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ScreeningPPDTPPDT and TAT Best Sample Stories 2023

PPDT and TAT Best Sample Stories 2023

Read the PPDT and TAT stories written by SSB interview candidates.

PPDT and TAT Best Sample Stories 2023. Hi dear aspirants, here we are posting the 10 best stories written by our readers for PPDT Picture Perception and Discussion Test and TAT Thematic Apperception Test for a particular picture. Stories below are not numbered according to the rating, but numbered according to the time it was posted in the blog. Read them carefully and choose the best story from below and tell why did you like it.

Also Read: 

1.ajay k
Rahul is an young graduate who is coming from his frnds house late night.On his way to his house heavy rain dropped in with huge thunders and lightnings.He ran under the village community building for shelter.He understood that the rain is getting worse and observed many people in huts lying inside and the water
pouring into their huts.He sensed trouble and ran with huge leaves which are lying there, by keeping on his head to the village sarpanch’s house.He expalined the situation to the sarpanch,took keys of the community building,and with the help of young men evacuated the people under huts to the community building.That night rain turned to cyclone and many huts were damaged.But all thanked Rahul for his timely action which saved many lives.

2. Aravind Govindaraj
Mohan was a sarpanch of Zaria village. He went to near by city to purchase some seeds. While coming back to his home town, there was a huge thunderstorm and heavy lightning. Mohan tried to reach asap to his home but unfortunately the rain has started so he find some shelter to stand. Already some peoples stand in nearby shelter, Mohan also joined with them. Suddenly one huge tree has fallen down in center of the road. At the time there was an ambulance with the emergency patient need to cross the road. Without evacuate the tree, ambulance could not able to move further so Mohan asked help to evacuate the tree from road side. Finally the tree has evacuated from the road side and got an ambulance get a way to go hospital.

3. praveen
Venkat was doing his final year mechanical engineering in krishna college of technology.he came to his native in semester vacations in the month of July .he visited his friends and relatives in the day.while coming from his friends house it started to rain,he borrowed his friend’s umbrella and began to walk to his home.while on the way he saw his neighbour near a shelter .he called him and shared his umbrella and took her to home and he also returned home….

4. kaprykon
Raj was coming home from work on a cold stormy evening.At first he felt that he would reach home before the weather got any worse,but the downpour only got worst.He took shelter underneath some trees.And as he stood there,he heard a loud cry for help,he rushed towards the direction from where he heard the cry,and in front of him he saw what remained of a destroyed hut because of the storm.quickly he started searching underneath the ruins only to find a small little girl fighting for life against the weight of the debris.he quickly pulled her out and asked if there were others also in danger. She said no and that her parents were out working the fields of others in another village and hadn’t come back yet.he wrapped her up with whatever material he could find and then carrying her on his back ran as fast as his legs could take him towards the nearest village to help her. The village doctor saw her and gave her the required medicines and advised that she must get a lot of rest.

5. rahul
Ramesh was a B.A graduate hailing from a small village of Uttar pradesh.His father was sarpanch of the village.Ramesh was preparing for IAS and every month in the starting weeks he used to go to magazine shop to buy Pratiyogita darpan as dere was limited stocks.It was monsoon season,he went to take the book on monday and wen he was on his way his father called him and told him about sum women along wid there small babies had cum to seek help becz dere babies didnt take the polio drops on sunday becz of heavy rain.His father instructed him to go to d doctor and report him about the situation.He went dere but the shop was fully packed with patients,he requested the assistant to report the problem to doctor.The doc as he was busy culdnt be able to go to his village so he juz instructed him about how to give polio drops.He tuk d small bottles and walked towars his village and gave the drops to the babies.

6. anupam khanduja
Atish was pursuing graduation in the local college in his village.That day he was returning to his home from his friend’s place after studying as he had an exam the next day.
But it started raining heavily so he stopped under the shed beside the road for the rain to stop.In this mean time he got a call from the hospital on his mobile that a patient needs O+
blood in emergency because there is shortage of O+. As, he was voluntary donar in some of the hospitals . So he decided to move to the hospital in the heavy rain and reach hospital as quickly as possible. He also informed his mother that he might get late as he is going to the hospital for donating blood.He walked quickly and reached the hospital on time .He donated the blood to the patient. Till that time rain also stopped so he was able to return to his home on time.

7. Aam banda
Naval was headmaster in the village high school. As always he was on the walk around the fields in the village. But today he was not feeling the fresh air,rather he was coughing due to the polluted air. As he moved on, he saw big flames of fire in the field. He ran up to that field quickly and what he saw was the farmers were burning the waste after cultivating their crop, which was polluting the fresh environment of early morning. On the same evening, Naval with the help of panchayat members talked to the farmers of the village and told them about the new government plans for controlling air pollution, according to which they can sell the waste to fertilizer companies and they should keep some amount of it in fields itself, as it will provide nutrients to the soil for next crop. In this way Naval help the cause of pollution control in his village.

8. kamal
Sambodh was a teacher of a primary school in lohjang area of Uttrakhand. One day while coming from school, there was a huge thunderstorm and heavy rain.All the roads were blocked. He took shelter under a tree.After some time he got a phone call from one of the parents of his students that their son has still not reached home. Despite the thunderstorm he went back to the school. But he didnt find anyone there. He again left from the school and finally found the boy stuck under a tree. He took him to hospital for first aid and later took him to his home.

9. rajat
Ravi was a college student living in a village. one day while coming from the college huge rainfall started with heavy thunderstorm.he took shelter under avtree with other people standing there.suddenly a jeep overturned while turning due to slippery mud as the road was not concrete made.ravi quickly rushed toward the spot and overturned the jeep with the help of other people.he took out the driver and tied his handkerchief to his hand as blood was flowing out of it.he along with two more persons put him in the jeep and took him to nearby hospital and informed his relatives,after their arrival ravi went to his home.next day he visited again to hospital and found that driver condition was improved.

10. Amit Sharma
Kamal belong to a small city near the Kangra district and was studying in MCA final year one day while going to his area he saw that a speeding car hit a man who was crossing a road he immediately note down the car number and saw a passing vehicle and took a lift to admit him to hospital after admitting him he was sad with the traffic rules of the police and casual behavior of the police on duty after reaching his area he report to the representative of his village and went to police station to report against such careless duty by traffic police as that speeding car driver was driving after consuming liquor and latter he visit hospital and then was very happy to know that that man is out of danger
All stories are judged on the basis theme and qualities, rather than the words and grammatical way of it.

Check How to make a desirable story in TAT and PPDT and How to write a story in TAT and PPDT. You can again take part in the story writing, see the sample picture and please write your story in the comment box below.
About this pic: You must have seen this pic in SSB Interview Psychology test, yes it is an original SSB Interview TAT pic.
Interesting Point: Many candidates are unable to identify the actual object in front of the boy, in the very first look.

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  1. Pavan is 10years old and one day he saw volin show performed by a great musician and from that day he was so much interested in the learning the bilon he starts going to class to learn the bilon but he still not able to perform will.so he just there how to get better and what he is lacking.Eventually he put he 100%and learn the bilon even starts doing performance in school and family functions.

    • Pointing out some mistakes –
      * First point always read and write any sentence
      As you have written “volin”.
      *Last 3rd line ” he put he 100% and learn ” 🤔🤔

  2. i think the boy is 12 to 15 yrs of age.so my story is……. Rajiv a 12 yr old boy read in st. joseph school was very good student and also a very good violin player.He took part in his school functions every year and always got first prize and was rewarded.everyone told that this boy will be a famous violin player.but 1 day his father told him not to continue this as it hampers his study.he was very sad and at night he sat in front of his violin and thought about his fathers word but he felt that it is impossible for him to leave violin.so he convinced his father and promise him to study well.he kept his words.next year he came 1st in class and also got 1st prize in violin.he continue playing violin and after some years he was so famous that he was called for recording.his parents were very happy and blessed him.

  3. My first attempt ever- hope it is good. Please rate it.
    Aadil is 14years old and have great affection towards music. he love to play violin and create music notes. one day, he is missing his father who is serving in armed forces of India. So he decide to make a patriotic music note as a tribute to his father. Then he is concentrating while creating a special note. After several attempts, he finally found the best music. Later on, when his father came home, aadil play that inspiring patriotic music. His father cheerish his efforts and blessed him.

  4. Sir please rate my Story

    Raghav is a student of 12th, studying in Sai Inter College, Vizag. on 13 Jul 14 after his class he when to take tuition for the lower class to earn money for his further studies, When he was on his way to home, rain and Strom started worst, however raghav hide his books in his stomach and rushed to home as there is no one in his family rather than his mother. When he reached his village, he found that a auto was stuck in mud and struggling to over come from the mud. He alongwith the auto driver made easy the auto from mud and reached home. After taking rest for one hour he started preparing for his studies for the nest day

  5. rajesh, a 12 year old boy not so good in studies but had a faboulas knowledge of musicthough he belong to a orthodox family where music is given no respect.rajesh wants to enchance his music skills and wants to became a music player.due to which his family is not so happy with him and kept on pressurising him to improve his academic performance only.it put him in deppresion for some time but he decided not to loose h0pe and follow his dream.in this process he joined a violin teacher convincing his family that his such act will have no negative effect on his studies.to fullfill his promise he worked hard and set up a good balancebeetween his studieslin .while practising violin he felt a enormous amount of positive energy and deep peace of mind which helped him in his studies also.his academic performance started improving.his school teachers are also amazed at suchimprovement and alsowith his main
    music he has done well .he wom many awardsat state and national level forviolin playing.his family his also very happy at his success and now has a positive approach towards music.rajesh opened a music school for children where along with music they are taught to live with a positive view.

  6. Sir my,ssb interview is on next weak please rate my story
    Shailesh was very brave and and intelligent boy since his childhood days one day when he was returning from his office he some small boys bathing the river but weather was going bad he thought to make them understand but he was thinking that randomly rain started their and water level of river increased very short moments all boys were shouting they were floating on the water but shailesh didnotfear he called the group of people and with the help of rroaphe saved themafter this incident parents of the boys thanked him and he went to his home

  7. Hello sir please give me feedback
    Daksh is student of 5th class. He is very good in studying and in singing.His teacher asked him to sing a devotional song On the 14 Nov. He felt very delight. He went to home and told his parents. They also feel very happy. He prepared the song and delivered it. Their parents was also present there.His teachers applaud him and also gave an award. He felt very happy and his parents felt very proud.

  8. Aman is a college going student. He was in BTech final year. He was a hosteller. One day his friend Gurdial told him that there are many students in his town who go outside the town for tution classes. Aman and Gurdial decided to devotee 2 hours to children of Gurdial’s town for tutions and also this will help them to get pocket money. Aman started teaching a student of class 6th in his home. One day boys father bought a Violen for him but he was unable to play that violen . Aman was a good voilen player so along with the studies he also made the boy learnt how to play the violen for free. Boy learnt well in time. He was happy and thanked Aman and also performed well in academics.

  9. Arjan Singh hail from Small Village in Himachal. And.And has come to City to complete is B Com.He is a Smart and hard working Person,Also Very Good at Playing Violin .On the Annual Day,He gets a opportunity to display his art in front of the whole college.He does Play it well and wins hearts of the Students.He Decide to open his own Music Teaching Center and Help other aspiring students to pursue there Dream.He does it wonderfully as many of his students ,go on to become Professionals

  10. Respected Admin
    if i buy screening test than will i also get to practice pp and dt, apart from oir.
    please reply me so that i can buy it as soon as possible and practice it.

    thank you

  11. parameswer, an 14years old boy was persuing schooling in narayana acadamic school in hyderabad. he was very happy dat day becoz he like cycling. every day eveng he used to dat after completn of clases. he also like violine in all of other musical instruments.. one day he went to school and he studief well like everyday. while coming he saw an fire accident on the way. he was afride but he listioned one small baby voice with fear.. he listioned dat he want recue her.he encouraged himself i can do dis. he run dat place and went inside the building easily becoz he was small boy wher ther is much fire he can enter. nd finally he saved her.. on the proces of helping his voiline was damaged. finally he saw violine nd thnkg. bt he understand this violine saved one baby life by sacrifyng that life.. and finally he felt happy nd both were became good family frds after dat situation..


  12. plz… give rating to my story…..

    ram is a young good violinist. one day he was going back home from college, he found that a boy was crying under the tree. the boy was very small. his parents were missed somewhere. ram walked towards the voice of the child and plays his violin for making the child smile. then he goes to the police station by taking child along with and reports about the problems at the same time the parents of the child came for reporting about his lost child but as they enters in police station they found their son and they became very happy and they thanks ram for this. then ram moves towards his home happily.

  13. akhil is a 13yrs old boy.he likes to play violin but unfortunately he doesnt know how to play the violin so he sat sad on the chair but he has the desire to play and learn how to play the violin so he tried hard to learn and finally achieved his desire to play the violin with his hard work and commitment on his work.

  14. plz rate this story
    tarun was student .he had lot interested in music in guitar from childhood. he dedicated more time in learning guitar
    .he saw the collage fest in notice board . he took initative to organisating of the function he took the permission from the head of collage .and invented the famous musician to the function. and he got to know the few of his friends learning music.he told his friends about the collage fest and convinced his friends to participation of collage fest. he make the band group and all practiced regularly. his friends and he participated the function ,full enthusiasm and all are congratulated music performance . after the few days his freinds and he got the call from the audio recording institute.

  15. Rahul enjoys playing violin and he is ve ry good at it also. He even participated in many competitions and won them also. He aspires to enroll in a top school of music in the country. on the day of audition for admission he had thelast exam of 12th board so he was very upset about it and trying to find a way so he went to the audition board of music school and requested them to take his auditon on the same day. Seeing his passion towards music and violin they agreed to it and now rahul is top violin player of the country.

  16. Those who have problem in Psychology must read My Appointment with Psychologist by Anoop T and Krishna Niar, and must understand it..I insist must understand it then you will surely make through it.

  17. Sir pl. help me improve ……Rahul is a working person . He used to go to near by city for work every day fri-om his village.One day on his way back strong storm current started he took shelter of a nearby tree. but while standing their. He say a man whose car got stuck in the mud. He was going to hospital with his preganant wife who was in severe pain. so he gathered the nearby people to take car out of the mud and helped the man reach hospital in time. they got a son and named the boy after Rahul. He felt very happy and walked back to his home

  18. deepak is studying in 12th science student one day inter school science innovative compitation announced he is voluntere gave his name. started preparation he discussed his innovative matter with his class teacher collected notes from liebrary and internet day and night he practised and verbelly intrudused about innovative thing he got some more ideas he added reharseled himself and at the end performed and acheved with best results so his friends family and teachers very happy about deepak achievement.

  19. Sumit a 12 year old boy is looking a bit worried because his father has gone to a war and there was no news of him for the past 2 years and his mother was worried about his condition. Sumit who was the only literate in his home here writes a letter to his father supposing of his return back home .After 6 months he gets a response from his father and he informs his mother about his return from his duty and the cause of his delay and later they all retreat and live a cheerful life .

  20. man is studying in Himachal and coming to his house at jammu by walk, that too in through jungle… how it could be possible.

  21. Suraj was active and energetic student. till 5th class he studied in hindi medium school, in 6th class he got admission in english medium school. He found it very difficult to compete with fellow student and it resulted in his poor performance in exams, when result came he was depressed sitting on the table then his littile sister started requesting him to play guitar, but he was not in mood of playing it. Seeing the guitar Suraj realised that although he has not performed well in study but he is very famous for music in school. He felt rejuvenated and promised himself to work harder for next year. In next two years he was among the bright students in study too.

  22. Ajay is a 13 year old energetic guy maintaining silence,because on that day he was thinking about his dad,who got him the bag.His dad is an army soldier ,he will visit him for every 4 years only.But whenever he comes ,he will get whatever ajay asks .His father got a bag for ajay and also told him that, this bag have all memories of mine.when you feel alone or miss me ,look into it.you can hear your father’s voice and face.so,that day he missed his dad,he is looking the bag and thinking of his father…

  23. Ashish:……There is boy about 13 year old. he took a new admission in different school so he purchased study material and also his bag. but when he were arranging his material in the bag, he observed some design in the bag that was about of another children like him. he thought him self in place of that child in bag’s picture. and think about the past school days he enjoyed in previous school.

  24. now i know!!finally i know what i have to do !! i want to live my life and music is my life and i know i can do it and i will!! these are the words said by ray,an american boy of 10 when he comes to know that his violin teacher has died because of heart attack just before he were to perform at a competition that could change his life . Mr. Ryan 80 was one on the closest people to Ray. he truly explained him the true meaning of life. ray’s parents were of typical belief that their child can succeed only when he studies sciences and his interest was never in studies and sports. He was always fond of music and beats.nothing stopped that guy from tapping and making out beats of trash and he was trained by his school teacher how to play violin which he wanted to play as profession. but his parents didn’t allow and he learnt it on his own and with the help of his teacher he learnt to play the instrument and in 2 years the boy played music flawlessly and on the day just before international violin playing competition and though he was oppressed by many , he had faith on his teacher and himself thus he played so beautifully that day that he stood first.where there is a will there is a way .
    Thank You_7-8 mins taken
    please comment and judge

  25. Sameer is a Caption in Indian Army, last month in Dehradun there was a heavy rainfall and it is converted to the flood so government wanted help from the Indian Army so in rescue mission Sameer was ordered by his senior officer that save the human being, so Sameer make a plan with his team and divided into groups and first he and his team escape the people who caught in the nearest to the flood area, and sent to them safe place, simultaneously his second team escape the people from near by house and sent to them safe place, Sameer also took help from disaster management team for the rescue team. Sameer and his team make a temporary flyover for the people and with the help of helicopter and other vehicle they sent to the safe place. After a great effort of Sameer and his team they saved the life of people.

    Friends is there any need of editing in my story, then please comment it on……

    • Here you see only one person, how he could be a Army officer, because he is nit in dress. no water or floods, no other supporting team. it wasa remote area. so again see picture and make story

    • Arif, start reading good grammar books……….. u r too weak in forming a sentence… in each and every line there are countless grammatical errors. so pls work hard and reform your english skills.. at present ur skills r pathetic… no hard feelings

  26. Jai was studing in class 8th.he was very responsible about his study and he know that his father was father and their have no adequate money for his higher education he was studied late night and early morning whenever he got tired he played with musical instrument for few minutes and again started to his study. He passed his intermediate with good result and he got select as officer in indian army. His parents were very happy to see him in uniform.

  27. rahul is studying in 8th class and he was dreamt of becoming a musician at the same time he was brilliant student in his academc records so his father and mother forced him emotionally to become an engineer and try to earn respect for us, but he was on the other side of the coin doesn’t wish to become of an engineer, from childhood he was capable of learning different things related to music instruments so he was confused on his decision and decided to take help from his elder brother who will be able to understand him in a more better way and guide him as was expectd his brother told him “do the things which can be under your control” so he decided to opt for musician and now after 28 years of journey he has become the indian highest paid musician all over the world…..

  28. Plz rate my story..

    Kishan was farmer who hailed from Naigara village.One day he was walking towards his farm,suddenly heavy rain started.He took shelter under the tree.Within the short period the water started flowing on road.From the nearby road an Ambulance was running with siren of emergency which carried the seriously enjured patient .But suddenly an Ambulance was get stuck in mud.Even after putting all effort driver unable to rescue his vehicle from mud and wave of panic started flowing on his face.Pankaj noticed the ambulance and he got to know about it.He ran towards the ambulance and put all effort to rescue it and he did.The ambulance reached hospital on time and dr. got success in saving patients life.

  29. raj was depressed by his family prblms as well as financially so as he got frustrated and decided to be away from the problems for a while and went out for a evening walk alone,thus evening turned into a heavy rain and getting worse so he struck under the tree with his mind fully filled with the problems he was facing,suddenly a small bird fell in front of him which is fully drenched in the rain and unable to fly as it is fully drenched and still trying very hard to fly away and protect itself, raj clearly observing the whole situation under the tree.the bird was trying very hard to fly for a long time but couldnt,in the mean while rain also started dcreasing its intensity and the bird tyied once again and flew away with its own wings,with out any ones help,by watching this raj realised himself that trying again and again we can sucseed in the life,also realised that “try again till you gain” and returned to home boldly to face the problems and solve them.

  30. The object in front of the boy is a VIOLIN

    George was a boy with great potential. He was really interested in music, so his parents sent him to learn the violin. He became a talented young musician and was recognized by his school teachers. They selected him to perform in front of the President of India, during the Golden jubilee celebrations of his school. He was apprehensive at first, and so practiced very well. In the picture it is seen that he has put down his violin and is trying to relax and get some concentration. Finally, everything went well during the program and he put up a classic performance. His teachers congratulated him, and he grew up to become a professional violinist.

  31. Sir, on 28 june I have my SSB .So please rate the story…..

    Mahendra was a well educated person in the village.He was farmer in his village . One day when he was coming from the work there was heavy rain.He took shelter under the tree.After sometime he heard noise of a boy on whom a tree was fall down, due to heavy rainfall. He went to that place and save the boy by putting the tree from him.He took the boy to the hospital for the first aid.After a while the rain stopped, he went to his home. On next day, he went to see the boy in the hospital & the boy was out of danger.

  32. Can you please tell me about the object that is placed on the table with the boy sitting in some serious mood..??

    • Ravi who was a mechanical engineer, he love to play viol and also used to go in the concerts .today he got a letter from the rsgam institute which is bestest in india. Regarding job. He was little confused about how to do preparation in short spam of time, he went to his room nd make timetable for prep. Finaly he started working on that time table with full of zeal and enthusiasm nd on the very next morning he was flng happy nd glamrous about interview as he had done his preparation acousticaly very well . Finaly he went for interview nd gave his best there and also got a offer letter on the same day .he wap very hapy to see that his hard work pays at last.


    Suresh, a newly posted Forest Officer, came to the village. he went on recce to the jungle with his team, where as observed that trees in the forest were very less and there was a requirement to carryout out tree plantation. Moreover, the rainy season was also set in. He made a proposal with request for three thousand saplings of multi type to the higher authority and after few days he got sanctioned. He gave the order to the plant nurseries to provide the saplings. he hired the labour for making the pits, and plantation of saplings. When he got the saplings, he started the work. He divided the responsibility of his subordinates to oversee the work of plantation of saplings. he overall inspected the entire work and gave directions to the labourers. The work was finished within one month. Later, he kept ten labours to take care the saplings.

    Sir, please check the story and tell me suggestions, if any.

      • Ur story is not under observation according to ssb point of view..U r saying about forest.forest means, where,the fub of trees.u can make ur story over deforestation, and about pochers..in first line mentioned name,profession,object after that action in story and lastly get ur aim.


  35. Ranjeet is 14 year old doing his schooling from air force school. From his childhood , he is inspired from his elder sisters for taking active participation in extra ciricullar activities and academics events. He have keen interest in playing vilon and getting couching from his music teacher. Due to his good performance in playing vilon, he got a chance to play it in annual function of his school on national anthem. Day before function, he sit in his room and remind all his teacher lesson on vilon and practice alot. And at day function he play very well in front all guests. His teachers and parents apriciate him alot. This thing boost his morale.
    He start taking more interest in music and its practice.

  36. amit is 12 years old and very passionate towards music. he plays violin and has a very good hand in this art .one day he was coming from the school and saw that there is an old person sitting by the road . the old man was not in good condition . he did not have anything to eat and was suffering from fever. Amit wanted to help him but he did not have money to buy something to eat and medicines .so he decided to play the violin at the footpath and collect the money from the people . after some time he got sufficient money for the food and the medicines .he gave the medicines to the old man and went home . the old man gave his blessings to amit.

  37. Himanshu was a young boy of 15 who lived in a small village in utar-pradesh. lack of proper education and other facilities was also a rampant. but himanshu was a talented boy and wanted to be a violen singer but seeing the traditions of vilage he was deprived of that. then his father encouraged him and told that he wuld send him to a better coaching institute of violen and side by side studies also.also the villagers motivated him for his great work . standing on the expections of his fathers and villagers he worked hard and did his M.A in singing. later on he became a good singer in violen and also represent his nation at higher levels.

  38. Gaurav was pursuing his graduation from Kanpur University and he teaches students after attending his classes.One day when he was going back to home after teaching students he got stuck in heavy rainfall and thunderstorm.He took shelter in near by place.While standing,he saw a animal(cow) which is ill and not able to move and struggling in the rainfall.He goes to near by houses asks for the help and with the help of villagers shifts cow to safer place and arranges for the doctor.Than he come back to his home when weather becomes stable.Next day while on the way to home he founds that cow is in the normal condition.

  39. vijay was college going boy one day from a magazine he got to know about increasing crime rate against women in our society so he decided to do something for women for this he decided to organise a camp for empowerment of women . next day he along with his friends and teachers he organised the camp where he informed women of their rights and he also asked them not let any crime against them unnoticed and inform police . there he also provided them some important telephone no. of persons

  40. rahul was a student of class 7th.
    one day while going through the school notice board he saw a notice regarding a violin competition which was to be held next month.
    as rahul’s father had gifted him a violin on his birthday he was keen to participate in the competition and give a good account of himself.
    hence, rahul started preparing for the competition instead of just playing the conventional tunes rahul gave his precious time on thinking and making new tunes as he had a creative bend of mind.
    he practiced hard day and night and burned the midnight oil and ultimaetely when the day of competition came he not only gave a good account of himself.
    he also secured the first position…

  41. Lucky was a student of class Viii in a secondary school and was very upset since he cannot play violin and everybody in school were teasing him for his inability. now he wanted to poof that a person can do anything when he is committed and hard working. He started to learn how to play violin and within two months he proved himself in the annual school program that he is the best ever violin player and hence was further selected to represent his school in the inter school violin competition and also won gold for his school bringing pride to his school. Now he is helping several children by giving free coaching for those who have the desire to learn how to play violin.

  42. Vikram, 15 yrs boy want to learn violine as his brothor wants to seema him as a good violine player. One day announced in the school abt all indian violine compitition ,, so vikram use to think that as my brothor is expecting something from me so this is thee best time to show my talent as vikram is learning violine fromthat day , and as always if u do hardwork it must give you result, samen happens with vikram het winst all indian violine compitition and historie brothor is also wacthing it on tv..now.not only his brothor but also his family members and near once proud of him

  43. Vikram, 15 yrs boy want to learn violine as his brothor wants to seema him as a good violine player. One day announced in the school abt all indian violine compitition ,, so vikram use to think that as my brothor is expecting something from me so this is thee best time to show my talent as vikram is learning violine fromthat day , and as always if u do hardwork it must give you result, samen happens with vikram het winst all indian violine compitition and historie brothor is also wacthing it on tv..now.not only his brothor but also his family members and near once proud of him

  44. Vikram, 15 yrs boy want to learn violine as his brothor wants to seema him as a good violine player. One day announced in the school abt all indian violine compitition ,, so vikram use to think that as my brothor is expecting something from me so this is thee best time to show my talent as vikram is learning violine fromthat day , and as always if u do hardwork it must give you result, samen happens with vikram het winst all indian violine compitition and historie brothor is also wacthing it on tv..now.not only his brothor but also his family members and near once proud of him

  45. Ravi was a intelligent and intellectual student from his schooldays.He was interested in causes and way of happening of action and things around him.Later on he discovered and revealed many secrets of nature. He became a famous scientist of India.

  46. nilabh was a student at ramanath college of engg. He had a hobby in playing violin. Once on the occasion of college annual fest he decided to participate in the music competition. He gave his name for the event, consulted his music guru and started preparations. After attending 1hour class from guruji, he did homework, surfed the internet and practised famous tunes available. He gathered his friends and family and played in front of them, which was followed by their feedback. He improved wherever he was told to and came up with good playing. On the appointed day he participated and played the tune he was good at. The whole crowd present listened to him and was mesmerised with his performance.. Sir this one??

  47. sir plz give rating 2 my story………
    raju was completed his graduation from engineering background.ha was above average student from his childhood..he took part in many extracurricular activities like n.c.c,n.s.s etc..he had applied 2job for many companies private as well as goverment.one day he got a call from ssb bhopal centre that he nominated to attend ssb in ssc40(t) course .his aim was to cleard bhopal ssb so that he prepared very well physically as well as mentally studied very well(seen from picture).finally it was the first day of ssb he cleared very well from first day & also cleared all the task & finally got selected for indian army technical course finally he was joined that & serve for the nation

  48. Ram is a very bright student from a village. In spite of lack of education system he had managed to get very good percentage in in 12th class. His father wants him to be a doctor who could do good for the village after studying his MBBS, but Ram was well aware about his family situation that his father can not afford to pay for his higher education. So, Ram studied hard and prepared for his competitive exam. He got very good rank in the exam and his MBBS studies were sponsored by the college and govt authorities of his town. Ram passed his MBBS and became a doctor. Now, he is a renowned doctor in his district and he does free treatment for poor families.

  49. Daniel a 18 year young boy is a good voiline player. he got selected to perform in comming youth festival from his school side in
    musical group. just before the night of festiva he saw that his voiline was not working properly and wire become weak and are lossed.
    he became tens but he did’nt loose his heart and immediatly contact his musical teacher and his group members and shared his problem .
    His tearcher said him to not to worry and come early in morning. At the day he woke early and went to his tearcher where his voilline was repaired
    and he was given a long standing support.He become happy and practiced with full energy and at night during festival he given his best with full
    energy performance and enjoyed lots.


  50. Rajiv a seventh standard student of chennai corporation school.He was a topper of the class from the young.He is good in writing essay,stories.One day he appeared in essay writing competition from his school.He is a social Co-worker too.So,Before few minutes the start of competition,he is thinking to write about the Tsunami attack in chennai during last of 2003.He choosed that topic and he wrote it better.At last he got first prize in the competition.The IAS officer prized him.Due to his Hard work and social thinking he became IAS officer of the Chennai state in his future.

  51. respected sir,i want 2 say tht…………i have lot my ssc 40(t) online application form……..according to instructin in the common call up latter i have submitted this form at the time of ssb……thn hw can i submitted means m i eligible for ssb without carrying this document…plz help me……….

  52. sandeep is a student of 12th, with a great intrest in music. he was star violin player of his school. He bolong to an indian middle class family. Once he was selected for india’s got talent show which was one of his dreams. But his parents rejected as they wanted him to become an engineer ( as most of the parents want) so due to pressure from parent side he left that show unwillingfully but he had already plans in his mind that after he become engineer he will persue his hobbies. And atlast he did that, Now he got his degree of m-tech from IIT delhi and he is also a well known Voilin Player. A world class Violin player.

  53. Amit was a teacher. He Oftentimes doing home tuition’s at the village. On one day he was coming home after giving the tuitions . On his way to home suddenly rain started. He stopped there and were doing wait . He saw a Car and bike collided nearby . He rushed towards that collusion and quickly pick that bikerider and call the ambulance. Ambulance came there and admit that rider in the hospital . This collusion can be proved fatal but due to timely intervention of Amit a life were saved.

    is this ok admin ???

  54. Amit was a teacher. He Oftentimes doing home tuition’s at the village. On one day he was coming home after giving the tuitions . On his way to home suddenly rain started. He stopped there and were doing wait . He saw a Car and bike collided nearby . He rushed towards that collusion and quickly pick that bikerider and call the ambulance. Ambulance came there and admit that rider in the hospital . This collusion can be proved fatal but due to timely intervention of Amit a life were saved.

    is this ok admin ???

  55. Sandip,a 21 year old,was very rash and ill mannered.Throughout his life he neither cared for things he had nor his parents.But during his younger days,he only loved his violin.But this changed all of a sudden.Sandip’s father,Mr. Sanjay Lal,slipped from the first floor of building and paralysed his entire right side.This unfortunate happening became the turning point in Sandip’s life.He soon realised his mistakes and identified his responsibilities.One day,he picked up his violin and understood that it was the only tool he had to start earning and support his family.He then started to play violin in the city streets,markets,malls,clubs before being noticed by music director,Raj Khosla who asked him to join his musical crew.Now,we know Sandip as the popular musician,Sandip Lal Chowta.(feedbacks please sir and friends

  56. john was a very young and cheerful boy aged 9.He was very mischievious and active boy. He often used to fall at the center of any mischievious act but his parents and neighbours all admired his innocence and wits.On his 10th birthday one of his neighbour gifted him a brand new shining VIOLIN.He was thrilled to receive a different gift as the plastic and stuffed toys didnt excite him anymore.He quiclky took it into his room placed it on a table and started wondering about how to play it.Initially he enjoyed the sound produced by randomly playing it but later he realised that he must learn to play it properly. But he knew no one around who could make him learn play violin this thought made him sad for a moment.But quickly a thought crossed his mind that the person who gifted him this musiclal instrument must be knowing how to play it or atleast might help him get tuitions for thje same.So he went back and looked for the wrapper in which it was packed found the name of the gifter on it and immediately contacted him.That man agreed to teach him to play basic notes of music on it this made john extremely happy.

  57. Shayam is a student of engg. And also have interest in music and also love to explore about the functionality of music intruments.during his semester break he started exploring on voilin and found new ways by which will improve the quality of sound coming from the voilin and also wil make learning to play the voilin simpler.he presented his idea in front of a top musical company and was impressed wid his finding and offered him an oppurtunity to work wid them on his ideas.

  58. Ajay is a student of engg and also have interest in music and love to explore the music instrument.during his semester break he started practing on the voilin and found out the ways how we can improve the quality of the sound coming out of the voilin and presented his findings in front of musical company and they were impressed from his finding and given him the oppurtunity to do internship in their company and work wid them on his ideas.

  59. JOhan was a boy from athens,whose father earned his living by playing violin in streets.At night his father would give him lessons on music. But,One day on his way home Johan’s father met an accident and lost his hands. Now johan had the duty of earning,so he took his father’s violin and started playing like his dad in streets.At an arly age he had taken over all family responsibilities. His family was proud on him.
    Over years johan made his way to theatres by hardwork and patience.

  60. ranjit was a 8 yr old boy.he had a very melodious voice.ranjit’s father had a childhood dream to be a musician but he could nt fulfill his aim;now he wished his son could achieve his dream and also he felt tat this would also increase ranjit’s concentration power.he arranged a tutor who cud train ranjit in the art of playing violin.initially,ranjit found it vry tough but with the help of his teacher and parent’s support,he finally learnt to play violin and at the age of 12 he participated in a reality show and won it.

  61. Shubham is a school boy of class 9th , He lives at semi urban area .
    A bank has established an ATM in his colony , but most of the people are from rural so are quite confused about how to use it .
    One day shubham plans to learn some tips for using an ATM machine on the internet.
    Later he taught his colony people about how to use that ATM for safe transactions .
    ALL in the area are now using ATM for getting their money problem solved without spending hours in queue…

  62. Ayaan was 16yrs old boy who had lost his father. His mother was laid up with skin cancer. there was no source of income. Ayaan was a responsible boy and he was very fond of playing violin. It was gifted by his father on his last birthday. He started to play it in fairs, in streets and many public places so that he could earn money for his mother’s medicine. One day a lady passed by him and was impressed by his tone. She told him to go for musician audition. She helped him to make him at the audition venue and he got selected. He won the competition and after that he got treated his mother and continued his studies. He became the well known musician

  63. Aman,,22 years old, was a student of mechanical engineering from a vilaage in jammu.his college was in himachal pradesh.one day on his vacations,, he was coming to his home,. as his village was quite far flung,, he had to walk through forests to reach home. whle walking, he heard someone calling for help.he went in the direction and found a man’s leg struck in an animal trap.. he helped the man to take out the trap . the man had come for camping with his friends.aman accompanied him to his camp and left him there and went to his home. he was sweating hard and was too tired but he was at peace because he helped someone.

  64. Rakesh is a well known for his sincerity and good in study. People aspect many things from him as he could bring some change in the society. He studies regularly and whenever he got tired during his study he use to do meditation. As his teacher adivce to do meditation to overcome all the stress…

  65. shubham was a young boy living in rithi tehseel near katni, his parents want him to be doctor but his intrest is on music. one day he is siting infront of instrument and thought how to manage this sitution and come to conlusion to play violence in his freinds home qand he joined musics class and paraaleel he is studdied according to parents and got good marks in pre medical test in collage he jioned a band and performed in college function infront of parents .they where proud of shubham and apprecited him he feels good.

  66. Amit is very talented young lad from Varanasi. He was very good at academics and other activities. He showed early signs of excellence in music from his early childhood.So his father admitted him in a musical institute. he shown excellent perception power to grasp different skills in music, but he was unable to show his control over violin.so he was sad and used to look at the violin for hours. at that time his father observed it and patted his back and said son dont worry. if you try you can do anything. He gathered confidence and tried harder than ever before. in a few days he was the best violin player of their institute.

  67. Sudeer, a tenth class student in a village, was a musical prodigy. His talent at playing violin was truly amazing.His dream was to excel in the nation wide musical show, India’s got talent. Unfortunately, his parents were poor and wanted him to become an engineer rather than become a musician. And accordingly his performance at the school was consistently poor. His mother saw his performance in the school report card one day and was firmly resolved to solve his problems. She told him that if Sudheer was to pass in first class in the tenth standard, she would buy him a very good violin. From that particular day Sudheer studied hard and has secured 75% which is more than first class by that state standards. He then got the violin as promised. He even went to India’s got talent and won the first prize.

  68. Ramesh was a young boy of age 13. Form childhood he would like to help others. Whenever he saw any old man in trouble he tried to help him to sort out his problem that is why he is very famous in his colony. His mother gave him some old things and told him to put these things in recycling bucket placed at the gate of the colony. While moving towards the bucket, he saw an orphanage and quickly decide to donate these things to the orphans living their. Children became very happy after getting these old toys. When Ramesh told this to his mother she also feel very proud and happy.

  69. another PPDT theme : a young boy shaking hands with a police officer at the police station.

    story: Nitin was a software engineer in hyderabad.One day when he was coming from the railway station,he found that a gang of boys were manhandling small children.upon having a conversation with one of the child ,nitin found that they were orphans.The gang targeted orphans and poor children who needed money.The gang compelled them to indulge in shoddy work like picking rags,cleaning toilets and cleaning dead bodies lying on the railway tracks.Also, they were physically & mentally harassed ,forced to enter organ -selling business,drug peddling and prostitution.After a good research Nitin met the Deputy Commissioner Of Police .he discussed the issue with him and provided evidences of such a racket being active from a long time.Nitin also created a software for Police to keep a track of such activities.On seeing this,the Deputy commissioner was very satisfied and he thanked nitin for highlighting such a critical issue.

  70. PPDT theme: a young boy(in sad mood) is sitting on a chair & a violin is kept in front of him.
    story:rohit was a graduate from bhopal university.He recently lost his parents in an accident.rohit and his 2 siblings survived but rohit’s legs got paralyzed.On seeing the gravity of the situation rohit decided to start music classes to earn a livelihood & support his siblings.He was very passionate about violin & practiced hard to invent unique tunes.He taught children the importance of having a hobby in ones life.Children enjoyed learning with him & this improved their grades in the school.As time passed by,rohit got an overwhelming response .this boosted his spirits.Rohit then decided to start a club with the help of his friends to motivate diseased and handicapped people.rohit also participated in state and national level music competitions.his talent got recognition.he also got offers from renowned music directors.thus,rohan excelled in the eyes of the people.

    sir please rate my story and suggest for improvements.

  71. Rohan was 3 yr computer science engineering student.One day
    he saw the annual fest will be celebrated after one month in the
    notice board ,he desired to play the music and discussed with his friends
    and convice them for the participation .And after their approval
    he and his friends decided to present a patriotic song,
    and start their preparation they also took the help of there seniors
    who have very good knowledge of music.As the days goes they all got lot of confidence.the day came when they perform in the fest and every one enjoy there song.Rohan and his friend felt very happy

  72. Raju was a student of class 7th in the navovidyalya school located at outskirts of new delhi a muncipality school.he was from a poor background
    his father was an artist and managed all food and rations by doing shows at near village.one day raju was thinking how to help his father as to get money for better living an idea came into his mind.he took his dad’s voilin that was kept in almirah but he had not enough time to practice as he had to concentrated in his studies also so he had divided his time doing studies in the morning and practicing in the evening slowly steadily he was just mastered on voilin and helped his father in his shows beside he also got good marks in his studies.


  73. anil was a discipline and well social boy age 21yrs studying in college, he always used to discuss problems of other and helping in giving solution. As he taken the volunteer of social events, he used to goes around the problems which the people are suffering. one night, he sitted calmly noted down all their problems in paper and put it in his college bag and in evening he discuss the problems with the people and the head of the peoples and made content them each other. At night he felt very good .

  74. No. of Character:- 01
    Backgroud:- table, musical instrument i.e violin
    Age of character:- Teenager
    Reaction of charcter:- character seems to think somthing very deeply

    Ajay, a boy living in a village. He wants to become a musician but due to insuffcient source he doesn’t know how to acheive the target. One day he read a newspaper in which he saw “music talent” show organized in city then he decided to take part in it. With lots of tough competition he was selected for final and got “music talent’ trophy and with his performance a judge decided to admitted him in music institute & one day he become a great musician.

  75. sir i have edited the story.it’s quite long.

    soham was a young boy living in delhi.he recently lost his parents in an accident.he and his 2 siblings survived but soham’s legs got paralyzed.on seeing the gravity of the situation soham decided to start music classes.since he was passionate about violin he practiced it daily & invented new tunes.he taught children the importance of having a hobby and filled their minds with positivity.children followed him and this inculcated good habits in them.subsequently,their grades also improved.soham’s talent got recognition and he started a club for motivating the diseased & handicapped people as well.he participated in music competitions at state & national level which grabbed the attention of renowned music directors.they gave him an opportunity to work with them.soham won accolades & excelled in the eyes of the people.

  76. soham was a graduate in mechanical engineering & lived in bhopal .he hailed from a lower middle class family.one night as he and his family were traveling in a taxi,it collided with a speeding truck.In this severe accident ,he lost his parents .he and his 2 siblings survived but unfortunately soham’s legs got paralyzed.he was grief stricken & pondered over how he will cater to the needs of his siblings.then he came across his old violin .since he was passionate about music he started practicing it daily.he read books and magazines on famous violinist & invented new tunes.later he & his friends started a coaching for students.he taught them violin.these children got motivated by him & there was a significant improvement in their grades.soham’s talent grabbed the attention of many .with the overwhelming response ,he also started a club for motivating diseased & handicapped people to not to loose hope in the time of distress.he trained them for communication skills & personality development.gradually,soham & his friends were awarded a cash prize worth 10 lakhs by the mayor of bhopal for their contribution to the society.soham was also offered for a job In BHEL which solved his financial problems.sohan still continues to train handicapped & poor people.

  77. Little Boy vivek a music lover always was an underdog.through hard efforts his parents gifted him with a violin seeing the passion for the music of their dear son.now that he got his tool he started mastering it. eventually he entered a stage where he had step to compete. his world often mocked him for his underachievement but now was his time to do something and get the underdog tag off his records. people change passion for glory, but the firm kid change turned the tables on his world and became a success and always remained as he learnt the best thing to do!

    thank you!

  78. I liked the story no. 7 as in this story the background is well recognized the person is walking through the fields,the person is putting his hand on his nose, this indicates that there is some kind of smoke.The smoke may be due to as farmers set waste on fire.
    In most of the other stories they wrote that there is thunder storm and rainfall but he has no umbrella in his hand or there is no trees fallen in the way.
    So please clarify which is correct ?

  79. rajesh was a young boy of 15, from a middle class family. he was average in studies, but had ken intrest in music and playing instruments. on his 15th bday his father gifted him a voilen to which raj was very happy. he started playing it regularly. took lessons from his school music teacher. and started playing really well in a short time . every body praised and liked his tunes. this helped him gain confidence in normal studies too. today he is a above average student and a very good voilen player.

  80. TAT(Boys looking at notice board) :
    Navaneeth was class representative. He was good at studies and co-curricular activities.One day,he was called by principal and they informed navaneeth about the coming annual day function of college.He was made incharge. Navaneeth thanked principal and started working for the arrangements.Firstly,He posted the date of annual day at noticeboard and appointed candidates for diff. depts. like : Program coordinators,awards and honour committee,Security staff,Invitational cards and decoration department etc.He selected cultural and sports activities to be conducted,distributed invitations to guests and personally went to chief guest and assured his arrival.He audited the arrangements personally and made sure everything is done before time. Finally at the function,he helped different staff in coordinating well and program was success.

  81. RAhul was a boy of 8 years.His father was an excellent violinist but diet in his early age.He became very sad and wept in front of his father’s violin.He then promised himself that he will not let to die his father’s name.He then learnt to play violin and went on and on and become the youngest superstar violinist and fulfilled his promise.

  82. rahul was a fine young boy from a family who devoted their life towards music.one day he saw his grandfather’s old violin with dust upon it….he took the violin,removed the dust and cleaned it properly.still in thoughts about the voilin he went to his dad and told him his wish to be a great musician like his granfather.his father started his training and after few years experienced that rahul has tremendous talent. after completion of rahul’s education he became prfessional musician and made his family proud.

  83. amit kumar was an average student of class xii and studying in the convent school,basically he belong to tamil nadu ..in the month of may-June his summer vacation started and he went to his village with family bcoz some kind of construction work was required in their village house ..he also took his some syllabus books with him although he planned not to waste his vacation only for enjoying..he arrived and started to enjoy ..he made a routine to study in the night …after two days the weather bacame worst and the work was going on its full swing …but amit saw that the workers have no shelter to make them secure …so he went outside in the worst weather after informing his parents and told all the workers to come with him in his room for the night ……workers came in his room where he used to study in the night …he arranged some cousins for their rest and slept and in the next morning ..everyone appreciated his step for such kind of matured step that he took last night and the workers thanked him and went to their work againand amit assured him that they can come in the house in such cases ….every1 became happy and went to their work

    pls sir how is my story tell me

  84. Good Evening sir,

    I have my SSB(OBS) on 3rd sep. but i have my final exam on 4th sep. kindly suggest me what to do? i have already forwarded mail to them requesting them if they can postpone my SSB. but i haven’t received any reply yet. pls suggest me something


  86. rohan was a brilliant stuent of tenth standard.he was also interested in music,and was also a music star of his school,he was the best violin player of the school…as his family was going through a financial problem he decided to help his parents by paying his school fees on his own…what i see in the picture is that rohan is thinking of the ways…and suddenly his eyes got stuck at his violin and he then decides to give music classes to his few friends..and slowly he manages to pay his monthly fees…and this decision of his is appreciated by his family…he becomes the star of his family…

  87. Vashul’s first love was music..he dreamt of becoming a famous violin player. His father,who was a teacher in a primary school was against his idea of making a career in music industry,rather he wanted him to concentrate on studies. Vashul had auditioned for a music talent show and was called for the final round but his father warned him not to go for the finals. Vashul didn’t sleep whole night and after a long thought he decided to defy his father and pursue his passion.

  88. Manoj was student doing graduation at khalsa college ,patiala.he poted instrumental music subject as one of the subjectand also plays electronic violin.the youth festival of the college were near,manoj wants to participate in the function but couldnt got chance by the selectors,manoj didn’nt loose heart he started practicing daily under the gidance of a professional violen player,,he even call few of his freinds and started practising with them at home by taking the permission of his parents.Next year he got chance in youth festival and won first prize for his performance and also got selected for university level competion and bring laurels for his college. sir please let me know how is my stoy

  89. ramesh was a young graduate student, he belonged to rural background. he wanted to learn voilin but due lack of music guidance in village he cudnt do so. after schooling as he joined college in city he came to know about music classes, immediately he joined music classes and learned voilin did full dedication along with studies.in the picture he is deciding the tune ton be played in annual function. he decided the tune , practised it well and performed acuurately on stage. his tune was liked by all and it was appreciated.

  90. ramesh 21 was the brave son of his parents. he did his graduation this year and joined air force which was his childhood dream. he finished his training with excellence and he also won best cadet award for that. on the day of his passing out parade when he got his rank from his father and seeing many people cheering him for his success tears came in his eyes bt it was the tear of joy

  91. Varun 17 year B.Com student in govt college jhansi UP.One day ha saw a
    violin in a shop.He decided to gift it to his younger brother on his
    birthday.As his brother was very passionate for music.But Varun had
    deficiency of 300 rupees for buying the violin.He offered a deal to
    shopkeeper that he would work in his shop for a month in weekend days
    in lieu of violin.Shopkeeper agreed with him.Varun gifted violin to
    his brother who felt very surprised & stunned to get this gift.Varun
    encouraged him to become the best musician in the world.His brother
    practiced hard with violin & one day he become a famous musician.

  92. Arjun is a boy from the village of kannauj distict of utterpradesh whose grandfather was a farmer and his father is in army and who is doing the engineering in the computer science from the punjab university and came here at home village in holydays in july month in which there is heavy rain outside and then here the news of there is a crack in the walls of Dam and the main office of government is about 2 hours distance from village and hole villagers life is in danger so he suddenly try to troubleshoot the computer h/w problem as show in picture and open the internet and search for the officle website of dam management and find the contact no. from there and inform the officers by call and within 2 hours they come with all arrangements and disaster team. so he save many lives and appreseated by others. so he use technology for saving of many lives.

  93. Amit was a 12 standard student lived in a small village of bikaner. His father was a rajasthani folk singer and had a band. He was very fond of music and a good traditional violin player and worked in his father’s band. but he was aware of the fact that the violin has so many problem when it comes to play it. During his summer vacction he thought to improve the structure of violin ,he made new and compact wooden box which is light in weight and easy to hold .he also used new metallic strings , his work shows good result. he improved it and his efforts was highly appricated.

    sir how is the story?

  94. deepak was a engg graduate.since he was a child he had the passion toward the music,he always wanted to take the coaching but his parents never approved it they wanted him to focus on his academics,he followed there wish but never gave up on his passion,in the free time he use to make new songs and compose music for the same.In college time his passion for music grew more he auditioned for college band nd got selected,he also done well in his academics.His band performed in various events and started to get renowned amon crowd.once they performed in youth nexus fest where the chief guest was renowned music director,he liked d work of his band and signed for his next album.this got published in newspaper.when his parents read it they were very happy nd felt bad for not supporting him,his father bought him a new violin as agift and he was happy on seeing it

  95. anuj was a 12th std student.he was gud in instrumental music but had no formal training,the only sangeet academy in his town which was run by a presidents medal awardee selected students on basis of merit. anuj started practicing on his voilin for long hours daily.he got some musical notes from his school music teacher and prepared 2-3 melodies for the test.soon he felt confident and prepared.he went to the sangeet academy and played the tunes in front of ‘guruji’.he was most impressed by anuj’s talent and gave him admission in the academy.anuj was very happy as he had secured admission in one of the best musical academies in india.

  96. Previous story

    Gagan was a young boy living in a village , he used to work in their farms in evening and study in day time.One day when he was returning from his farm he met with the heavy rain and stroms. He predicted a heavy rainfall which he found harmful for the village water dam as the water level was already at high. So he immidiatly run to police station and informed them about it and from there he also called the sarpanch to take immidiate necessary actions. From his efforts the villagers were easily shifted to community center within the timelines and he was praised for his action.

  97. Anand was a young quality analyst executive at a music instruments production unit. He was resposible to make sure that product meets with the defined standereds.Once he saw a whole lot of voilen with a A class diffect which can not be rosolved.He immidiatly called up a techinical meeting and instructed the line managers about it and made neccessary arrangements to resolve it asap.With his immidieate action company saved a lot of mony and customer satisfation which would have been lost without Anand’s effort and promoted him to the next level.

  98. musical competition dates were announced in the school which shriram was studyin.shriram who belonged to a poor family had great passion for music so he was keen on participating.in order to participate ,he need a guitar .so he askd from his mate joginder who homself is a participant,but the only thing which he got was humiliation.after repeated attempts he thought of quitting,but all those insults triggeres him.he started practicing at the time while others were not using their guitars.despite the short time which he get he prctised with complete dedication.the boxing day came and shriram emerged victorious and the judge gifted him a guitar which was the starting point for the many laurels which he is going to achieve later

  99. Rahul is a 10 year old boy who works at his father’s shop because of lack of funds.
    he gets an old violin from his uncle and decides to learn music. He works in the day and practices playing the violin at night.Eventually his hardwork gets him an admission in the state music academy nd he turns out to be a great violinist.

  100. Rahul was 17 years old & studying in 10+2.He had Strong Desire to join Indian army but as he belongs to poor family so they can’t afford to give extra book of NDA to Rahul.But as Rahul was good in music so he work hard for that by playing music in public area to get money for his book.He work hard for NDA, and clear the exam,even could not find any difficult in selection board.Now Rahul is Captain in Army and he is very happy that he is serving his nation.even his family is feeling proud on him.

  101. raghav is a class 11 student.hez having his final xam started in 15 dayz.he went to school to get some of his problem cleard in maths,though his was gud in maths bt hd sm problem in trignometry so wnt for a revision session.he was quit happy as he returnd home as his only difficulty in maths dats is trgo has been sourted out siccesfull now he can begn his last session of revisoin but as soon as he open his school bag he discovers tah his maths book is missng..he got upset only 15 dayz to go n he lost his maths book…he got nervous culdent tell his parents coz of der financial conditon z nat dat gud..next day he went again to the school n told his teacher wat happned…teacher gave him his book dat he used to refer to prepr study material,n concoled raghav tht tis type of tings happn you shuld nt let it affect ur studie coz of dis..use dis book n giv ur 100 % result got anunced after 1 month n raghav stood 5th in a class of 40…he returnd his teachers book…touch his feet n took 4 asivad n thnked 4 his timely help
    raghav learnt dat in watevr the situation may present to you all you shoul do is look positive n turn difficulties in ur favour

  102. mohan and his friends decided to establish a music band.they got each and every instument and players instead of piano. suddenly mohan realised that he had a piano and his brother knows how to play it.so, he decidd to play piano in his band after teaching it from his brother. he started learning piano and now he is very gud piano player in their band.

  103. Anuj a 10 year old boy, fond of music. he is learning violin from a very well known training academy MUSIC ACADEMY. tomorrow will be a program organized by his academy,and he is going to perform there so he is little bit nervous ,he is trying to boost-up himself to perform tomorrow and finally he went upon stage, mustard his courage and performed, he got some people’s appreciation & some people observe him and give him advice for more improvement ,he is very happy because he got such a good lesson and confidence.

  104. sir i m going for my ssb on 24 june so kindly post certain group planning exercise for my practice as i want to make this part stronger please do it asap.
    i have already completed all exercise posted by u,so plz post new one……

    thanks & regards:

  105. respected sir, as per ur demand i have already paosted some women oriented pics kindly check it out and let me know if they are ok


  106. rishi. a tenth standard student from kanpur, up is a very sharp student as well as very creative. he was gifted a violin on his birthday. since he has never used it before it became a curiosity for him to learn it but since he is about to give his board examination he has to concentrate more on his studies… his passion to learn the violin was somehow distracting him. he then decided that he have to cope-up with the situation and have to score his best as its his parent’s dream and have to learn violin as well.. he after then started concentrating on both by giving time to both and did scored well in his exams and also got a scholarship to learn violin from his school.. “if there is urge to fulfill the passion then one can achieve anything in the world.”

  107. rajesh was a focussed and hard working student of class sixth and has great love towards books but small supply of electricity hindered him to persue his interest so he decided to work hard and became electrical engineer and raised issue through a NGO result was which govt. looked through the matter and rajesh also provided his greatest contribution towards the youth of his village and country for their betterment. His contribution brings electricity not only to his village but many surrounding villages due to which many rajesh emerges from other villages.

  108. Writing my story again..
    Chintu is a class 8th student who has keen interest in music. He learns to play Villon at school. His parents are not very affirmative about his talent. They ask him to focus more on studies than on music. Chintu has participated in instrumental song presentation at his annual function. His father does not like him practicing music all day long,this saddens Chintu. He then makes a proper time table to give appropriate time to both studies and music. On the Annual Function Day Chintu a class 8th student performed with other seniors of his school. His parents were overwhelmed to see their son’s talent. There after his parents had respect for his talent and encouraged him to learn more and be a perfectionist.

    • Hi

      You will go through a written test, basically a normal written test mix of gk,aptitude,verbal non verbal etc.

      Also you will face a personal interview , that will be crucial one and decides more of your candidature for further rounds.

      Interview will be normal and IO will be more concerned about your personality and mentality. He may ask anything but mostly about you and things related to you.

  109. sir can u plz post more sample pictures so that we can write our responses in the comment section and get a response frm u……..


  110. Prateek a class 8th student has been asked by his teacher to read science lesson ‘Mosquitoes Our Foes’. Today at school the teacher had discussed about the diseases caused by mosquitoes and about the breeding grounds of mosquitoes. Prateek now knows about all disease caused by mosquitoes. He thinks of various places in his surrounding which might be their home. It then comes to him that all stagnant water bodies in his locality are source of mosquitoes. Prateek tell his father about the air cooler which has not been cleaned for many days. He then helps his father to clean the coolers. He informs his father of the open ‘naali’ in front of their house. Prateek urges his father to get it cleaned by the municipal sweepers and offers help to his mother to clean the house. Prateek tells his colony friends about dangerous mosquitoes. They then always made an effort to keep their surrounding clean.

    Tell me where should I improve..

  111. Jedidiah was an 10th std boy who had a problem of getting severe head ache whenever he took his books to study. His father took him to all doctors possible but could never find a solution until one day one homeopathy specialist gave him an idea. According to that, Jedidiah had his violin always with him whenever he studied. The moment he started to feel pain he would play the violin. Surprisingly, that worked. He continued to do that and came out of his 10th std with flying colors. He thanked the doctor by playing him sweet instrumentals whenever the doctor was tired and sad!!!PLEASE RATE THIS SIR

  112. sir i have heard about the news regarding cutt off in ssc t-39.mine score in engg is 64% and i didnt get the call for ssc t .this decision has shattered the dream of mine.
    Is this is a permanant decision by the board and applicable to tgc 116 also if yes than i think this is the last blog of mine on ssbcrack,
    all i can say is im very much thanfull to u for all ur replies regarding my blogs really u have helped me a lot thank yu once again…

    mohit shandilya

  113. Vikas is good voilen artist.once he and his friends decided to organize classical music programme.The money colleced after the programme,was donated to NGO SHIKSHa
    of cancer suffering people. he knew that if he played well.he could attracted more number of people to the programme..he and his freinds started the preparation .they gave neccessary publicity to programme.On the first day of programme.satyam played very good voilen,which result in increase on more number of audience on 2 and third day .which increase their revenue.finally large amount of money was donated to NGO. vikas and his freinds was very satisfied and appreciated by everybody

  114. rohit was a student of 8th class in st pauls school kota and was a very good violin player.one morning he found in the newspaper that music competition is going to be organize by mtv channel in the city and money collected from this show will be used for the education of poor childrens but on the other hand his exams was also comming close,he take this thing as a challenge he decided to study at nights and practice the violin during day time he continiously follow this shedule till the final day of competition and take part in the show confidently & when the results are out he was declared first and also he passed his examination with very good marks.

    respected sir ,,what do u say about this story of mine………..

  115. Sidharth was studying in 8th class and was very interested in music ,so he was suggested to go under a musician nearby his village by his parents , he was very enthusiastic fellow,as he was initiated in playing violin was advised to keep on concentrating on violin, it was the time of school anniversary day,Sidharth was detailed as leader of group song , he accepted the chance in a courageous way and started his mission by assembling his colleagues and choose them with respect to their capability,he took advice from his music teacher regarding bag ground music and keeps on practicing it ,he tried to avoid the mistakes by more practicing , finally his group won the trophy

  116. naksh was a 5th standard student, he was very passionate about learning caranatic music.he joined a classical music class during his summer holidays but there he found out that his pace of learning was very slow when compared with his friends but he was determined to learn it and worked hard until he mastered over violin. he gave a performance at the end of the summer class and his performance was adjudged as the best.

  117. Rohit was from a middle class family but he was very much fond of music ,Once he was passing by a scrap market where he found a old guitar whose cost was 200 rupees but Rohit had only 50 rupees in his pocket. He went to the shopkeeper and told him that he wanted to buy the guitar in installments and the shopkeeper agreed..Rohit took the guitar with him , He showed it to his father ,His father gave the remaining amount to the shopkeeper and also repaired the guitar .Rohit then started to practice it daily and one day there was a function in their lane where he performed and every was impressed and he was awarded a sum of money.He gave it to his father,His father bought a brand new guitar for him by which he was very happy.
    Please rate…

    • Thank you very much…Sir can you please tell me in tgc ,ssctech and ues entries ,are they looking for candidates with very good technical knowledge or an average tech knowledge is enough..I have not yet give any ssb due to some reasons…I have applied for ssc(tech)39th course and also for tgc115..but i didnt receive any call letter..I am in last sem of my engineering and i have been placed in a company whose joining date is 25th june..will the ssc tech dates of ssb come before 25th june or no..please reply..

    • Yes, if the IO ask any technical question then you must answer them , if not all then few, because its a technical entry, but it doesn’t mean that high technical knowledge will make you through.

      SSC tech will come in this month lately or in June, dates may vary.

      All the best.

  118. Vijay..a young intelligent and one of the best pilot in IAF, was flying his MIG-21 as a part of mock training exercise. While flying the plane he noticed certain technical snags in the plane, because of which the plane was out of control and going to crash in the middle of a village. Without taking care of his life, Vijay did his best to drive away the plane from the village and succeded. The plane crased few meters away from the village and Vijay also managed to escape from the plane. later on villagers thanked Vijay for his brave act. IAF awarded him for his bravery.

    • Holy shit….Hey bro have you ever been into a MIG-21 or ever seen it live..No right…then how can u make a story like this.
      U have to frame a story according to your PIQ …The psychologist will consider you as the hero of the story..So form a story which is possible in daily life….See i will give u 1 example…If u frame a story of a hero saving a drowning person then it is important that u must know swimming…Got it..So don’t frame stories which are imaginary ..And also try to frame stories which have short term goals not long term….

    • Yes…I know he is a fresher but they have misunderstood the ssb…
      @Lost : I am sorry if i have demotivated u..but while u attend ssb, jst be natural….There is no need of becoming a extraordinary personality…Just behave as u behave in your friends circle then c the result…
      and once again i am very sorry.

  119. Ram was a student of 10th class. He belongs to a very poor family. He was very good in studies and in cultural activities also. He often got scholarships for his studies. He was also very fond of music. There was a music competition in his school next week, so he was preparing for that with the voilin of his friend. He wants to do something different in the competition and he didnt want just to copy the music so he was thinking for a new kind of music as he wants. His hardwork didnt go in vain and on the day of the competition everyone got impressed with the tallent of this student and the chief guest recommended his name for the state level music competition and also gave him prize.

  120. peeyush was college student.There was inter college classical group song competition.peeyush and his friends decided to participate.The songs list provided by the organizers demands voilen music at background.But nobody in his group knew to play voilen.After much discussion between his group,peeyush decided to learn voilen.firstly he made a plan how to learn voilen in 3 month .he joined coaching institute.he practice 6 hours daily .after 2 month he started getting a good rythem.after 3 month they went for the competition,they performed very well .finally they won the competition.peeyush was very satisfied with performance and was appreciated by his friends.

  121. Karan was a young school boy who had a great passion for violin. In his summer vacation he started learning violin from his school music teacher . Initially he was not good,but he didn’t loose hope. He practiced hours and hours hymming the tunes in his mind and understanding each and every note. He consulted various books on violin. He even took the help of internet and learnt various techniques of violin. he read about the mozart and various other famous musician which inspired him more. After 5 hours of daily practicing,slowly and steadily his performance improved. On the school reopening he performed in front of a whole school and got lots of applause and appreciation.

  122. rahul is a young boy of 14 years old. he is passionate about music. he likes to play voilin. he is taking tutions from his uncle kumar.
    uncle kumar has given him some work to do.
    rahul is thinking how to make a tune which uncle kumar has given him the homework.
    while thinking of his tune he fell asleep.

  123. rajiv works for an private NGO which aims in improving the life of poor children admitted.he is a normal person who loves helping poor and playing violin.from last 2 months there is no enough fund the NGO could collect and hence resulting in food scarcity.he knew his perfection with violin raised some good funds to help.he spoke to various music clubs and demonstrated his art,the club gave the permission to play in some parties.he worked on some new tones for some days.his tune were unique and got profound accolade and raised enough funds for the food.he was very much satisfied with the contribution.

  124. Vishwanath belonged to a middle class family who lived in hyderabad. he was good at studies and also he was passionate about classical music and so he decided to learn it in his next summer holidays. he completed his final exams with good marks. from very first day of his holidays he started his classical music classes.seeing this interest & passion for classical music, his father gifted him with a violin ,which boosted his spirit and he successfully learned the classes.after his school reopened ,during a break, he created interest towards classical music in is friends which inspired them. after few days all the friends together practiced a particular song and presented it in their annual day. everyone appreciated the boys for their performance and interest in classical music even in this present lifestyle.the boys formed a group and continued their concerts.

  125. Ram was passionate about football from his college days,he wanted to b a footballer,he played many matches from college teams and bring laurels to his college.in one match he broke his legs very badly and was told by the doctors that he could not continue with the game anymore.he was on bed for 9 mnths and used to move with sticks aand knee pads.he controlled his emotions and surpass the fact that he couldnt play.he worked hard in his studies and joined a good company.the football taught him the team spirit wic helped him to work good with his colleague,marking a good impression.

  126. ditya was class 10th student and was living in Mukerian city.right from his childhood he ws very fond of playin musical instruments.one day he was in the music deptt. of his school and watching th all musical instruments thr.hesaw a guittar was placed on the table.he took it and startd practise 2 playin it.there,his musical teacher felt impressd wth his intial movemnts on guittar n th tone tht he developd on it.he calld aditya an told him 2 continous practise on guittar so as to do well n to improve himslf on guittar.aditya got th motivation and started playing th guittar under the guidence of his music teacher n continued attendeing th regular music classes so as 2 improov himslf n to learn th art of playin the guittar properly,on seeing th intial performance of aditya his musical teacher realise tht his finger’s movement is nt up 2 th mark on strings n ws quite slow,aditya took th guidence frm his MUSIC TECHER n as per as his guidence started his practice 2 improve it….side by side also continued his studies 2 well in it also..one day he came 2 know frm th notice on th notice board in his school tht a annual function pgm was g’in 2 held in his college aftr 1 month,in which musical compitition ws also included aditya felt intersted in it n met wth concernd auth. aftr his classes,got th details.registered his name in th guittar compitition….met wth his musical teacher decided 2 increases th time of his practise.did th regular practise on th guittar in his music classes n also in at his home.he went to th internet also frm where he down loaded th various tehniques 2 improve his efficiency in playin guittar.continued his practie n gave a no. of mock tests in front of his music coach so as 2 realise his level of performance.he developed a beutyfull tone on th guittar n got th approval frm his musical teacher also 2 play in th competition.put more efforts on it to improve it further.he prepered well 4 th event n n th day of compitition took part in it,gave his peroprmance in a confident and in a relaxd manner,in th end he did well in it and everyboly appriciates his thr…………….SIR PLEASE RATE IT@@@

  127. Kabir was the student of class x at raj public school. He was a good musician & wanted to learn violin but because of his poor performance in academics his parents scold him nd didn’t allowed to learn violin.He decided to perform better & then convince his parents to allow him for violin class in summer break.He worked hard,took notes from his teachers, friends, put extra effort at night & in academics in bloomes out with flying colour & his parents allow him to join the violin class.

  128. Rolland belonged to a family in the lower classes in South America, whose father worked as a carpenter in the woodways industries. Being the 4th child to his poor parents, he was unable to gain education to a graduate level. during day, helped his father at work and at night he sat along the river side playing flute made out of the coconut leaves, days passed by and as he grew up, his passion for music grew. looking at his son’s talent, his father gifted him a self made violin on his 15th birthday. rolland started playing violin and many other musical instruments at the sunday masses for the church. he was soon renowned for his talent and was advised to participate in the vocals fresh concert. he practiced day and night and won the competition. he accomplished his dream and made his family proud.

  129. Raj was a young member of a musical band . he was very much considered about the declining indian pop music. so he thought to do something to improve this situation. he discussed this problem with his band member and held a meeting with the cultural department and came out with certain measures. they started doing live oncerts. they trained the young music aspirants. they organised certain musical events to find real talent amongst the young people. this encouraged more people towards musical field. slightly the situation became better and this motivated the other people like himto do something for music

  130. Madhav was preparing for STARS OF INDIA ,a competition for instrumental music,he could not take coaching because of his financial problems,but he decided to overcome all that and started preparing on his own,he was deepely passionate about violin and was thinking of a tune which he could play in that competition and on the final day he performed exceptionally well with a unique tone which was never heard before,he won the competition,,everyone including his parents were very proud of Madhav

  131. Vikas was sleeping at home in night when the lady from neighbour came seeking for help as her husband was ill and needed medical care, so he got and went in the storm through the jungle and brought the doctor at home and then doctor gave the neighbour the required treatment.

  132. Jp a tenth standard boy ,leaving in a small village in kaushambi district of uttar pradesh,is very much passinate abt music.But his parents want him to be a engineer.one day he was sitting infront of his guitar thinking how to handle dis situation and he decided to practice at night.And side by side he met with his music teacher in school and took regular guidance from him.As the time passes he secured well in exams and also get admission in iiit.He joined the music club of his colg and he was offered to perform in a regional stage show.And this is just starting.. he goes on and on.one day his parents came to know this and they hugged Jp and congrajulate him.And its the passion towards music that brings him to such height and respect.

  133. Jayesh is a final year engineering student in Acropolis Institute. On one morning after completing his daily exercise he was reading the news paper. He came accross a survey report which was about the incresing no. of people getting infected with HIV/AIDS. The survey stated the reason that this was due to lack awareness among the people. So he Decided to spread the awareness among people. He gathered some of his friends and they all decided to prepare a stage show. They performed the stage show in the ANNUAL function of their college. They were appreciated by everyone and hence they decided to continue this practice of spreading the knowledge. From then on Public holidays there group performs NUKKAD natak in various parts of the city to help the society.

  134. Number 7 Aam Banda is best one i believe becoz his story is on practical ground and moreover maximum have tried to create a problem first then solve it..

  135. ayuj is a hard working boy of 11th class.
    he like to do many others thing else studying.
    as he palys violin very well. his school techer told him to play violin in a school annual function after two days . so to perform well in his function he is concentrating on his learning the violin tones . he is listening a violin music from his walkmen very carefully and play it after , in slices after listning to some music . listning music , playing it , then listning , and then playing it.. again and again very carefully and concentarted manner until this tone have been mixed in his blood. after learning it and playing it in parctice he become confident and ready to play in function. this was his practice session.

  136. ayuj is a hard working boy of 11th class.
    he like to do many others thing else studying.
    as he palys violin very well. his school techer told him to play violin in a school annual function after two days . so to perform well in his function he is concentrating on his learning the violin tones . he is listening a violin music from his walkmen very carefully and play it after , in slices after listning to some music . listning music , playing it , then listning , and then playing it.. again and again very carefully and concentarted manner until this tone have been mixed in his blood. after learning it and playing it in parctice he become confident and ready to play in function. this was his practice session.

  137. It was when rahul who was student lives in village mansar in punjab.He always aims of join Indian army so as soon as he passed his 11th class he started preparing for NDA.He downloaded syllabus by using internet from school library and bought previous year papers he arranger separate notes for maths,gk and english.whenever he feels tired he did meditation and by re-energizing again went to preparation. In such way he cleared NDA in first exam and then started preparing for SSB interview. He read newspaper, editorials daily and also write his view on them and also started doing exercise. His endurance paid off and he cleared SSB now he is officer in Indian army and also encourage others from his family to serve the nation by joining the forces.

    • It was when sudhanshu a 12 10th standard boy lives in village datarpur in punjab.He is the head boy of the class and got the task to prepare one performance for the coming annual function of school.Sudhanshu understood that he has to keep the dignity of his school so he gave a thought and decided to sing a patriotism group song. He knows how to play guitar so he picked up his guitar and cleaned it properly with cloth he checked it and found that strings are loose so he tighten the strings.Next day he consulted his music teacher and told him about his plan,and with the guide and permission of teacher he also took 4 other students with him who are good at singing and with good preparation and consistent practice they shown a patriotism song. Everybody appreciated them .

    • Ajit,22 years old is doing Graduation.He wants to be an IAS officer from the very beginning.His family’s financial condition is not good so gives tuition.He is coming back from giving tuition from nearby village.On his way the weather becomes very stormy and cloudy.Along with his tuition he is very much focused in his study.He is very hard working.His preparation is very well.He sits for IAS and he is selected for the IAS in his very first attempt.It brings a glory for him.

    • Vikrant was an young talented boy of his school . He was very interested and devoted towards music,and had a good hand on violin . due to this he was watching his career and future in music. But he was scared of the kind of comptetion out there. He told al this to his father. His father was surprised on hearing the kind of ttalent his son had. He motivated him and told him to take admission in all India music academy. He got sadmission there and successfully completed his graduation from music. Now he is running his own music school and is amongst the best violin players of the country.

    • Ramesh was a student of 12th class. His school was going to celebrate annual function. As he wasthe good oraganiser he took the responsibilityfor annual function. He motivates other students to got involved in aevent. He him self was a good player of guitar so he make a team of students and teaches them playing guitar and on the day he sing a innogaration song with his team and arrange the function very well.


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