
5 Problems Faced By Repeaters

By Ravinder Tanwar

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5 Problems Faced By SSB Repeaters

Selection procedure of SSB depends on mental ability and performance. It is always said that freshers have more chances of selection as compared to the repeaters. Every entry is made for an age group which have candidates of a specific age group that aims to select candidate on their performance which is proportional to their age. An SSC tech candidate can’t be accessed with an NDA candidate. Apart from this, SSB has another grouping scheme to make the selection procedure form transparent and justified. The batch is fragmented into some specific groups based on the SSB attempts history. The categories are freshers, screen outs, repeaters and recommended. Repeaters and recommended candidates are mixed following batch adjustment. These groups face the most competitive environment during the selection schedule. Here we are having some problems that every repeater faces while attending SSB.


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  1. Previous attempt’s probing – Repeaters generally have to face questions regarding their previous attempts. The questions may be short if the candidate has a short history but candidates with a long history behind have to stay alert from the questions during personal interview. The questions normally faced are related to the cause of failure in last attempt or all previously attempted SSBs, the way you have introspected and what was the possible outcome of that introspection. And your efforts to overcome those shortcomings. In most of the cases, counter questioning is done while candidate is answering these questions.
  2. Higher expectations – Being a repeater means an experienced person. Once the rules and SSB events and techniques are known to you, the SSB crew expect more from you. From enhanced performance to the rule-adhering quality, they want you to make no mistake. One you have experienced the SSB schedule, you enters the category where the crew expects more from you.
  3. High competition – Being experienced, repeaters face tough competition. This is the reason why SSB panel divides the batch in groups. The groups are divided on the basis of experience of the candidates. The selection rate amongst the repeaters in high due to the competition that goes a bit high as compared to the fresher’s.5 Problems Faced By SSB Repeaters
  4. Instability in mind and mood – Being a repeater and an experienced, the generally happens that candidates feel instability and mood and tries to do what they hear from other candidates and get into a trap. Stop following rumours and myths. Be yourself and do what you actually do.
  5. Over-performance – In the field of competition, repeaters aims at defeating others rather than focusing on their own victory. This thing normally stays in unstable mind. You should concentrate on what you have to do. Drive and judge your performance, make your aim to win and get recommended. Limit your performance in the boundary and perform it.


Repeaters have to prepare hard and pay attention to the next SSB. The expectations are high and relative competition level is tremendously high. So being natural and being yourself alone is not sufficient for repeaters to get recommended. Practice is required. It is not a wise decision to appear in any exam without practice. Similarly, appearing in SSB also need preparation.

For best SSB Interview Preparation, get “Let’s Crack SSB Interview” from Amazon.

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Ravinder Tanwar

A resident of Jaipur. I am a KVian who is passionate to join Indian Defense Force. I started giving SSB from NDA. After completing my B.Tech in 2012, currently I am working as a Software Engineer in Jaipur in a private company, but the passion is still alive in my soul.

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