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SSBCrackSSB Repeaters Exclusive: Motivation is the Key

SSB Repeaters Exclusive: Motivation is the Key

SSB Repeaters Exclusive: Motivation is the Key

I will not begin by saying come depressing crap like “life is this” and “life is that”, I would like to begin by saying that you are young, you have the time, and you can conquer the world! It is a wonderful thing in itself that you have chosen joining the forces as your aim. Now all you need to do is be motivated all this time, for the same. Once you go to SSB and get rejected there are chances that you are clueless about what went wrong. SSB is one such interview where it is very difficult to make out that where you lacked or in which area you did not perform well. There might be hundreds of thoughts running in your mind, hundreds of calculations that what might have gone wrong, what to do about it. You might have numerous expectations on you; you might have expectations from yourself. It is all very common and very good!


The thing is once you go for SSB, you get the hang of it, this is so because you get to see the life of fauj so closely that you automatically become interested, now this draws you more and you become more attracted towards joining the forces. You put in all your effort to get through it. But sadness, you don’t. Then starts the introspection part, putting in all your energy to understand your mistakes, some get selected in the very next attempt, some are still trying, and you are still trying I know!
A few of you start losing hope, talking all negative things, blaming it on luck and other non-sensible factors. The thing is SSB is all about saying and doing the right thing at the right time, this is by far the best things about SSB I have understood. I have seen people getting selected in their nth attempt and trust me all they did in each attempt was perform their best. Who will not perform their best in any exam? It is very human like that we try to do our best in whatever exam we give. In fact you would have read stories of successful aspirants on our website only.

SSB Repeaters Tips to clear SSB Interview

One thing that all successful people had was the motivation to never give up. Seriously motivation is the key. You can do anything provided you ‘want’ to do it. If you really want to do something you will definitely be success in that. SSB is no different. You will have the urge of giving up many times, but remember a soldier never gives up; you are going there to become one. Keep on trying till you are eligible, I am sure if you are putting in all your efforts you will get through, and even if you don’t you’ll gain something.
You need to enjoy every part of it, put in your best effort and enjoy it as much as you can, some days down the line when you’ll look at it you’ll definitely see the things you learnt. Har maidaan fateh!

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tashi Tashi Mishra, Editorial Team

I am Tashi, basically from Varanasi, currently pursuing my Masters in Computer Science from Christ University, Bangalore. I am interested in reading and football. It has always been my dream to join the forces,so here I am to share my experience with all the aspiring faujis. Remember with determination you’ll be triumphant!

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Tashi Mishra
Tashi Mishrahttps://www.ssbcrack.com/
An ardent follower of Military, football. Loves to read. Writer by choice, computer professional by chance! And Dil toh fauji hai jee!!

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  1. Nice article tashi…i have seen your name in suggestion register of afsb ghandinagar…i am actually at the same state as u mentioned in your article..


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