As a fresher, I was very excited to attend my first SSB for the Officers Training Academy, Chennai. On 25th of June, 2014, we gathered at the Allahabad MCO at 6 am as ours was the absentee batch. A representative from the Selection Centre came to escort us to the SSB. The number of people who were waiting to appear before the Board was amazing. 400 of us just stood in lines when we were equally divided into 14SSB and 19SSB.
Day 1 was all about documentation and the Stage 1 testing. It is very important to be absolutely particular in getting the documents correct. 10 people from my Board were denied further testing just because of faulty documentation. The first part of the Stage 1 testing comprises of the Officer’s Intelligence Rating Test will be conducted. Anybody with average intelligence will be able to solve the questions which basically consist of Logical Reasoning and Mathematical Reasoning. The next part is the most important part, the PPDT. PPDT as you all know by now is the Picture Perception and Description Test. A very hazy picture will be shown for about 15 seconds and the candidate is to write a story of about 100 words about the story. The next step is the GD where the candidate will be given one minute to read out the story and then it will be open to discussion. It is very important to write a story which has got a logical relation to the picture. Go wild on imagination but make it believable and workable. The key to the GD is smooth and confident narration, speaking for 2-3 times during the discussion and not to be arrogant or violent while projecting your arguments. Confidence is the key, during the entire SSB procedure; confidence will take you all the way. After the PPDT, the results are declared. Selected candidates are retained and the rest are taken back to the station. Please note that the selected candidates will have to fill up a Personal Information Questionnaire or PIQ. Be absolutely truthful about yourself in this form as this will be the medium by which the assessors will judge you. Remember, we may bluff even without realizing, hence, it is advisable to get your own PIQ form printed and fill it up as a practice.
Day 2 is the Psychological Test consisting of WAT, TAT, SRT and Self Description. This is the most important test. Be absolutely simple in your answers, try to be positive but don’t go against your normal reflex. Your thinking should be absolutely simple. Self Description, like the PIQ has to be absolutely honest about your personality. It is a mark of a good leader to know yourself better than anybody else. The Psychological Tests go on for about 2 hours. Some may have their Personal Interview on the same day and for others, it will be held on either Day 3 or Day 4. The most important thing during the PI is DO NOT TRY TO BE SOMEONE ELSE, you will be caught instantly. Be normal, sit straight and look straight. Apply punctuation marks while talking and don’t hesitate nor speak really fast. Knowing yourself is very important as the questions asked during the PI are mostly from the PIQ and your life. Accept your mistakes and be proud of your achievements but don’t be arrogant. Don’t make up achievements just to add to the quantity. Trust me, you will be caught. If you follow these things, you will sail through PI, just be frank, as if you are having a normal conversation with another human being.
Day 3 and Day 4 sums up the Group Tasks. The key to the Group Tasks is to be a confident leader/team player/team member. The tasks in the SSB are very simple and workable, the first thing to do is to observe for a bit and then provide ACTIVE PARTICIPATION. Active participation doesn’t mean cheering or helping your friends. That is given, to be a part of a good team, you need to cheer and help, but what is most important is to think of ideas to help your group, don’t just stand there when your group is stuck. Also, it is important to listen and point out good ideas given by your other members. NEVER be nervous, especially during the Command Task and Individual Obstacles when the ball is completely in your court. Assist the weaker members and always be active in your participation. That should be enough to do well in the GTO series. Again, confidence is a key factor. The GTO is instrumental in your selection.
Day 5 is the final day and the Board Conference takes place. This is the first time you will see all your assessors together, in uniform. By this time, your fate will have been already sealed except for few candidates who are considered to be in the ‘borderline.’ Generally the Conference takes place for a minute or two for candidates who are surely recommended or rejected. The borderline candidates are questioned for around 30-40 minutes when their decision is made. My conference went on for 45 minutes.
Finally, one of the officers will come and declare the result and give the closing address.
Unfortunately I wasn’t recommended but I knew already what mistakes I had committed and hope to get recommended soon. Remember guys, CONFIDENCE is the key. Always remember that YOU ARE THE BEST and also value the opinion of your peers. Be YOURSELF, I know this is a common thing which everyone says, but it holds true in the case of SSB. Good luck to my fellow aspirants. JAI HIND!
Also Read
- Importance of Hobbies
- AFSB Interview Experience, Recommended from 2 AFSB Mysore
- Got Recommended In 10th Attempt from AFSB Gandhinagar

My name is Angshuman Chakravarty and I am from Kolkata. Sharing my SSB Experience at 14 SSB Allahabad
thanks ssbcrack this helped me a lotttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt…………………. congo for creating such a paradise site
That was a good helpful read. Thank you for taking the time to share your experience,