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Merit ListIndian Air Force Merit List Course January 2015

Indian Air Force Merit List Course January 2015 [CDS + AFCAT]

Indian Air Force has published the merit list of candidates who got recommended through AFCAT 2014 and CDS 2014 exams. Candidates who are in the list will be joining Air Force Academy on 5th Jan 2015 for the flying, technical and GDOC courses respectively. List of Selected Candidates for various courses commencing in Jan 15 is placed below. To meet vacancies in various branches, allotment has been made taking into consideration Merit Position, Eligibility, Medical Fitness and choices given by the candidate. Please note that the selection is subject to Medical Fitness as given by the competent Armed Forces Medical Authorities and on Submission of Requisite Documents as proof of having achieved the minimum educational qualifications for the course, besides other qualifications.


All courses would commence on 05 Jan 15 at Air Force Academy, Dundigal, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. Those Candidates whose names figure in the Selection List, who have cleared Medical Examination and whose Documents have been verified, would be issued Joining Instructions (JI). JI would be dispatched by Speed Post / Scanned copy through E-Mail to the address/ E-mail ID available on record. Instruction Booklet, with format of various forms, is available for download at
the air force career website. (Airmen candidates will be issued JIs thorough Unit Adjutant).
Non Possession of Qualifying Degree. For eligible candidates who had not submitted the requisite certificates by 15 Dec 14, the following procedure will be applicable for issue of Joining Instructions (JI):-

Indian Air Force Merit List Course January 2015 [CDS + AFCAT]
  • Eligible candidates in the Selection List, who had not produced the requisite proof of acquiring the qualifying degree by 15 Dec 14 but are confident of doing so, may seek entry on ‘Bond Basis’. The authority letter to this effect, Joining Instructions (Bond Basis) is being dispatched to the address available on record.
  • Such candidates would be provisionally inducted for training on submission of an additional Bond and submission of demand draft of Rs.84,420.00 (Rupees Eighty four thousand four hundred and twenty only) in favour of Commandant, Air Force Academy, payable at Secunderabad. Specimen copy of the Bond is available on the Instruction Booklet on website.
  • The Additional Bond and Demand Draft are NOT (R) NOT to be sent to Air HQ. They are to be carried along by the candidate and handed over at the time of reporting at Air Force Academy.
Candidates joining on ‘Bond Basis’ will be required to produce the Original/ Provisional Degree Certificate and original mark statements of all semesters/ years, latest by 05 Mar 15 to the Training Wing Adjutant, Air Force Academy. On production of the proof of meeting all the eligibility criteria, the deposit of Rs. 84,420/- would be refunded in full. In case of failure to do so by 05 Mar 15, the training will be terminated and the cost of training would be adjusted against the amount deposited with Air Force Academy.
Candidates joining on ‘Bond Basis’ are to deposit the Demand Draft for Rs.84,420.00 (Rupees Eighty four thousand four hundred and twenty only) in favour of Commandant, Air Force Academy, payable at Secunderabad on arrival, in addition to all requirements given in Joining Instructions.
Certificates and Demand Draft would be returned on production of required Original/ Provisional degree (issued by University) certificate and other relevant certificates. In case of termination of training, all certificates would be returned after recovery of cost of training.
It is reiterated that the aforesaid procedure is applicable only to those candidates whose names are in the Selection List and are declared medically fit. Candidates in the Appeal / Review Medical stage will be issued Joining Instructions only if found fit by the authorized Armed Forces Medical Authorities.
Date and Time of Reporting at AFA is given in Joining Instructions. Candidates who are in possession of ‘signed Joining Instructions’ are to report at Reception Cell located on Platform No.1 of Secunderabad Railway Station by 2000h on the date of reporting specified in their Joining Instructions. Late Reporting by candidates will NOT be accepted under any circumstances.
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