
Recommended for Indian Army TGC 119 and CDS-137

By SSBCrack

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‘Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall’ these are the lines said by CONFUCIOUS a thinker and social reformer. Hi friends I am Naseeb Gill form Rohtak a small district in Haryana .my journey toward joining Indian armed forces starts when I was in 12th .I want to join army through NDA but fortune not fewer and got merit list out after having recommended in my 1st attempt that was my 1st and last attempt for NDA in Bhopal 20 SSB.

So there I was again by putting weapons in my arsenal once again after completing my engineering in front of Allahabad railway station but this time for TGC 119. Here I saw a huge crowed around 900 engineering graduates having dream in their eyes to get selected for Indian army unlike NDA where only 150 aspirants.

All 900 candidates where divided into two selection boards 14 SSB and 17 SSB 450 each.
Screening test took place around 0900 hrs which consists of 2 stages.
  • Reasoning and aptitude test or OLQ test: This test is basically comprises of two papers one of verbal reasoning and other non-verbal in which 50-50 question are there..try to attempt maximum questions.
  • PPDT( PICTURE PERCEPTION AND DESCRIPTION TEST): It is all about what you perceive. They show us a picture and we have to write story .we have to write a story which is practically possible. After that group discussion starts. As I was previously recommended candidate my group was last I got fair enough time to rehears my story.
Recommended for Indian Army TGC 119 and CDS-137
Tips:  during GD sometime we found that each and every one is speaking at that time stay calm and quit  listen to them and simultaneously gather important points within  few mints you found a pause  during discussion and that was the time for you to hit and hit hard.
Results come out and almost 90% screen out and 40 left.
This is psych test day, in which TAT WAT SRT SD test toke place.
TAT  is all about perception. They show as 12 pictures we have to write story revolving around the them. Try to make a positive story of around 100 words and reflects some OLQ in it.
WAT: my advice for this is that try to attend all the 60 words. Because this part is very important make positive sentences.
SRT: your reactions should be more like taking actions rather handling the responsibility to someone else here. Be in the situation and take control of it.
Tips’’  try to gave solution in brief i.e. within one line. and do all the SRT by increasing your speed.
SD be honest and do deep introspection of yourself before  writing .
 IN  GD the topics are current affairs ex  Crimea crises, Indian economy ,indo china relation, world affairs for this you must do good preparation by reading news paper and magazines.
 Tips; you must speak at list 2 -3 time  and show your knowledge. As we all know 1st impression is the last impression.
GPE  is also an important technique which help GTO to access you, give your best possible plan.
Lecturett::choose a high level topic as its shows your knowledge  and give a good lecture with confidence and eye contact.
PGT ;give a workable idea.  And cooperate with your group.
Individual obstacles; try to complete all of them within given time that is 3min.it reflect your stamina which is an OLQ.
Command task; this is the time when you are alone with gto . he may ask you some questions regarding your attempts and native place.. if you want recommendation you must perform well in this task..
My interview went for 1.30h.as I came for TGC entry he directly starts with technical question related to my branch for around 20 mints. Then he come to my PIQ and ask ques. Related to my native place , academic performance , family ,hobbies, sports, position of responsibility. and extra circular activities. These question take 30 mints more than he come to general awareness
And ask  me about current topics ,neighboring countries relation, countries capital there presidents and  c.m of different states of India and much more which take 20 mints.,,, then he come to basic question ….he show me a glass filled with water and told me to give 10 importance and uses to it. As I am previous recommended expectation are more and I tried my best in interview.
RESULTS;  my conference goes for  2 mins hardly  president of board ask me 1 question  how was your stay? I says fine sir..
Out of 40 ,4 were recommended.
“ The expectation of life depend upon diligence; the mechanic that would perfect his work must first sharpen his tools.”
 So in the end , my friends I suggest you all to do good preparation before going for SSB.
Recommended+for+Indian+Army+TGC+119+and+CDS 137+ About Naseeb Gill: I got recommended from Allahabad and Bangalore for TGC-119 and CDS-137 course.


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