One obvious question in every aspirant’s mind is how to prepare for SSB? As soon as one gets a call letter for SSB, the happiness with numerous Ideas on how to prepare to blow the mind. Candidates purchase books, join coaching, borrow notes from friends and learn the information from these sources. They learn Psychological tests and answers to expected interview questions but in the end, the result contrasts with Expectations. The reason is that SSB is a personality assessment test and not a college exam, where you learn patterns and questions, write answers and you pass! You have to bring that change in personality and elevate it up to a standard as you see in today’s officers!
SSB Interview Preparation Material [ 100% Recommended]
- Let’s Crack SSB Interview [Book]
- SSB Psychological Tests – Deep Dive [Book]
- OIR Test and PPDT [Book]
- Current Affairs [eBook]
- Defence GK [eBook]
Here are some activities that you must practice, and which contribute to the recommendation in SSB at large:
- TIME TABLE: – Make a time-table, where you bring in next mentioned qualities in daily schedule. This way you will make sure that you are giving time to each activity daily, will help in building a habit in 3-4 weeks, and will bring discipline in life. Don’t panic if it doesn’t work out for first week. Just keep practicing.
- NEWSPAPER READING :- If you are not in the habit, start with a Hindi newspaper for 10 days. Then switch to an easy English newspaper like “Hindustan times” or “The times of India”, whichever you like for next 20 days and finally “The Hindu.” Lay emphasize on national and international news. Read Editor’s page carefully. Note down the English words in a separate note book and once you are done, write synonyms-antonyms.
- PHYSICAL FITNESS: – Take out one hour daily to keep your body fit. Remember, the rate of medical rejection in SSB is 30%. And if you want those training days to go with ease, do half hour yogasan in morning and half hour exercise in evening.
- KNOWLEDGE :- You might have never seen this in OLQs but those who have been there know well that no Interview, and sometimes conference too goes without GK questions. There have been cases when GTO too asked GK questions. So, don’t ignore it. Manorama year book will do good. You can choose one random topic for daily. Questions are from current affairs, Geography (position of an ocean or a mountain),your subject questions, Who’s who, currency or capital of countries etc.
- WATCH TV:- News watched on TV lasts in mind more than newspaper. Watch news, debate and talk shows, Loksabha and some entertainment shows of knowledge like on Discovery or Nat Geo.
- SPORTS:- After you are merit in, you are going to have bad time in academy evenings if you are not good at sports. Sports leave a good impression on assessors in SSB. Prepare at least 3 Sports. It will boost your stamina as well.
- REASONING :- OLQs of mind are most important at SSB. Different kind of logical reasoning questions like verbal, non verbal, Sudoku, and reasoning games will make brain work in multiple direction. It will get you screen in for sure. It Will help you in GTO tests as well and you will have an active and alert mind in overall SSB.
- ACT OLQs :- If you think you will be courageous, honest, expressive, and intelligent in SSB and you will be recommended, you are wrong!! Better bring all these qualities in daily life.. Think and act like an officer in daily routine activities and you don’t have to be fake there!!
- PRACTICE TESTS:– Now you are up for practicing all the tests. But remember, be honest. Understand the purpose of each test,Make your mind up for these qualities and then practice.
- BE POSITIVE:- Most important thing, while doing this all, and in all your efforts, be optimistic! Feel positive and keep practicing. You will feel confident and they will notice it there!

So instead of working on WATs, TATs etc, start working on your personality because once you are commissioned, you don’t have to teach men their word sentencing and story writing, but you have to certainly work and command them with personality and qualities that you are building today in yourself!!
All the best to all the aspirants for their upcoming SSBs.
Great Info, but the title should be ”10 Activities You Must Start As Soon As You Decide to Appear for CDSE”.
You start these of immediately once you have made up your mind, waiting till the last moment will jeopardize your chances. Physical Fitness is a very important point, which is overlooked by 80% of candidates in their preparation. CDSE and SSB is just the tip of the ice berg, the real challenge begins once you join the respective Academies.
An effective plan of action would be to initially give emphasis to the written examinations, start familiarizing yourself with the SSB selection simultaneously. Set aside 2-3 hours a day to study for CDSE and 30 to 40 minutes for SSB prep. Once you have appeared for the examinations put your SSB prep into top gear. But Physical Conditioning should begin from Day one. The lady has given a good suggestion to practice yogasan, but Military fitness requires you to develop Cardiovascular and Muscular endurance. This can be developed by jogging and calisthenic exercises such as Push Ups, Pull Ups, Sit Ups, Squats and Lunges. The idea is to perform these exercises moderately on a regular basis ie at least 5 times a week.
Most aspirants start too late and come to grief. SSB is all about personality and personalty cannot be made in a Day or Month. Start from Day One Class XII or IInd of the degree Course !!
Another important thing is to start preparing for physical activities specially if you’re eligible for OTA entry. There’s very less time between date of of recommendation and date of joining specially in entries such as JAG and NCC where seats are limited and all depends on merit. Injuries are very common at OTA and you don’t get to report sick easily once you join the course. So best remedy is prior preparation. All the best!