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SSB InterviewDoes Appearance Make A Difference in SSB Interview?

Does Appearance Make A Difference in SSB Interview?

May it be a male or female candidate, looks matter even in SSB interviews! Nobody ever pays attention or talks about it so, let’s understand how looks matter in SSB? When I talk about looks, I don’t mean that girls and boys should look beautiful and handsome respectively. What I mean is, look “Smart.” It’s psychological that when your IO and GTO will see you for the first time, they will form an impression of you. The way you are dressed, you are standing, you have made your hair, your body language is, you look, is a 30% analysis of your personality and forthcoming process is somewhere based on it. Here are few tips on how to maintain your looks for IO, GTO and conference.

  1. Formals:- Keep this word in mind. From your dress to your behavior, keep everything formal. Don’t make it too much else it’ll look show off. But when you are talking to any officer, sitting in front of IO, lecturing in group task, or answering in conference, Be formal!
  2. Dress:- For group task, you are given options to choose among track suit, pants, shorts, trousers, etc. Why so? So that you are comfortable. Girls can choose in between western and Indian formals. Don’t hesitate in choosing either. Always choose what you are more comfortable in. One more thing, what ever you choose, it should be of fitting. It should not be too loose or too tight. Same for length. Generally, we don’t pay this much attention while choosing, and later repent too.
  3. Hair:- Boys are advised to get a hair cut in advance. Have short hair. Girls, hair bangs/fringes are common in us. But at SSB, tie them properly in bun, pony or braid. Your hair should not come on your face. Use proper pins.
  4. Jewelry:- Take of all studs, earrings, rings, pendants and even small fancy items. Girls don’t use fancy accessories in hair. Use simple black pins.
  5. Posture:- Keep it thoroughly straight. Always Sit straight. While standing, stand at ease and don’t lean on anything. Don’t stand loose,Be active!
  6. Nail:- No doubt Officers will notice it. Cut them properly. And girls, no nail paints. Not even light coloured.
  7. Behaviour:- Officers there are very highly superior than you. Repect them. Never come in any arguement. Even if you are right, explain your points in short and politely. Wearing a smile on face will show your confidence and optimistic nature. Even your body language should be polite and respectful.
  8. Facial expressions:- When you are asked anything personal or annoying, don’t make faces. Be expressive with body launguage but don’t react too much, specially girls. You might even be subjected to question related to your partner,physical relations and all, which girls often react to in a very awkward manner. He’s not flirting, he is checking how you maintain a balance in frank mindness/boldness and emotions while speaking.
  9. Emotional stability:- It has been seen that people get disturbed when mocked or made fun by officers. Don’t deviate. Give a polite yet witty answer. When he annoys you, show patience! When he makes you emotional, take things to a little funny side and show him you are strong. When he gets angry, behave very polite. When he makes you angry, smile and hold on. Remember, he’s not a fool that he does not know how to behave with the candidates. He is doing it intentionally, to test you. Be emotionally stable. 

Here’s all you need to take care of! When you meet a person for the first time or when you see a stranger, How do you judge the person? By smartness of Looks! When we people does same why won’t they Officers will? And why just in interviews? Always look smart! Always  be presentable, confident and emotionally stable. It’s worth following. After all, first impression is the last impression.

The Editorial Team at SSBCrack consists of professional writers, journalists and defence aspirants.

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