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NotificationIndian NavyIndian Navy Pilot and Observer Notification Course June 2019

Indian Navy Pilot and Observer Notification Course June 2019

Indian Navy Pilot Observer Recruitment June 2019 Course. Indian Navy invites unmarried men and women to join the Indian Navy as short service commission officer as pilot, observer and air traffic controlled for the course commencing in June 2019.  Applications are invited from unmarried eligible male & female candidates for Short Service Commission (SSC) in Pilot/Observer/ATC entry of the Indian Navy for course commencing Jun 2019 at the Indian Naval Academy Ezhimala, Kerala. Candidates must fulfill the condition of Nationality as laid down by the Govt. of India.
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Indian Navy Pilot Observer ATC Recruitment

Event Date
Notification Date 25 Aug 2018
Last date for online application 14 Sep 2018
SSB Interview Date Nov 18 to Mar 19
Merit List May 2019
Joining Date June 2019
SSB Interview Prep Books Let’s Crack SSB

Breaking the Code of SSB Psych

Indian Navy Cadet
Indian Navy Cadet

 Indian Navy Pilot Observer ATC – ELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS

  • Who can Apply? Candidates who have passed Engineering Degree or are in the final year of Engineering Course in any discipline from a AICTE recognised university / educational institute with at least 60% marks till 5th / 7th semester, in regular / integrated course respectively. In addition, for ATC entry the candidate must have 60% aggregate marks in class X and XII and minimum 60% marks in English in class XII.
  • Call up for SSB: Candidates will be issued call up for Service Selection Board (SSB) interviews based on their academic performance.
  • Minimum %age on joining INA: The candidates will, however, be required to pass final examination BE/B.Tech / Integrated Course with minimum 60% marks. The candidates failing to meet minimum %age in BE/B.Tech Degree / Integrated Course will not be permitted to join INA Ezhimala.

    Indian Navy Pilot Course
    Indian Navy Pilot Course

Indian Navy Pilot Observer ATC – Age Criteria & Vacancies

S. No. Entry Age Vacancy Gender
1 ATC Born between 02 Jul 1994 and 01 Jul 1998; both dates inclusive 08 Male or Female
2 Observer Born between 02 Jul 1995 and 01 Jul 2000; both dates inclusive 06 Male or Female
3 Pilot (MR) Born between 02 Jul 1995 and 01 Jul 2000; both dates inclusive. 03 (maximum of 02 vacancies for females subject to they being in merit list of SSB) Male or Female
4 Pilot (Other than MR) Born between 02 Jul 1995 and 01 Jul 2000; both dates inclusive. 05 Male


Indian Navy Pilot Observer ATC – MEDICAL STANDARDS

S.No Branch/ Cadre EyeSight Height & Weight
1 Pilot / Observer Distant Vision 6/6, 6/9 Correctable to 6/6, 6/6 Should not be colour blind/night blind 162.5 cms With correlated weight, leg length, sitting height and thigh length.
2 ATC Distant Vision 6/9, 6/9 Correctable to 6/6, 6/6 Should not be colour blind/night blind Male – 157 cms Female – 152 cms With correlated weight, as per age and height.

Permanent body tattoos are not permitted on any part of the body, however, certain concessions are permitted to candidates belonging to tribal areas communities as declared by the Government of India. For other candidates, permanent body tattoos are only permitted on inner face of forearms i.e. from inside of elbow to wrist
and on the reverse side of palm/back (dorsal) side of hand.

Pay Scale & Promotions:  The promotion from Sub Lieutenant to Commander is on time scale basis subject to completion of mandatory courses & medical conditions. The PayScale and promotion criteria as per 7th CPC is as follows:-

SUB LIEUTENANT (S Lt) 56100-177500 10 15500
LIEUTENANT (Lt) 61300-193900 10B 15500
LIEUTENANT CDR (Lt Cdr) 69400-213400 11 15500
COMMANDER (Cdr) 121200-212400 12A 15500

Job Roles

  • Pilot Entry: Pilot candidates will undergo 22 weeks of Naval Orientation Course (NOC) at INA, Ezhimala followed by Stage I and Stage II flying training at the Air Force/Naval Establishment. On successful completion of training, the candidates will be awarded wings. The candidates will be entitled for flying pay and allowances only after award of wings.
  • Observer Entry: Observer candidates will undergo 22 weeks of Naval orientation course (NOC) at INA, Ezhimala, Kerala. On completion of NOC the candidates will undergo SLT(X) Tech course followed by ab-initio training at Observer School. On successful completion of training at Observer School, the candidates will be awarded Observer wings. The candidates will be entitled for flying pay and allowances only after award of wings.
  • ATC Entry: Candidates will undergo 22 weeks of Naval Orientation Course at the INA, Ezhimala, Kerala followed by professional training at Air Force Academy and at various Naval Training Establishments/Units/Ships.

How to Apply: Candidates are to register and fill application on the recruitment website www.joinindiannavy.gov.in. The candidates are to apply from 25 Aug 18 to 14 Sep 18.

Selection Procedure:

  • Candidates will be shortlisted based on their graduation percentage.
  • Candidate with good percentage has more chance to get shortlisted for the SSB.
  • Shortlisted candidates will get the call for the SSB interview.
  • There will be no written test before SSB interview.
  • Candidates who will clear the SSB interview will undergo the medical test.
  • A final merit list will be prepared by the Indian Navy.
  • Candidates will get the joining instructions based on their order in merit.
  • We recommend these two books for the Indian Navy SSB interview: Let’s Crack SSB and Breaking the Code of SSB Psych


ssb interview book
Best SSB Interview Book
Best SSB Book â€“>  Let’s Crack SSB Interview
Best Psych Book â€“>  Breaking The Code of SSB Psych
Best AFCAT Book â€“> Let’s Crack AFCAT
Best NDA Book â€“> Let’s Crack NDA
Best CDS Book â€“> Let’s Crack CDS
Best EKT Book -> Let’s Crack EKT


Download eBooks
 TAT eBook  SRT eBook
 WAT eBook  OIR Test
 NDA Solved Papers  AFCAT Solved Papers
 Current Affairs eBook  101 Maths Shortcuts



www.nausena-bharti.nic.in has published the notification of Indian navy pilot and observer entry for the course commencing in June 2015. Applications are invited from unmarried Indian citizens for Short Service Commission (SSC) as PILOT/OBSERVER in the Executive Branch of the Indian Navy for course commencing June 2015 at the Indian Naval Academy Ezhimala, Kerala.

Eligibility Conditions Indian Navy Pilot and Observer


  • General Candidates. 19 to 24 years, born between 02 Jul 1991 and 01 Jul 1996; both dates inclusive.
  • CPL Holders. 19 to 25 years, born between 02 Jul 1990 and 01 Jul 1996; both dates inclusive.

Note:- Applicants who have FAILED in PABT (Pilot Aptitude Battery Test) earlier are not eligible for Pilot Entry, but can apply for the Observer Entry scheme.

Indian Navy Pilots

Educational Qualifications

  • A graduate degree in any discipline with minimum 60% marks. Should have qualified 10+2 level with Mathematics & Physics. CPL candidate must have valid and current CPL issued by DGCA (India).

Physical Standards

  • Height and Weight. Minimum height for men 162.5 cms and for women 152 cms with correlated weight, leg length, sitting height and thigh length.
  • Eye Sight. The minimum acceptable vision standard for distant vision 6/6, 6/9 correctable to 6/6, 6/6. Should not be colour/night blind.
  • Tattoo. Permanent body tattoos are only permitted on inner face of forearms i.e from inside of elbow to the wrist end or on the reverse side of palm/back (dorsal) side of hand. Permanent body tattoos on any other part of the body are not acceptable and candidates will be barred from further selection.

Note:- There will be no relaxation in Physical Standards.

How to Apply for Indian Navy Pilot and Observer
Candidates are to fill in ‘e-application’ (Online) for this entry. The candidates are to apply online (e-application) from 13 Sep 14. The online application registration will cease on 03 Oct 14.

**For correct and full details, read the complete official notification. 

Official Notification
Apply Now

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  1. hai guys.. i have wrongly entered my DOB 1992/01/02 as 1992/07/02.. in my ssb application for navy s pilot entry jun 2015 .. is there any grave problem i will face by this? it was a mistake and can i correct it at ssb cntre?? iam an hardcore defense aspirant. and gone twice for ssb for cds and pilot entry both time conference out. pls do any one have any idea about this???

  2. i am from jntu hyderabad.

    while entering percentage marks sem wise,it is showing 8 sems .

    but we have only 7 sems which follow the order

    1st year.




    please give me suggestions about how to enter my percentage.

  3. I have post the documents. ..question is can I check the status of my form. ..
    I got backlog in 6 and 7th sem but cleared now on 15 sept (result arrived) .
    M I eligible or my form will be rejected. ..I also mentioned them about this on separate A4 size paper about it in documents I post to them?

  4. anyone please replay fast after appliying and before submisson it is showing NCC-NO but they are not asking about ncc in online application but after filling all aplication they are showing NO sign for ncc
    please tell me i have to tick for NCC as i have completed NCC what should i do

  5. Hello Guys

    Slight confused regarding where to post the document.
    Also if anyone could provide the list of documents which need to be posted, that is appreciated.

    • address is written on the notification while documents are your 10th certificate, 10th marksheet, 12th marksheet, all semester marksheets n your provisional/ degree ( photocopies) atteshed by gazetted officer .

  6. Hello guys can anyone tell me i am eligible or not?I am major student(mine computer Sc),my major % is 68 but aggregate including physics,maths and others is below 60. so m i eligible?

    • yes this question needs to be addressed. Min cut off is 60% but there is a lot of competition and the people having higher % will get a call up. If anyone has the idea or experience in this matter then please help.

  7. hey anuj and guest..whats ur dob? i think i have found the issue after so many hours and applying 100s of test cases. it a prob with the combi of dob n passing out year…


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