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SSB InterviewPersonality Development6 Ways To Lustre Your Communication Skill

6 Ways To Lustre Your Communication Skill

Communication skill is the thing that occupies crucial space in SSB testing procedure. Sometimes, a candidate misinterprets communication skill with language. Language is the medium of exchange of thoughts while communication skill means the way a person delivers his ideas and view in front of another person. Every job needs some specific qualities, like a sales job needs a good personality, talkative and extremely dissolving person while  banker need to be polite along with good mental (arithmetic) strength. Similarly, Armed Forces also have some requirements in which a candidate must fall to ensure selection. Communication skill is one of those qualities. Observing, implementing and practicing is the best way to learn it. In Most of the tasks and phases of SSB schedule, communication skill has a significant role. Here we are having some ways which will improve your communication skill.



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  1. Talk in the community – The best way to improve your communication skill is to talk in friends circle, good company, different communities, etc. This will make you learn the ways to talk in various kinds of people and situations.
  2. The mirror is your best companion – Communication skill is driven by confidence. Nervousness is one of the limiting factors of confidence. And the best way to improve the confidence is to practice and improve communication skill in front of a mirror.
  3. Talk to the point and factual – Armed Forces works with time and punctuality is the resource for them. Talking to the point saves time and makes the communication crystal clear. All Armed Forces aspirants have to learn to talk to the point and stay away from talking useless things or being extra friendly in SSB. Speak what is required and speak directly.
  4. Read the newspaper and listen to discussions on news channels – Another way to learn the communication skill is to watch English channels, especially news channels. Watching them affects your way of speaking, correct use of words and sentences and also teaches how to speak English is a better social way.Speaking Skills
  5. Coordinate your mood – Regulating your mood is also a part of communication skill. Correct mood, posture and limb movement lustres the communication. Manage your mood as per requirement. For Example, a straight and blank mood in the interview is a wrong choice. Make a good decision of choosing and coordination moods and actions as per the situation.
  6. Change of language is not a sin – Language is made to exchange views and communication skill is the way you present your views framed in language. The main motto in SSB is to make your views understandable to the assessors. But, as per the instructions, keep English your first preferred language and use Hindi when you are not getting words.  Now the point is, while talking in discussions or in a personal interview, it is a general thing that candidate stuck while speaking in English language. So practice hard for using the Hindi in between when you get stuck. This stuck is named as ‘Mental Blockage’, which is a psychological problem.

For best SSB Interview Preparation, get “Let’s Crack SSB Interview” from Amazon.

Conclusion – Communication skill is the thing that can’t be learnt from books, it gets perfect with practice. Talk in a candid way and to the point with perfect use of gestures and mood. Knowledge can be learned from various books and mediums, but communication skill is learnt from outer world. So aspirants must focus on this skill also apart from the other preparations for SSB.

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Ravinder Tanwar
Ravinder Tanwarhttps://ssbcrack.com/
A resident of Jaipur. I am a KVian who is passionate to join Indian Defense Force. I started giving SSB from NDA. After completing my B.Tech in 2012, currently I am working as a Software Engineer in Jaipur in a private company, but the passion is still alive in my soul.

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