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SSBCrackImportance of Hobbies

Importance of Hobbies

Importance of Hobbies

These days hobbies are the integral part of any interview and competition. A candidate may be seeking armed forces as career or going for job in private sector, besides academics, the interviewer is keen to know how you make use of your spare time. Candidates are generally asked questions during SSB interviews. The hobbies mentioned in PIQ forms give an idea about the candidate. The IO can ask many questions related to hobbies.

Through the responses given the candidates, he can make out the personality of the candidate. So, it’s very important to have a hobby. Important not from SSBs point of view, but from our own personality’s point of view. A hobby develops our character and personality. The creativity, passion, dedication involved in a hobby tells other about us.

Need of a Hobby

A hobby is not to be only for impressing the interview board, but for one’s own benefits. A good hobby helps you in the following ways- 
  1. A hobby is the appropriate use of ones psycho-physical energy. A good hobby should make use of both head and hand potentials.
  2. A humble beginning in a hobby may be converted into a full-fledged profession.
  3. A hobby is not only refreshing, creative and fulfilling but also rejuvenating and recharging to meet challenges in life.
  4. A good hobby is a lifelong friend, as towards the retired life or elderly years, one always finds difficult to keep one busy as lot of time is available with them.
  5. A hobby combined with some monetary returns in the later years. It can certainly be very rewarding. 
    hobby questions in SSB

Categories of Hobbies

  • Indoor hobbies- Writing, cooking, painting, drawing, music instruments, singing, reading, philately, Sudoku, coin collection, yoga and meditation, dancing, wood carving sculpturing etc.
  • Outdoor hobbies- Photography, gardening, trekking, bird watching, study of nature, carpentry, pet rearing, fishing, mountaineering, rafting, canoeing etc. 
Guidelines for choosing and developing a hobby
  1. A hobby preferably is based on one’s talent. For example some people have natural flare for writing, singing, dancing. They should encash on it and make it a lifelong friend.
  2. A hobby should be financially viable and affordable.
  3. One may start as humble beginner. But once you gain some positive result, motivation to do better will develop it to a higher level.
  4. You may try your hands on 2-3 hobbies as a beginner. Then see where you can perform better and achieve good result.
  5. Remain in touch with other people involved in that particular hobby. Know about various activities like exhibitions/melas/competition being organized in town/state. Net facility can have people of same hobby as friends to know mutuality.
  6. Always know about the historical background or beginner of a hobby. You will find very inspiring as a beginner. Know about famous personalities who have contributed to this hobby.
  7. Parents/teachers should help the students to pick up the hobby at an early age, as a student is keen to learn new things with interests and pleasure.
  8. A hobby should give sufficient exercise to mind if not both mind and hobby. For example, Sudoku, cross word puzzles are mind exercising hobbies and can be pursued anywhere and anytime. 
To conclude, hobby is very important. It not only develops your personality but it gives an edge to your thoughts and views. It shapes your personality. Thinking and choosing a hobby is very important taking into considerations all the points mentioned above. Over that, a person has to be serious with it. Mere doing it for sake of anything shouldn’t be done. So choose wisely and develop it with your passion, dedication and creativity. 

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author ssbcrack About Shrikant Bambargekar

I am Shrikant Bambargekar. Currently pursuing MBA in Marketing from Indira Group of Institutes, Pune. My father served in Indian Navy for 32 years. I love reading, gardening, cycling and blogging.
The Editorial Team at SSBCrack consists of professional writers, journalists and defence aspirants.

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