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ScreeningPPDTBest PPDT Story Writing Tips for SSB

Best PPDT Story Writing Tips for SSB

Best PPDT Story Writing Tips: Picture perception and discussion test in short PPDT, is a famous test conducted by SSB under stage 1 testing. PPDT is something which makes most of us nervous, as it plays an important role during screening test, apparently your screening test result is totally depends on your performance in PPDT. Most of the candidates make mistakes which spoil their performance during PPDT, one of the biggest mistake is writing a bad story in PPDT. Bad story in PPDT doesn’t really mean something meaningless or writing something in wrong English, but their are various factors which candidates must consider while writing a story which are not followed by the candidates while writing a story in PPDT. Here we are going to talk more about how to write an excellent story in PPDT and improve your performance.

Do you get nervous in PPDT? Are you still confused what to do in PPDT and how to perform better in PPDT to clear stage 1 screening test? If yes, you are on the right page, here we will be giving must follow instructions for PPDT.

PPDT Story Writing

  1. Remember, PPDT consists of story writing and group discussion, both are equally important. When coming to story writing, we must remember that what we write, directly or indirectly shows our qualities. Always write a meaningful story, it could be something you have experienced in your personal life or heard from someone else. Your story must reflect your intellectual level and also a practical approach.
  2. Having said that, avoid writing something which is no where related to what is being shown on the screen. This shows your poor reaction and lack of thinking, if assessors catch you writing something inappropriate or something which you have already prepared back at home, you have no chance of clearing the screening test.
  3. So how to deal with the situation where nothing is coming in your mind and you are not able to write something? First of all this is not a actual problem, the real problem is when an aspirant made up his mind of writing something extraordinary to impress the assessors with his/her story and assume that he/she will get a picture related to a story which he/she has already prepared. So avoid thinking too much before the picture is to you and keep your mind clean and calm.
  4. What to do when you see the picture, here most of the candidates do not care to look at the picture for 30 secs which is a given time, this is because they look at the picture and try to fix the picture with one of the stories they have already prepared. This is dangerous and ruin your chances in SSB. If your story is completing matching with the picture then go ahead and write the same, but this is called taking chance. The better way is to prepare something original, because original is always interesting and attracts more ears while you narrate the same.
  5. We are not going to talk about what is being asked in PPDT and how to write a story, as we have already covered enough on the same. You could follow the links given below for more tips on PPDT:

More PPDT Tips:

  1. What is PPDT?
  2. PPDT Sample Pictures
  3. How to write Good Stories in PPDT
  4. PPDT and TAT Best Sample Stories

PPDT Narration Tips

  1. Speak Loudly, be clear what you are trying to say. When you speak loud it shows you are confident enough.
  2. While narrating the story, speak to the point because you might not get enough time to complete the whole story but you should make sure that you have narrated the gist of your story. Narration is the best way to show your confidence and competitiveness for 5 days ssb interview. Don’t be lazy during narration and make sure you are making eye contact while speaking.
  3. Keep siting while speaking, do not move your hands frequently and make sure you do not fumble. There is no scope for an error while narrating so make sure you have prepared your story narration for PPDT beforehand.
  4. During group discussion, keep sitting straight and do not move back and forth, avoid touching and pointing others. Do not shout unless it is really required. Do not look at the assessors at any given point of time during PPDT.
  5. Try to help group to prepare a story, agree more and argue less.
  6. Do not pin point others for a bad story and also do not force someone to speak if they do not want to. This will be a negative mark for you, it is better to speak first and make your chances rather then giving a chance to someone who is not interested to speak.
  7. If you feel your story is better than others, do support it with logical points but do not force your story on others.

PPDT Narration TipsPreparing Story Narration In Five Minutes Before PPDT

Hope these tips would help you to clear PPDT and Screening test, do share your tips for clearing screening test in the comment section below.

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