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GTOIndividual ObstaclesTrick To Do Well In Individual Obstacle Round of SSB

Trick To Do Well In Individual Obstacle Round of SSB

This round is one of the nine rounds that are conducted on ground under GTO officer. This provides aspirant an opportunity to showcase individual stamina, courage and how individual respond to obstacles that are somewhat replica of that may come in real life. The IO course would have 10 obstacles spread in a field in a sequence and a predetermined order. Each obstacle is numbered from 1 to 10 and the number also designates the mark that an aspirant will get once he completes that specific obstacle. The numbers are given as per the difficulty level of the obstacles. Also there is a special rule of repetition that if in a given time an aspirant completes all obstacles he or she can repeat the object and gain more marks.

The time allotted to complete the task is 3 minutes and the total score of the objects is 55 in one round of competition. The following obstacles are available which are more or less same for different entries:

  • Rope climbing
  • Tarzon swing
  • Double ditch
  • Commando walk
  • High jump over wired drum
  • Screen jump
  • Balance pole
  • Burma bridge
  • Tiger leap
  • Monkey crawl
The following tips can help in performing better as this is the only chance in SSB where individual calibre in ground is studied while other rounds of GTO study group calibre apart from lecturrette. Follow the following:
  • Keep yourself physically fit and exercise regularly to maintain proper stamina as it needs a lot of running to reach various obstacles within the time limit.
  • Rope climbing, push up’s, pull ups can help in long run and smooth functioning gaining more marks.
    GTO Task
  • You should be alert at the rope in tiger leap and should hold it firmly leaving it afterwards and coming down. This needs to be done so that the hands do not get scratch and other rounds can be done successfully.
  • It is not at all needed to repeat tasks or complete many but the determination to complete and fight for what you have started is analysed, so work with this strategy. Be alert so that you don’t get wounded as it happens many times during this round.

At the end all the images formed by three assessors of different rounds should match which leads to recommendation. Body language is very important and I would deal it in a separate article. Still If you feel the need of individualised assessment and mocks from your home itself through mentoring or you have a query bothering your mind which hinders your preparation drop me a mail at [email protected]or add me on Fb and drop in a message. It would be a pleasure to help and resolve queries and clear doubts which are more often myths that are present in the place.

Jayendra Singh
Jayendra Singh
Jayendra Pratap Singh is an Alumnus of IIM Ranchi, specialized in Human Resource and is a die heart counsellor, advisor and mentor for defense aspirants. He was recommended in the first attempt for Indian navy UES entry and is willing to help aspirants to make use of his experience in this field.

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