]
@Ajit Sharma. Could you please forward me the mail containing bhopal ssb dates to [email protected]
@ Ajit Sharma. Could you please forward the mail containing bhopal ssb dates to me. My id is [email protected]
@ Ajit Sharma. Could you please forward the mail containing bhopal ssb dates to me. My id is [email protected]
please send me the bhopal ssb dates as i have tgc 117 ssb there only my id is [email protected]
friends…………i had lost my application for tgc-117 and i was called for ssb bhopal…… to get it again
hi frnd..i hav same problem…plzzz plzzz inform me if u hav got any solution…plzz help frnd…my email id->[email protected]
@admin sir ye kya ho ra hai whom we need to contact to knw the proper details of the SSB. 530020 is my rollnum…bt roll num after me aare getting call letter frm bhopal centre… can i any contact num from where i can get the details of my ssb
dude if u come 2 know tell me 2 mine is 530069
[email protected]
Kindly forward Bhopal SSB details to my mail id # [email protected]
i’v maild u an attachment regrdng d date chek it on ur id..
plz mail to me2 @t [email protected]
For Allahabad date please forward it to my mail id which is [email protected]
Sir, please send me the official link of joinindian army to see the SSB dates of TGC- 117 of banglore center on my mail id [email protected]
Fax : 0755-2735980 Selection Centre Central
Tele : 0755-2702223 Sultania Infantry Lines
IVRS : 0755-2731245/ 2731255 Bhopal (MP)-462001
Web :
28 Feb 2013
Canididate pl see
your Roll Number on website
Dear candidate,
1. We are pleased to inform that you are nominated to attend SSB interview for joining the Indian Military Academy / Officers Training Academy. Your Roll No is mentioned within brackets against your name in your above address. Please, quote the reference of this letter along with your Roll No in all future correspondence.
2. You are required to report at Parking Zone outside platform No 5, ‘BHOPAL RAILWAY JUNCTION’ on the date and time as given below. Our representative will receive you and arrange your conveyance to the Selection Centre.
Ser No Date Time Choice Batch
Regular / Absentee
(a) 14 Apr 2013 1400 hours Primary Regular
(b) 18 May 2013 1400 hours Secondary Absentees
Fax : 0755-2735980 Selection Centre Central
Tele : 0755-2702223 Sultania Infantry Lines
IVRS : 0755-2731245/ 2731255 Bhopal (MP)-462001
Web :
28 Feb 2013
Canididate pl see
your Roll Number on website
Dear candidate,
1. We are pleased to inform that you are nominated to attend SSB interview for joining the Indian Military Academy / Officers Training Academy. Your Roll No is mentioned within brackets against your name in your above address. Please, quote the reference of this letter along with your Roll No in all future correspondence.
2. You are required to report at Parking Zone outside platform No 5, ‘BHOPAL RAILWAY JUNCTION’ on the date and time as given below. Our representative will receive you and arrange your conveyance to the Selection Centre.
Ser No Date Time Choice Batch
Regular / Absentee
(a) 14 Apr 2013 1400 hours Primary Regular
(b) 18 May 2013 1400 hours Secondary Absentees
Fax : 0755-2735980 Selection Centre Central
Tele : 0755-2702223 Sultania Infantry Lines
IVRS : 0755-2731245/ 2731255 Bhopal (MP)-462001
Web :
28 Feb 2013
Canididate pl see
your Roll Number on website
Dear candidate,
1. We are pleased to inform that you are nominated to attend SSB interview for joining the Indian Military Academy / Officers Training Academy. Your Roll No is mentioned within brackets against your name in your above address. Please, quote the reference of this letter along with your Roll No in all future correspondence.
2. You are required to report at Parking Zone outside platform No 5, ‘BHOPAL RAILWAY JUNCTION’ on the date and time as given below. Our representative will receive you and arrange your conveyance to the Selection Centre.
Ser No Date Time Choice Batch
Regular / Absentee
(a) 14 Apr 2013 1400 hours Primary Regular
(b) 18 May 2013 1400 hours Secondary Absentees
hey Ashesh plz send me the ssb bhopal call letter at [email protected].
@ashesh:plz ashesh forward dat bhopal ssb date to my id [email protected]. And anybody having dat mail plz its humble request to forward it to my above given id.thanx
bro i’v sent u an attachment chek on ur mail id
hey ashish sachdeva can u plz forward the mail on this id… [email protected]
hey guys i got to read a bhopal ssb common call up letter for TGC117 from the group made by “raven star”.. the information given in that attachment shows 14th april as the primary ssb date for interview and 18th may as the secondary.. but there’s no as such information that upto which roll no’s 14th date is the primary ssb date like they have given in SSB banglore dates for TGC 117.
if any1 get 2 knw about this then pls inform..n ya a big thnx 2 raven star..keep going dude.. (y)
i’ll thankful to u if u could forward me the bhopal ssb dates. My id is [email protected].
can u plz post the link acc to which it showed 14th april
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if u have a soft copy of bhopal ssb dates thn cn u pls send it to me on [email protected]…..pls cz ftr knowing dates i hv to avail leave from srinagar
these bhopal SSB DATES, which is exploring by someone is “FAKE”
can u please send me the mail of bhopal id is [email protected]
bhoapl dates are out…check ur mail id
bro plz forwrd that mail [email protected]
from which date they are goin to start.. my roll num is 530020.. can u plzz let me knw the startin date of ssb bcoz i m third on the list to be called..bcoz they cal it rol no wise
i did not get any mail ……from bhopal center..
pls forward it to [email protected]
Bro send to my mail……[email protected]
Bro kindly mail to [email protected],
Thanks in advance
please send me the BHOPAL dates for TGC
can u plz send me d list of ssb dates at bhopal at [email protected]
any idea about ssb dates at bhopal center…….
Sir m pursuing my B.cs[comp science] or itz also called bsc [IT].
Can i apply for tech entries. .plz rply.
Sir m pursuing my B.cs[comp science] or itz also called bsc [IT].
Can i apply for tech entries. .plz rply.
why do you publish such posts when there’s nothing such available. you just do it for getting maximum visits to your website.
yea i totally agree wit u naveen…din expect this from ssbcrack…nwadays no proper reply is given to our queries also…the purpose for which the site was started has now deviated big time…instead such posts r only comin out..which will only give ppl hope and make them visit the site over and over again..
yes..we visit it with expectation and find has happened many times now. not good.
guys i have sent mail to everybody please check you’r inbox
Varun can you please send the revised list of Bangalore at crackssb[@], thank you.
Buddy can u pls mail me the bangalore ssb list at [email protected]
Buddy can u pls mail me the bangalore ssb list at [email protected]
Can any1 hr tel me,is the ssb allahabad list with interview dates 4 tgc 117 out?
i got the original mail for bangalore ssb 117 tgc it contains revised dates.
please share the revised list that u got for bangalore ssb tgc 117
pls share it mail id is “[email protected]”
girish i have sent to you’r mail id please check
varun, plz send the bangalore revised list to me also on [email protected] and also share it on [email protected] , it will be helpful to all.
This comment has been removed by the author.
varun can you please share the banagalore revised list………my email id is [email protected] i need it urgently…………..thnx..
hey can anybody tell the ssb dates for allahabad for the same TGC117??????
plz yaarrr i dont want to miss this time….
Are Dates For Bhopal SSB for TGC 117 Out?
Can u tell me if the bhopal ssb dates r out or not???
No, it will take sometime.
hi sir i’m kiran kumar i have applied for TGC-117 through online but i fail to send the application form and other documents through courier to HQ but then too my name is in the list can i appear for the interview
Respected Sir,
I had applied for TGC 117 military farms by offline mode.Is there any separte thiing for that?
Please do the needful.
Sir, i am jayaraj. my name is in the shortlisted candidates for ssb-bangalore interview. but there is no certain specification for interview date.. Is it published already or not yet been the dates announced??
i filled the application form but didnt sent post to the mentioned address still my name appears in the list. am i eligible????? plz help
hai Sir,
Am applied for TGC 117 & am interested to enter in Indian Army. Is they consider much in Physical Fitness or professional scores and technical knowledge ha..please inform me its soo helpful for my preparations…
email id:[email protected]
Dear Rajan , they will consider your confidence and how you feel about yourself in each and every situation. Just be your true-self.
Respected Sir,
I had applied for TGC 117 military farms by offline mode.Is there any separte thiing for that?
Please do the needful.
SUBJECT: Removal of Cut-off Criteria (read in full)
Dear Friends,
I think the criteria of percentage cut-off to select the aspirants to appear before SSB is not right.
The need to remove this cut-off criteria ( or to introduce a common test) is of Supreme Importance to us.
I appeal to all my friends to take this matter on high priority as IF NOT NOW, NEXT CHANCE WILL NEVER COME.
we can do following things:
1. Humbly request Recruiting Directorate by informing them about our concerns and zeal and josh to join Indian Army.
2. In gentlemen way, we can further appeal to Defense Ministry to look into the matter ( as it a matter of thousands of genuine candidates aspiring to join Indian Defense Forces).
3. We can also move the Supreme Court to suggest the introduction of common entrance exam for this.
We can discuss further our action plan regarding this. My email id is [email protected]
Expecting thoughtful and quick reply from you all.
Sorry Revenredstar i can’t agree with u fully, the army course like TCG is meant for the Engg but the SSB only looks for the OLQ not ur Engg knowledge. So i think cut off is needed atleast in ARMY and NAVY. But in case of AIRFORCE they have EKT after SSB for technical entry so they are checking ur Engg Knowledge, i think cut off criteria is not essential here. Anyway this is my opinion bye
Dear praheesh,
cut off is only there to reduce the crowd… fyi .. Army still need OLQ not ur engg knowledge ….
Cut off system is bad. instead of % system how about Entrance test buddy ..where ur engg knowledge will be tested and only quality crowd will be there. ……..
think about it buddy …
jai hind
Thanks Praheesh for writing your opinion.
My dear friend I am sorry if my above letter confused you.
Your first and last statements are contradicting.
Please understand and give it thoughtful consideration. My points are:
1. No doubt, Indian Army deserves best technocrats (i.e. in engineer entry)
2. SSB is test of OLQ and not of technical know-how.
3. Marks till 6th semesters are not the correct parameter of technical knowledge of candidate ( from all over India) as every university has its own criteria.
4. And again, here we are missing the marks of 2 very important and practical semesters (ie 7th and 8th)
5. That’s why i am now not only hopeful, but fully confident that, that now you and everybody will fully agree with me, that the need of common technical entrance test is of supreme importance in this case.
Please opine.
join group
and email me your points, on [email protected]
lets appeal!
i didn’t get any mail or letter but my name and interview date was mentioned in the list, is it necessary to carry call up letter to the center? as my name is in the list is that enough so that they can allow me for interview? please clarify my doubt as soon as possible.
Little URGENT!
Hi a pathetic doubt, i read the call letter for TGC117 and noted that
“Independent mark sheet of all years / semesters of Graduation”
I do not have first 5 sems marksheet but i’ve consolidated and last two sems.
Is this enough or i’ve to produce all. Please give me an answer.
Thank you
do you have attested photocopy of these docs ?
no sir, only a consolidated mark sheet which has all semester marks in a single mark sheet itself.
Sir Could u kindly reply me.
Sir Could u kindly reply me.
Little URGENT!
Hi a pathetic doubt, i read the call letter for TGC117 and noted that
“Independent mark sheet of all years / semesters of Graduation”
I do not have first 5 sems marksheet but i’ve consolidated and last two sems.
Is this enough or i’ve to produce all. Please give me an answer.
Thank you
Respected Sir,
Please look into the account of the genuine candidates who applied for the TGC-117 entry with all zeal and Josh to join Indian Army, but could not appear before SSB just because of the cut-off of 63% till 6th semester.
Sir, Indian Defense Forces are the only organisations which recruit free and fairly without any partiality.
( Every university has different judging and marking criteria, so a common entrance test like AFCAT may be introduced for technical entries).
Please remove the cut-off and allow all the candidates of appear before SSB.
Please take this matter on priority sir. Its a humble request of many many genuine candidates desirous of joining Indian Army.
Expecting positive.
I can understand this but any organization has full rights to keep a cut off for any kind of recruitment. Not only army but Navy and Air Force also shortlist candidates based on their %age.
But, I suggest you make a group or similar candidates and request the authority in this regard.
All the best.
Respected Sir,
1. Please note down following points with regard to Technical entry in Indian Army.
2. How the recruitment directorate can justify their decision of cut-off to select candidates to appear before SSB?
3. There is no common standard of judging and marking in Indian Universities.
4. Students are increasing there number by illegal means, see the news of and answer sheets scam in the government university MDU, Rohtak.
5. Only reason is that SSB centers can not conduct SSB of all the aspirants because of limited administration and resources, but this is not democratically acceptable reason. In one sense it increase the partiality among the aspirants.
6. Futher if no CUT-OFF will be there the indian army will get mix of officers which are good in various fields (sports , extra curricula etc).
Please reconsider your decisions on it
bhopal dates for ssb cds2012 ima 135 july 2013 course out..
I haven’t got any email or letter for tgc117 ssb dates. Please let me know if anybody gets the ssb dates of bhopal…..
Hi, this is little urgent since very short days are left, i’ve a doubt regarding registration for ssc 41(Tech)men.
-Is that possible to Register TGC 117 and SSC 41 at the same time, wont it become double entry.
-My name is at list of TGC 117 selected candidates and can i register for SSC 41, but they
are asking about previous attempt in SSB and this is my first in both, so how could i fill it for SSC 41?
Please answer me, Thank You.
i applied for tgc but my name is not in the list..i have applied every thing correctly..and also my percentage is 75 upto 6th sem… What to do now… Please help me…
Bro, you might have erred while providing you documents.
yaar my name is there in the list of call up candidates…but I hav not yet received any email or letter for my ssb dates…how do I get my ssb dates…somebody please help…my ssb center is allahabad…
any one know the dates for allahbad??
any one know the dates for allahbad??
i dont understand if the cutoff is 63 till 6th semester then why didnt i get a call letter.. I have 66 till my 6th semester.. IS THERE A WAY to rectify this and know if there will be another list????
Dude chill there is no link right now at army it will be updated soon…
Praheesh Could you send the mail that you got from the SCS-Bangalore to my mail, [email protected],
Thank you
Sorry for the late I’m busy with AFCAT anyway sending now. Here is ur detail dude
GANAPATHY R DOB 24-May-91 Primary date 19-Apr-13 Secondary date 18-May-13 [email protected]
Check ur inbox too Best of luck prepare well
tgc 117 bangalore ssb interviews according to roll no order wise:
1st 920(approx)students-27th feb-13
2nd 920(approx)-14th april
3rd 920(approx)-17th april
4th 920(approx)-19th april
5th 900(approx)-30th april
6th 950(approx)-3rd may
numbers may vary
How do u know this? ?? I mean did u get it from the site???
i got mail from army its a bulk message (spam)indicating all bangalore ssb dates.
note:tgc 117 bangalore ssb dates are revised from 2nd batch onwards please check army website for revised dates
Varun can u please forward me that list at [email protected]
they are sending mail first to bangalore ssb candidates and whose interview are on 27th feb.
i got the mail from army for tgc 117 bangalore ssb on 14th april. it’s in junk (spam).
The centre allotment list is out but when will b the interview dates published? ?? Did anybody get the call letter yet???
Did anyone got the call letter by post or email of 117 TGC
i got a email but it is in spam…
Praheesh can u fwd tat mail to me..this is my id…[email protected]
Hey I have been alotted Bhopal for my interview…does anybody received any email from SCC bhopal regarding the dates of interview? i haven’t received it yet…please share it if anybody has received it.
bhopal send a callup letter only banglore ssb are through mail
Ok thanks bro!
Admin i got date on 27th Feb or 14 May and in Bangalore. So if i can go on second option did IO or other officer ask the reasons for that, Please help me
Praheesh can u fwd tat mail across to me/…my mail id is:
“[email protected]”
did u apply for the 117 TGC??? R u NAMBIAR GIRISH ASOKAN date of birth 20-Nov-89 then this the date for u primary 30-Apr-13 and secondary 18-May-13 best of luck bro sending the mail
Hello Girish did u check the spam folder for actual mail from ssb. I got it from junk folder for windows live mail id . anyway i have sent the mail check it out
ur nam is there in the attached files check it out….
Hi Praheesh ,
Can you send that SCS Bangalore mail to my mail id.
[email protected]
Hello Venkatesh here is ur details
VENKATESH S DOB 04-Jan-90 Primary date 03-May-13 Secondary date 18-May-13 [email protected]
Best of luck sending the mail too check it out bye
Thanks Mate, All the Best for your SSB
Did anybody got the mail like this with no names of yours but only with the date and bulk of instructions????? This mail look weird and spam
guys i got the interview mail for 117th TGC its on junk box (spam). So check ur spam folder too
Share the date and subject line of the mail. It will be easy to find in junk then.
I got this mail on 12th Feb and its have no subject with two attachment. A word file with same instructions and other a excel file with the details of all candidate for bangalore ssb. The weird thing is this mail is a common call letter and it doesn’t have anything about the candidate.
Hello admin i like to know ur opinion which date i should go 27th Feb or 14 may. I prefer 14th may because i have some time to prepare after AFCAT(24th).I’m in a confused give ur suggestion pls
my name is jayakrishna and my name is in the list which had been placed in the army website and i checked my interview date through ssccrack website attachment and it is on 27th feb at bangalore. But i didn’t get any mail or call up letter till now so is it alright to go directly to the center without call up letter? does army officials allow me for verification at their premises by seeing the merit list? reply as early as possible as the time availability is limited! thank you!
Hello Krishna did u check ur mail spam folder of the mail id u give it in the application. Anyway if it is not there don’t worry i have this contact details from their mail i got better try the phone number
Mob : 9480948061 9916322971
Email – [email protected]
Fax – 080 25587883
Cubbon Road,
Near Manipal Centre
Bangalore -560042
This is the contact i got in the mail try it if they didn’t respond u better attend the interview while verification tell the matter. I think they too well aware of their inefficiency don’t miss the chance dude good luck and srry for the delay
thank you praheesh for the information but i already had the numbers which u did gave to me, they switch it off all the 2 numbers. anyway could u please tell me what is the timings of report, receiving station and location so that i can reach on time. thanks for your patience. hope some good news from you!
from above link u will be able to downlad list o tgc-117
Respectd Admin,
I am unable to find the interview center allocation place and date of TGC-117. Please help me and please reply with a relevant link.
Admin..wats up wit u…u seem to hve vanished totally…
Sir when we will likely receive our call letters for cds ii 2012
Centre allotment list is now avilable on….dates to be announced soon….All The Best
also tell which place u got centre and on what date
27 feb.. Bangalore..
dude its better you call the army hq,i am too from the eee branch and as recently they have allowed in ssc tech 41 notification branch that eee is eligible,so see for it.and let us know
they are not picking up call’s.. i have also dropped mail.. waiting for der reply.. lets hope for d best..!!
Tough Luck..!! 🙁 🙁
Bro….how did you get a call letter for TGC-117???only centres have been alloted…dated are yet to come….please ckeck it carefully…
Dude got it through mail from SSB Bangalore.. reporting date is 27 Feb..
we w’l face the same prob in cmg tech entries also so its better they keep some common exam even for technical entries also at least who r dedicated will work hard to clear the exam and attend the ssb’s 🙁 🙁
Yes, if Army personnel think that only those who have scored well in their graduation are only capable to Army officer, so it will be better if they have some common exam, then set cuff-off from obtained marks.
wtf if they hav 2 put cut off cant they mention about it on notification???????
why they allow to fill application form n give false hope to aspirants,,,,,,,,,,,,,!!
In the advertisement published by the Army, it is mentioned in the third point that Army reserves the right to fix the cut-off for the entry!
Shit! I just got 62.3 till 6th sem, but i improved later. No chance for me now. ;( ;(
This is not acceptable..SHAME ON INDIAN ARMY RECRUITERS..
Bro, I sympathise. I missed out due to the same reasons in UES I suppose. But hey, you improved after 6th right? Give a shot at 118 TGC. Applications to be accepted from 27th April I guess. All the Best!
It seems Indian Army has set the bench mark upon 63% upto 6th semester.
Kindly check-
This is ridiculous because they should mention it clearly in the notification itself about the criteria, instead of being ambigious. They are giving false hopes & making a candidate waste time & money on sending application.
TGC 117 SSB centers have been allocated, pls chk this link
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will there be any second allotment list?
admin plzzzz tell me how to get equivalency certificate from aicte
Admin the center allotment list is out..pls update 🙂
Dude whr did u find the list?
here it is ravi
i got it……but they are not mention the ssb dates…….
hi girish,will there be any second list other than the above?
i doubt tat…but do not lose heart..they will intimate u through mail if they decrease the cut off.llike for e.g. for ssc 40 initial cut off was 63…but later on they made it 62 and ppl were called in for ssb…pls wait till the interview dates r the best 🙂
No,actually my grades are above 63 only and everything was filled properly in the application age,degree certificates and almost everything fulfills the criteria.i even sent the mail correctly before the last date thru post since our tgc was supposed to be sent by post only.but i dont know that why my name has not appeared in the list.what could have been the possible causes of rejection?
interview dates are available on army website and cutoff is 63 upto 6th semester
sis i am not avil to find the center allotment list of TGC-117 pls send me the link or tell me how m find the list…….
will there be any second list other than the above?
not for bhopal dude>>>
i did diploma instead of my +2 so is this cut off applicable to me?? plz advice
any expected date???
When the”TGC 117 Center Allotment List” going to publish……pls tell me
how can we get call for tgc-117 through mail or by post pls tell me details dudes
Can anybody tell me how to check the TGC-117 list from the site JOININDIANARMY.NIC.IN,wenevr d list is out?? read this tou will get your answer
A MUST Like page for CDS 2013 preparation.
can anyone tell me that when the interview dates for TGC 117 will be declared?
what is the % criteria for TGC-117
still not clear.. is EEE is eligible for TGC 117???
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sorry ravi u cannot apply,its too late.
better luck next time
1. SSB dates aren’t yet released.
2. Guess what!? No one got callup letters yet.
3. Automobile branch isn’t eligible for TGC 117.
can you tell when the dates will come for tgc117
Are automobile engineers eligible for tgc 117
Did anyone get the callup letter for TGC 117 SSB????
Did anyone get the callup letter for TGC 117 SSB????
Hi are the ssb dates released yet? Anyone got the letter
Is there any direct SSB For BSc graduate student ???
i mean no written exam…. direct SSB like For BTech Graduates TGC is there… Can’t we have direct SSB for BSc Graduates??
If you are NCC C certificate with Alpha grade then you have direct entry in SSB for IMA.
bro you are wrong ncc special entry is ssc so it is for ota not for ima..
Guys can someone tell me the cutoffs for TGC 117??
This has been talk of the town for a while now. SSC-40 was 63%
Hopefully after repeated appeals by various aspirants for removal of cut off system, the directorate might reduce the cut-off this time maybe to 60% or less(No confirmation on the same). Lets hope for the best.
thank you 🙂
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Guys EEE-IT wasn’t notified in SSC-40 either. You will simply be sent back within the initial hours of reporting itself. Many have suffered.
I myself am from EEE, I understand your concern but better be alert than sorry. Just wait for the list(Hopefully they issue the call letters only to the eligible candidates), then call them up and verify.
@ SSBCRACK:- Sir I know if i get the equivalent certificate for EEE mentioning that it is equal to Electrical then it will work but then do u have any idea about the procedure to obtain the certificate from AICTE?
dear Warriors….Although IT and EEE were not notified,but the candidates are elligible as per notification released by INDIAN ARMY during SSC tech-40…so go Ahead..
All The Best
EEE was notified in SSC-40 tech, but it wasn’t notified in TGC-117.
i am waiting
Are the dates of tgc 117 out??
Tgc117 ssb list is out???I am not able to open the website in my phone…please mention it if its out…
Tgc117 ssb list is out???I am not able to open the website in my phone…please mention it if its out…
yaar mera SSB bhopal aaya hai ut mera FCI ka paper hai, sale SSB ki date bhi abhi deni thee?
bhai TGC 117 ki ssb aai hai aapki??
Are EEE students eligible for TGC 117,.please do reply
Is there any cut off %age this time?
I just pray, there isn’t any.
Kindly post info if there notification as such.
Is there any cut off %age this time?
I just pray, there isn’t any.
Kindly post info if there notification as such.
Yes 63 for TGC and 62 for SSC
@ Manish Kurre it is Mentioned that IT and EEE is Fully Valid for TGC 117
All the Best
hey bro where it is mentioned,is there any official changes?
IT and EEE aren;t mentioned. Pl. dont speculate wrong messages.
Just wait for the call letter. and confirm before going to report.
@ Sujit & Manish
Check the Notification of Indian Army
Guided by the Supreme Court That
Electrical Includes – EEE
Computer science Includes- IT
I was talking about this not TGC-117 Notification.
These Are the Amendments after the TGC-117 Notification..
So chill And All the Best..
Is there any % cut off this time ?
IT is equivalent to CS according to their documents so its valid and EEE is also valid
IT and EEE are eligible or not?