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SSB InterviewTipsHow To Introspect Where You Went Wrong At SSB? – Part 2

How To Introspect Where You Went Wrong At SSB? – Part 2

In the last part of this series, we saw the right process to work and prepare for SSB. I have seen aspirants getting worried if they are conference out and they are always in search of the right direction to look what went wrong as I have been receiving emails where aspirants complain that they did their best in spite of which they were not recommended and people who did mistakes were selected. It’s a well-known fact that no one is perfect in this world and those who reveal their true self will only be recommended for being officer for Indian defence forces as that’s a job that needs purity at heart and strength behind that. You will be responsible for the protection of our motherland and will need certain qualities that defence people call OLQ’s. Many aspirant mail me saying they have introspected but when they tell their qualities majority of times I have seen that the introspection was not done properly w.r.t OLQ’s and that’s why it might not be effective. The majority of the problem lies with the repeaters as they need to see what went wrong out of the three rounds.


The repeaters are also worried of the following:

  • Fish market situation at PPDT
  • Over confidence at GTO series
  • Showing aggression because of certain candidates at ground task
  • Lacking stamina in IO
  • Lacking communication skills
  • Not revealing a positive body language.

There can be other several factors that one need to worry about and might need to work on as these are only minor flaws and can never lead to a major rejection if other things are right. They are never looking for perfect souls they look for people who are trainable. So mistakes are acceptable but certain things are not at SSB. We need to learn those aspects only. So once a repeater comes back from the SSB he or she should introspect in the following way:

  • Immediately after coming from SSB sit back and see what was expected in various rounds and what you did. Write the mistakes. Here if a personal expert assists you things can be done in a better way. Always look for personal guidance rather than something which is provided in large batch size as everyone is different at SSB.
  • Once this is done introspect for your qualities and weak areas to identify the points you need to work on. This is the core step and certain test of psychology which help in assessing the profile can help here. We provide such tests at mentorship program at our end.
  • Once the weak zones are identified you are ready to work over them and then practice simultaneously for the things happening at SSB.self introspection ssb interview

This exercise may need about a month or so it’s always advisable to start early with the preparation of SSB. Don’t ever wait for the last moment. 

Read Part 1 Here

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Jayendra Singh
Jayendra Singh
Jayendra Pratap Singh is an Alumnus of IIM Ranchi, specialized in Human Resource and is a die heart counsellor, advisor and mentor for defense aspirants. He was recommended in the first attempt for Indian navy UES entry and is willing to help aspirants to make use of his experience in this field.

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