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ScreeningOIROIR Test Verbal and Non- Verbal Questions in SSB Interview

OIR Test Verbal and Non- Verbal Questions in SSB Interview

Even if you are not able to complete or perform well in Officer Intelligence Rating OIR Test, there is nothing to worry about as you still have chances of getting recommended if you perform well in PPDT.

Many defence aspirants were asking for the OIR Test Online course for the SSB interview screening test preparation that happens in State-1 at SSB. Finally, SSBCrackExams has published the Officers Intelligence Rating Test OIR Test Online Course with full lectures, study notes, questions and answers including mock tests. Just going through these lectures and questions will be enough to clear the OIR test at SSB Interview. This is the first test in the SSB Procedure where the intelligence level of a candidate is tested.

On the basis of Officer Intelligence Rating OIR test, the Assessors will rate each and every candidate and it may even affect your chances of getting recommended even if you get screened in. This is a simple test and any person with average intelligence can easily solve it within the allotted time. Even if you are not able to complete or perform well in Officer Intelligence Rating OIR Test, there is nothing to worry about as you still have chances of getting recommended if you perform well in PPDT.

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  1. Can any one please tell me
    1) whether the MAT consists of only aptitude or both aptitude and General awareness?
    2)If both would be present, how much would the GA(general Awareness) would weigh? and
    3)what could be the expected or estimated cutoff for MAT?
    4) Would there be any negative marking?

    So many questions, and so less time..! Please help me ( I m new to these PSB and SSB) never gave one yet!

  2. i jst noticed sir..roban’s answer is also correct but theres an alternative answer whch i gave…
    goes as – half of nbr..thn 4 times..half of nbr thn 3 times..thn half of nbr n two times…so we get 90 and 45 this way….

  3. 1Q.Alexander was a great warrior
    5Q. (nothing striked my mind)

    please tell me if my answers are correct or not and also do let me know how to solve 5th question)


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