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SSB InterviewTipsHow To Introspect Where You Went Wrong At SSB? – Part 1

How To Introspect Where You Went Wrong At SSB? – Part 1

I have been receiving numerous emails on this question so let’s discuss and makes things easy for the aspirants at this platform. This should be clear to everyone that SSB is all about revealing your true self in front of assessors because fake personalities and show off does not work at SSB. This is where major rejection happens where people try to show off and reveal altogether a different personality which does not match with what they are. They say something else and do something else. Let me make it very clear, assessors are expert in reading your facial expressions and they can easily tell what’s there in your mind even if you try to say something else or do something that is socially acceptable. That’s where the system is fool proof and no cheating is possible.


That’s why we as experts have been suggesting aspirants to stop practicing sets and start knowing yourself first. That can only help in getting selected. So the very first step in the preparation of SSB is always studying your personality with respect to the desired qualities looked by the assessors. As we all know that they only look for the 15 OLQ’s and nothing else and everyone possess them. Research says that everyone has the desired qualities but their degree changes with respect to the environment and several other factors that actually help in shaping the personality of a human being. Human personality is so much dynamic that it changes very easily if a workout is done in the right direction. Now I’m not talking of a physical workout to shape the body that’s actually tough as compared to psychology. Changing psychology is easy if you actually know the areas that need a workout. So the best preparation of SSB can only happen if you can pinpoint those areas.ssb interview self introspect

In a personal mentorship program that I run for the aspirants, we follow this approach where we first study the life events of every aspirant separately and then we form a profile based on certain tests and psychological studies. We also then ask the mentees to practice certain sets and then we tell the qualities and strengths present in the aspirant and the weak zones that need a workout. This activity once completed can be followed by practicing mildly as SSB is not an exam that can be cleared by reading a lot or cramming things. It’s the easiest exam where you just need to know yourself. Still If you have any confusion or feel to take individual assessment of personality for olq’s or prepare from your place itself through one to one interaction through my mentoring / counselling program drop me a mail at [email protected] or add me on Fb and drop in a message. Believe me, once a person starts working in the right direction preparation of SSB is just fun as you would love to know you more. In this part, I have introduced the basic steps of preparation. In the next part of this series, I will cover how to introspect properly the events at SSB. So keep reading!!!

Read Part -2 Here

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Jayendra Singh
Jayendra Singh
Jayendra Pratap Singh is an Alumnus of IIM Ranchi, specialized in Human Resource and is a die heart counsellor, advisor and mentor for defense aspirants. He was recommended in the first attempt for Indian navy UES entry and is willing to help aspirants to make use of his experience in this field.

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