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SSB InterviewTips10 Reasons Why Candidates Fail In SSB Interview

10 Reasons Why Candidates Fail In SSB Interview

Being confident can take you to great heights in life. Confidence speaks volumes about anybody’s personality.  The candidates who are not confident often hesitate and get under unnecessary pressure.

SSB interview is one interview where it’s very difficult to make out the reason for your failure. Only a deep introspection can give you a slight hint of the reason. With the responses we get from the candidates we have tried to evaluate a few reasons for the failure of a candidate in SSB:

  1. Lack of Preparation: This is a major reason for failure in any exam. SSB is no different and lack of preparation can be a big reason for your failure in SSB. Preparations bring confidence in you.
  2. Lack of Confidence: Being confident can take you to great heights in life. Confidence speaks volumes about anybody’s personality.  The candidates who are not confident often hesitate and get under unnecessary pressure.
  3. Not listening with an open ear: The instructions that are given before every test in SSB are self-sufficient to describe what they are looking for there. If you listen to the instructions clearly you’ll get a fair idea of what the test demands and on what criteria you’ll be marked.
  4. Lack of honesty: This is one major reason why candidates fail in SSB. If you can’t be honest, you are definitely not fit to join the forces. SSB is about being brutally honest.
  5. Being over-friendly with the interviewing officer: The interviewing officers are taught to smile and be friendly with the candidates. They just want you to feel comfortable so that you end up saying everything they want to know. There are things that you would not like to share with the IO. Being over-friendly will only land you in troubled waters.
  6. No self-Knowledge: SSB is one such interview where the more you know about yourself, the more chances of success are there. A person who is not aware of what his strengths, weakness, happiest and saddest moments are, is much like to fail. When you don’t understand and know yourself, you can’t know anything better.
  7. No knowledge about the surrounding: The surrounding you live in deserves your attention as well. If you are not aware of the strength, weaknesses of your near and dear ones, about their work/studies, or about what is happening in your surrounding, you will be considered casual in your approach towards life.
  8. Dullness, non-enthusiastic attitude: A person who is cheerful and enthusiastic is liked by all. Being cheerful shows positivity, whereas if you are dull and non-enthusiastic about things, it’ll reflect negativity. You need to be excited about the tasks, it should reflect your attitude.
  9. Bullying and overconfidence: Forces are not the place where you can bully people. You need to understand that a good leader leads by example and motivates people instead of bullying them. You need to encourage your group, and not dominate them in order to appear like a real leader.
  10. If you forget to smile: If you don’t smile you are taking unnecessary tension. People who forget to smile are likely to get nervous and thus mess up the things in which they could have performed well. So you need to take a break and smile.

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Tashi Mishra
Tashi Mishrahttps://www.ssbcrack.com/
An ardent follower of Military, football. Loves to read. Writer by choice, computer professional by chance! And Dil toh fauji hai jee!!

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  1. i don’t have a smiling face and if i smile in front of the interviewer, i will be caught.
    interview is a damn serious thing you can’t laugh unnecessarily in the IO’s room

  2. Well please explain this to us, in one point u were saying u have to be brutally honest and on last point u were saying u have to be careful with IO. Hope you can explain this to all

    • Glad that you noticed it. Being careful is not totally opposite for being honest. There are few questions where you can not simply lie or deviate from the expected answers. On the other hand, being careful while answering is taking care of what to say or what not to say but it doesn’t mean being dishonest.


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