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SSBCrackWhy Repeaters Face Difficulty at SSB?

Why Repeaters Face Difficulty at SSB?

Why Repeaters Face Difficulty at SSB?

There are lot of myths in this regard and aspirants keep asking such questions to be specially the ones who lose the coveted tag of a fresher at SSB, but let me make you clear in the very beginning that the assessors don’t discriminate in the repeaters and fresher’s. Now a sudden argument will come stating then why the number of attempts and records are asked in PIQ. That’s just because to understand the psychology and the psychological game that a candidate can play at the centre. Also fresher’s and repeaters are separated so that it provides a fair amount of chance to the fresher’s who are supposedly going through the system for the very first time. Once the whole process is known and a person is aware of it by being the part of the assessment system they are called repeaters.

In order of knowing the system at SSB many of the repeater aspirants try to fool the system but in this process they forget that they are actually fooling themselves as personality hidden or modified at one place would be caught at the other place as several qualities are checked at multiple places through multiple assessors. Repeaters should try hard to improve the following:
  • Please remember that SSB is a personality assessment where only qualities are judged, so try to improve them.
  • Since repeaters know the system it does not add to any advantage as the ground tasks, pictures or say all other things are changed constantly. Even if not changed the same story if repeated might not help as with time your personality has got changed.
  • Don’t go to SSB in high frequency at very short intervals as personality change needs time and give yourself that time so that changes can be implemented. Else you will turn up increasing the number of attempts and it would not benefit in the long run.
  • Similarly give proper time for learning and improving yourself as it’s not a simple thing to change the personality. I receive multiple requests from aspirants when there SSB is 10-15 days far and they want to improve their personality. I could only ask them to prepare themselves as I don’t possess that magic wand or in that case anyone else who can improve it in short duration.
  • If you take advice from experts, remember that there should be sufficient time available for your interaction and query resolution and if feasible seek individual guidance so that your own personality is improved and that helps in long run.
  • I have already written on core aspects of personality which needs a lot of improvement as once that thing is done SSB is just a easy game to play. So preparation should be in line with personality innovation and improvement and not merely replicating things that are at SSB.

Body language and external personality is very important and I have dealt it in a separate article. Still If you have any confusion or any query related to personality improvement or you feel the need of individualised  mentoring / counselling program from me which can be done from your place itself, drop me a mail at [email protected]or add me on Fb and drop in a message. Performance and change can be brought once right guidance is available and self-introspection is the best tool to clear such doubts. Have time for yourself and see yourself improving.

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jayendra Jayendra Singh, Editorial Team

Jayendra is pursuing MBA from IIM Ranchi and is a die heart counsellor for defence aspirants. He was recommended in the first attempt for Indian navy UES entry and is willing to help aspirants to make use of his experience in this field.
Jayendra Singh
Jayendra Singh
Jayendra Pratap Singh is an Alumnus of IIM Ranchi, specialized in Human Resource and is a die heart counsellor, advisor and mentor for defense aspirants. He was recommended in the first attempt for Indian navy UES entry and is willing to help aspirants to make use of his experience in this field.

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