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PsychologySelf DescriptionBack To The Basics - Self Description Test

Back To The Basics – Self Description Test

I hope everybody is faring well in their quest for glory. In our endeavour of giving you the best, we bring to you another installment of back to the basics. Today we will be touching the most sensitive part of the psychological testing, the Self Description Test . It is also known as Self Appraisal Test (SAT).


Every individual has his strong and weak points, good qualities, tolerable traits, shortcomings and even vices. Most of these qualities are exhibited in one’s normal behaviour and therefore exposed to others. Sometimes we try to suppress or conceal these from the eye of the public. But, no matter what we project, we know that what kind of individual we are from inside. If we know our weaknesses, we can try to get rid them and improve our personality.

Self Description Test METHOD

You are given a booklet in which you are required to write the following:-

  • What I think of myself?
  • What my parents think of me?
  • What my teacher/employer thinks of me?
  • What my friends think of me?
  • Qualities I would like to improve in myself

You are given only 15 minutes to answer the above questions.

Self Description Test OBJECTIVE

The assessors give you a chance to judge yourself. It is you who knows yourself better than anyone else. This also gives the assessors the extent of self knowledge you possess. A balanced individual is aware of his weak points and is ready to take steps to improve them. Therefore, though Self Description Test looks like a very simple test, it is one of the trickiest.

Self Description Test POINTS TO REMEMBER

  • Your Self Description should be brief and to the point. There is no point in elaborating things.Self Description Test Basics
  • Maintain brevity in your response. A lengthy and shabby looking Self Description will make the psychologist livid.
  • You should be fast enough to complete all the answers in 15 minutes.
  • Do not conceal anything, the open you will be, the better the psychologist will have a chance to know you.
  • Unless you write your responses honestly, you will be digging your own grave.
  • Please do not memorize a readymade Self Description. There is nothing known as a model Self Description.
  • If you cannot think of an answer, take the help of your parents, relatives and friends. Remember, only ask from the people whom you can trust to give their genuine opinion about you.
  • Make sure that all the aspects of your personality are revealed. But please do not commit the mistake of writing certain incorrigible negative traits of your personality.
  • The weaknesses which you reveal should be of general and ordinary type. For example everybody is a bit lazy, likes to waste time, sleep more etc.
  • Refrain from mentioning bad qualities like knavery, mendacity, dishonesty, cupidity, moral turpitude.

Having said all this, if you think that you do not have the personality of a suitable candidate to be trained to become an officer, you must start improving the traits of your personality. You can check my previous article on ACQUIRING SELF KNOWLEDGE to clear the doubts regarding your personality. You must not tell a lie about yourself, but at the same time you must not dig your own grave by giving your weaknesses on a platter to the assessor.

We leave it at this. Hope you have gained something from this article. Keep Visiting SSBCRACK. JAI HIND

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Vardaan Parashar
Vardaan Parasharhttps://ssbcrack.com/
Apart from being a defence enthusiast, I have great zeal towards patriotic and welfare activities. I hail from a rich defence background with my dad being a retired commandant in the Indian Coast Guard. I am currently pursuing Mechanical Engineering and wish to join DRDO one day.

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