
How to Write Best PPDT Stories in Screening

By Tashi Mishra

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PPDT Stories in Screening

PPDT or Picture Perception and Discussion Test is a part of the screening test in SSB. Screening test consists of two parts, OfficersIntelligence and Rating Test (OIR) and PPDT. In order to get through the Screening Process you need to perform well in both the tests. PPDT is a picture based test. Here you’ll be shown a picture for 30 seconds and you have to write a story based on that picture in 4 minutes. You also have to write the action of the story and mark the characters on it. For more details on the procedure of PPDT please refer to the specific article on Picture Perception and Discussion test our website.

You can also get some sample pictures for the same on our website. In this article we’ll be discussing on how to write the best stories for your PPDT.

  1. Observe the picture very carefully and minutely, and then collect all the resources you can see. Resources are the basic things available in the picture which you must not miss.
  2. Make a practical, rational story. You need to make a story which is possible in real life. Don’t write something which you know is impossible. Don’t make a very far from reality story.
  3. Make a rough outline of the story you want to build up. Do not start writing randomly, without thinking anything. You need to draw an outline on what your story will be based on.
  4. The picture will be hazy most of the times. So you need to concentrate more and observe very closely. Try to imagine positive things and weave your story on a positive angle.
  5. You story must have a direction, a positive direction. In that there should be some kind of message, which is again positive.
    PPDT Stories in Screening
  6. There should be a central character. This central character must do something to help anybody else, which will make this character the hero of the story.
  7. It is always good to write a story in which the society is being helped.
  8. Never write a pre conceived story. Some candidates see a few stories and then try to somehow make it fit into the shown picture.
  9. If something is very evident in the picture do not neglect it. It might be a negative thing but you can turn the negative into positive. Showing a struggle of the hero and then making him win is always okay. Take that part into consideration and include it.
  10. Let your imagination run and then definitely you’ll get good results. Practice writing stories from before, that’ll give you an idea about the time management.
The work is not yet over. You need to present your story in a very efficient manner in discussion. Discussion is equally important. So focus on that too.

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Tashi Mishra

An ardent follower of Military, football. Loves to read. Writer by choice, computer professional by chance! And Dil toh fauji hai jee!!

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2 thoughts on “How to Write Best PPDT Stories in Screening”

  1. Aap ka speaking skills achi honi चाहिए both language Hindi and English. Aap self confidence ko improve kro and mirror ke samene खडे हो कर practice kro bol ne ke and loudly bolo and soch samaj kr bolo ke aap kya bol na चाहते ho.and aap khud ko pta hona चाहिए ke aap actually me kya bol rhe ho and kya samjana चाहते ho.☺☺☺


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