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SSB InterviewPersonality Development10 Things a Defence Aspirant must learn from Narendra Modi

10 Things a Defence Aspirant must learn from Narendra Modi

India has democratically chosen her 14th Prime Minister. 16th May marked the end of the 16th Lok Sabha election of the largest democracy of the world. Now Mr. Narendra Modi is the Prime Minister of India. The defence aspirants who are above 18 years would have also voted. Irrespective of the choice you made and irrespective of the party you voted for, Mr. Narendra Modi is definitely a person who can be looked up for inspiration. So here I am penning down 10 things which a defence aspirant must learn from Narendra Modi.

10 Things a Defence Aspirant must learn from Narendra Modi

  • Hard work and dedication: Our new PM has set a record of travelling the most and doing most number of rallies in this election. Clearly this is an example of sheer hard work. Hence hard work is the biggest thing which we can learn from Narendra Modi. Of course no-one can work hard as long as he/she is totally dedicated for the work he/she is going to do. SO hard work and dedication go hand in hand. Hence you can learn to work hard with full dedication on your aim.
  • Enthusiasm: The enthusiasm with which Narendra Modi does his work is commendable. He remains cheerful and enthusiastic throughout the day, no matter how tiring the day is. SO our aspirants can take a lesson from here that no matter how tiring the day becomes, remain enthusiastic.
  • Zeal for fitness: Narendra Modi never misses his yoga in the morning, irrespective of the busy schedule. So a lesson to take here is his zeal for fitness. You should never avoid your fitness regime, try to take out time to do something to stay fit and healthy.
  • Confidence: Nobody will disagree that Mr. Modi is a man of high confidence. There has been instance where he was attacked from all sides with a lot of accusations, which is common for politics, but his confidence made him win the battle. Confidence is the key to an effective personality.
  • Effective Speaking skill: A good politician is never made without effective speaking skill. Same applies for everybody’s personality. If you have a good speaking skill and can reach and communicate your thoughts to the front person, then half the battle is won. So one more thing which you can learn from Mr. Modi is his ability of effective speaking.
  • Fearlessness: In spite of getting threats, and many other issues, Mr. Modi has remained fearless all the time. It is quite evident in the way he speaks that he is a fearless person. A defence aspirant needs to be fearless, he/she should have the ability to take risk and perform. So here is again a thing you can learn from him.
  • Leadership: Undoubtedly Mr. Modi is an able leader. He was chosen as a prime ministerial candidate because of his able leadership. He doesn’t only command orders; in fact he himself performs also. An able leader leads by the example of his work.
  • Respect and love for the work you do: He as a chief minister has done notable work for Gujrat. He loves what his does. So another thing you can learn from him is the passion and respect he has for his work. If you have the passion for the work you do, you’ll definitely succeed.
  • Willpower: Rising for a humble background, Mr. Modi has proved evidently that if you are determined and have a strong will power then nothing is out of reach. So just aim high and have the will to turn your dreams into realities.
  • Humbleness: In spite of being so loved by the ‘janta’ and everybody in his party Mr.Modi is a humble man. Humbleness is something which always makes you admirable, so here is one another thing which you can learn from our new PM.

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Tashi Mishra
Tashi Mishrahttps://www.ssbcrack.com/
An ardent follower of Military, football. Loves to read. Writer by choice, computer professional by chance! And Dil toh fauji hai jee!!

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  1. sir we dont think he iz humble , becoz in this election he speaks like a illetrate person , …..bt he iz gud speaker that we admit….bt above they r politicians we shd nt learn frm them…!!!

    • humble and being illiterate are two entirely different things
      “speaks like an illiterate person” and “he iz gud speaker”
      your argument collapses on itself. 🙂
      and a person has his own good and bad qualities, you can always learn.

      • i mean to say that wat type of language he use in political speachs…i think this type of language shd nt b used by PM of india , he shd be humble.. which means he shd nt use those type of words if others r using….!!!
        n moreover talking abt his speaking quality he attracts the public by his speaches thats y i put him under the title of gud speaker , n the quality of truth he speaks nobody know neither u nor me , so its better that we shd nt ask our defence aspirants to learn frm these politicians…!!” 🙂


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