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SSB InterviewTipsSELF INTROSPECTION: Gateway To Success At SSB – Part1

SELF INTROSPECTION: Gateway To Success At SSB – Part1

SELF INTROSPECTION: Gateway To Success At SSB – Part 1

You have to grow from inside out, no one can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul.”~~ Swami Vivekananda

Right said by Swamiji in that era and this is the real reality and the success path for SSB. Today let’s reveal one more secret for SSB to my dear aspirants. SSB is not a exam where you need to prepare for a year with lots of books surrounding you. There is no need of preparation but this does not mean you can go like this and stand at SSB. I am sure you be sent back with the next bus after screening. You should be familiar with the concepts of SSB, what is being looked and how you need to present yourself at SSB. No faking, nothing but yes you should spend at least three months to make yourself presentable.

You need to explore to realise what you really are and what you should be at SSB. The simple funda at SSB is to be yourself and express your life openly in front of officer. Once you try to cheat the system the system realizes it and throws you out. The assessors at SSB are well trained and are just looking for few qualities only. Yes I agree, you should be aware of the happenings in India and should have a decent aptitude to comprehend things, but this does not need any preparation, this is the least which we expect from the youth of our country. And such people are termed as responsible citizens of our country. But the reality that I am seeing these days is quite different. Aspirants approach me at the very last moment for some magic to prepare them. I am not a magician to improve personality in fifteen days. It has a streamlined process and now let’s see how to undergo self-introspection:

  • Stage 1: The process should start as soon as you realise that you want to be an officer. Officers are not created in a day. Remember after the stringent selection process they are trained in the academy for a year to convert them warriors and refine them and that’s why our defence force officers are different and can be easily identified in the crowd. If you are waiting for the last moment and want to get things easily you should be born with silver or rather I would say a golden spoon. But even if you are born that does not work in SSB. So what are you thinking start your preparation in time and prepare yourself for getting selected in the very first attempt.
    ssb interview SELF INTROSPECTION
C’mon don’t be eager for the uniform and the stars. Prepare yourself and think at least thousand times why you want to join this profession as it’s more than this. It’s a service rendered to the nation. If you are ready and want to prepare start with self-introspection. How to do it and what all is needed, we will try to cover in part two of this article series. So keep watching.

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jayendra Jayendra Singh, Editorial Team
Jayendra is pursuing MBA from IIM Ranchi and is a die heart counsellor for defence aspirants. He was recommended in the first attempt for Indian navy UES entry and is willing to help aspirants to make use of his experience in this field.
Jayendra Singh
Jayendra Singh
Jayendra Pratap Singh is an Alumnus of IIM Ranchi, specialized in Human Resource and is a die heart counsellor, advisor and mentor for defense aspirants. He was recommended in the first attempt for Indian navy UES entry and is willing to help aspirants to make use of his experience in this field.

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