I was having a different feeling as there was just 1 week left for the ssb interview, this was my 5th time, earlier I got conference out 4 times, and this time I made each and every possible step to live up to the level of expectations of the Interview.
My interview was scheduled on 10 Sep in 1 AFSB, Dehradun. We had to report at 7 in the morning, I reached there and found a medium crowd of the candidates. Then we were taken to the selection centre. Total of 102 candidates reported there. I was familiar with this amount of crowd (it is still very less as compared to TGC entry). We were given chest numbers and mine was 99 (just like Sachin Tendulkar) then we were sent for the OIR and the PPDT. I had a good group discussion and narrated the story well.
When the results were out, 61 were selected and I was the last chap to be given the chest no, yes my chest no. was 61, after that we were suddenly sent for the psychology tests, in my words, if you do well in psychology you have an upper hand. My psychological test, this time went awesome and was able to do 42 SRTs, earlier I attempted all 60 SRTs, but this time it was limited to 42, after that we were given PIQ forms. Â We filled it at night and gave it to the DSO [ Duty Selection Officer].
Next day we had our GTO tasks. My group was good, so the GD, GPE went good. Also PGT, HGT were good too. We were able to do all 4 tasks in just 20 minutes, HGT was easy too.
Then COMMAND TASK, I got the difficult task in the group and he made it more difficult by minimising the sources I had, but I did it.
Lecturette was good too and I knew that GTO has passed me and the day was over. I was left with my interview and that occurred on the 3 day of ssb, it was not good.
I was interviewed by the Deputy President and he was not satisfied with my effort and pressured me a lot. My first question was regarding my all last attempts , why was I not able to clear, what have I done now, ranging to college friends, teachers , parents and lot of knowledge of ARMY( still I don’t know why he asked me about ARMY) but at last he was grilling me around GK and technical questions. At last I knew I didn’t perform well in my interview, but the show must go on.
During these days I was familiar with all the 60 candidates as I was the biggest repeater and I have no problems making friends and also guided all the fresher about the ssb interview procedure. Well, all were expecting my selection and also I had a feeling that this time I might sail through the ssb.
Last night before the conference we enjoyed a lot, did a lot of pranks, played games and did full masti. Now it was the last day and the CONFERENCE, that day you will become the true follower of god. Different thoughts occur in your mind. Well I was the last candidate, so I had to wait quite a long time.
Finally when chest no 60 came out, it was my turn, there was an insane feeling in my stomach and then what happened was totally insane. I was called in the conference room after 30 minutes and I heard the voices of the officers were discussing about me. I went inside and greeted them. I was asked questions regarding the previous attempts and this attempt.
They also asked about my determination and few normal questions and it was over. I thought I have a chance, then I moved back to the hall where all the remaining 60 were sitting, when I entered all of them pounded over me as it took almost 40-45 minutes in my conference and all were sure that this time our Paaji( all called me paaji )will clear for sure.
It was the result time, and I was not selected. Total of 16 were selected and I was not among them. I was shocked for a moment and then a strange thing happened, all the 16 selected candidates rushed towards me and hugged me. One chap even started crying for me, then I consolidated him, it was really difficult for me at that time. It was a very rare moment of my life which I can’t forget in my entire life time. Then we were moved back to the station. It was my last attempt for NDA, felt like my dream was like a bubble which has been burst now.
Then I realised that you have to perform well in each and every task to get recommended. I was feeling bad, but still nothing can stop me from joining the forces because one thing that I know is that winners never quit, they keep on trying just like Capt Vikram Batra, PVC, who got selected 11 time, and I know that I have “it” in me.
I will be an armed forces officer either flying SU-30 MKI or guarding the country in PARASHUTE Regiment.
Friends keep on trying, dont stop till you achieve your AIM….

dont worry continue to trying…
you will achieve your goal
these post and evrythn mentioned here helped me as I too got recommended
for 83 AEC from 1 AFSB Dehradun..
nikhil Kapahi here
chest no 46
found u atlast paaji 🙂
add me on fb.. my fb account is_www.facebook.com/BrigAngad
When will merit list of nda 129 be released?
@ajay narrate your story well and participate equally good in the gd of screening . narration plays a vital role
Its not important whether u were recommended or not in NDA , but its very important how u handle your success and failures of ur life.
Those rare experience will take u a long way…
Best of luck for ur future…
@ANGAD : Thank you.
Well written experience.Your concluding sentence was the best part.Its not about being an NDA candidate.Its about the strong determination of serving the country.With god’s grace you will 🙂
@Aangad Singh : Paaji can you give me some tips for the GD during screening test?
what were the questions asked regarding your previous attempts?and what were your answers
Sandeep sir, you got recommended frm allahabad?
That was a really inspiring
You will make it the next time buddy….
All the best….
keep on trying buddy. I got recommended in my 12th attempt.