It’s quite easy to form an opinion of others. We always tend to be judgmental of others. We can easily tell what kind of a person the other one is. However, when it comes to judging yourself or to say, describing your personality we become stupefied. One of the toughest things in the world is to judge oneself. Everyone has some or the other flaws, but everyone thinks he is the best person in the whole world. Strange isn’t it? Today we would like to propound an exercise in front of our viewers which would entangle the mystery behind their own personality. In the SSB, If you go with correct self-assessment, you will feel at ease while talking about yourself.
Acquiring Self Knowledge
- These are a set of questions which you are required to jot down on a piece of paper and then answer them very genuinely. Remember, the success of this exercise depends on how truthfully you have answered the questions.
- Are my thoughts, actions and words always pure? Was there an occasion recently when it was not so?
- Can I be considered to be a man of integrity acting according to what is expected of me in my position?
- Am I honest? Was there an occasion when I lied, cheated or stole?
- Am I loyal? Or my loyalty changes to suit my interests?
- Do I think about the feelings of others? Or I do only do things which would suit my self interest?
- Do I have the courage to take decisions knowing that they might turn out to be wrong? Or do I procrastinate and try to involve others in the decision making?
- Do I have the patience and perseverance to apply myself to a task till it is successfully completed? Or do I give up when faced with difficulties, or out of sheer laziness?
- Do I take initiatives? Or do I drift along?
- Do I have the knowledge, skill and capability to achieve excellence in my work? Have I updated my knowledge?
- Can I deal with people to get positive responses from them to accomplish whatever has to be done?
- Do I know my strengths and weaknesses? Or do I believe that I am perfect and people are jealous of me and don’t cooperate with me?
Now after answering these questions genuinely, reflect upon yourself. This is a very interesting exercise which would reveal the type of personality you have what needs to be done to improve the same. No person achieves excellence over night. Therefore my advice will be to maintain a daily log of your habits and then reflect upon them using these questions. I am sure, slowly slowly you will feel that you are evolving as person.
This was it in this article; please post your views and reviews about this article in the comment box below so that we can serve you better. Till then say healthy, work hard.
This was it in this article; please post your views and reviews about this article in the comment box below so that we can serve you better. Till then say healthy, work hard.
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