
Got Recommended In 10th Attempt from AFSB Gandhinagar

By SSBCrack

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Hello friends!!!! I am AKASH GANGHAS got recommended in my 10th attempt from AFSB Gandhinagar for AFCAT entry. First I thank SSBCRACK for sharing such a fantastic motivational experience of candidates. Before this I was 7 times conference out and 2 times screened out for different entries of army and navy. It was my first attempt for Indian air force.

My journey starts on 12 July from Mumbai and I had reached early morning to Ahmedabad junction. From there we were taken to AFSB Gandhinagar which took around 1 hour from the station. After that we filled our PIQ and went for the OIR test followed by PPDT .The picture was very hazy and difficult to identify the character. Then immediately after that we divided among groups and went for the discussion. Fortunately my group was very good and we discuss very calmly and patiently. Then we waited for nearly 1 hour and got our results .Total of 30 candidates were got screened inn and 8 out of 15 were screened inn from our batch. As they have only the capacity of 30 candidates so they will never screened inn more than that.

indian airforce
On the first day the first task was PABT for the candidates who have applied for Flying branch. Total of 15 candidates have their PABT(Including me).It last long for more than 2 hours. After completing that we directly went for the psychological test at 12:00 p.m noon. As everyone knows the procedure of Physc test which has series of tests like WAT, TAT, SRT and S.D.I had attempted 58 WAT and 54 SRTs.After that we all were free for the day’s all we planned for a Volleyball match and many among  us were Good players .
Then we again were divided in a group of 8 candidates. And as expected we were the group of repeaters and even GTO is afraid of repeater group J.But I sincerely says I got the best group for the GTO.All of them were very cooperative and everyone listens if someone speaks. So my GD ,GPE,PGT and HGT went very good. Our GTO was very impressed by our group seeing such cooperation and Enthusiasm. After that we were off for the day.
As there was very heavy rain so our Individual obstacles and Group obstacles race were cancelled. Then we have our Command tasks. It tells how’s our performance in whole day of GTO.I got a difficult Command task and GTO was increasing the difficulty level. So I was happy to see this and completed my command tasks with optimal solutions. The last tasks was left which was FGT. As our group was good GTO has given us a difficult FGT. We were struck for more than 10 minutes but with some good ideas we got it.
My interview was on the 4th day by the deputy president of the board. I went inside with full confidence and wished him and he tells me to sit down. Then he starts with the rapid fire rounds and asked 10-15 questions at a stretch. I listen to every question patiently and reply everyone boldly. So my interview last not more than 30-35 minutes but the best part of my interview was that I answered every question boldly and confidently without any hesitation.
As it was a day for which all 30 of us were waiting for. All of us were dressed in a neat and clean formal dress and were well shaved. Then our conference started one by one everyone started going for the conference. Then my chance came and I waited for around 25 minutes outside the room before my conference. Then I went and wished everyone and they asked me 2-3 questions like what are 3 things you would do to improve Indian Olympic association? etc…Then we waited in the testing hall for the results and our DSO arrived . As usual he started saying the same words they say in every SSB before the results .then he said I am calling the chest no who have selected and he called Chest no. 17 and I was shocked !!!.It was my 8th conference so for some time I didn’t believe it but I HAVE DONE IT .Total of 2 got recommended from our batch and 2nd was also from our group (ANKIT SINHA).Thank to All !!!!!!!
Olive Squad Mugs


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3 thoughts on “Got Recommended In 10th Attempt from AFSB Gandhinagar”

  1. First of all congratulations..
    and secondly i want to say pls share your experience briefly so thay freshers like me get to know things from the root pls guide me


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