
My Experience at 33 SSB Bhopal

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My Experience at 33 SSB Bhopal

I reached center along with others. Got around 3 hrs to settle in the provided rooms then reported for documentation and got my chest number (86) and asked to report next day at 6.45am in the same hall.

My Experience at 33 SSB Bhopal Day 1 Screening

We reached the testing hall in formals. Then one officer came and briefed us about the test and gave us a model test booklet and explained us the logic behind it to solve it. I realized no former practice is needed. It needs just basic intelligence. These were damn easy but time limitation was the catch. I tried to solve as much as i can. I solved 30 verbal and 42 nonverbal out of sets of 45 questions. Time given is around 22 min for 45 verbal questions and 19 min for 45 nonverbal questions.
Then PPDT (Picture Perception and Description Test) started. I listened to the instructions carefully. I wrote the story whatever came to my mind first. The picture was a crowded area where people were moving randomly. I made a story where the hero follows a suspicious guy carrying an explosive. Out of almost 100 people in the figure I marked only 5 in my answer sheet and completed the story in short. After finishing the story I realized that I forgot to highlight the central character which was mentioned in the instruction. I went to CHM sir who was arranging the answer sheets and asked him to give my sheet for while so that I can highlight. He gave me and I just put a round mark over the central character.
Finally time for discussion arrived. I narrated it properly (clearly and loudly) and with full confidence. In discussion I spoke 3-4 times and gave good points. I didn’t fight for my story as during discussion everyone else presented a different theme of positive mood in form of celebration. They said as maximum of us have positive view there is no need to put any negative themes like bombs. Then started fighting among themselves. Some said it was election campaign and some said it’s a railway station. During that time I came up with another story which was supported by all.  The assessor asked me to conclude it and I did it pretty well.
I was pretty confident that I will get screened in. Then we went for lunch and got our TA from the office and waited for result. Finally got screened in and got the new chest number i.e. 27. I was quite happy as this was my first attempt in SSB.

Then after we got screened in and allotted new chest number, we were asked to fill the PIQ form and attach photocopies of mark sheets, certificates and all. Screened out candidates are routed back to the railway station. Then after finishing these entire things CHM sir asked us to come for psych day in proper formal as there can be interview and we will not be given any time to change.

My Experience at 33 SSB Bhopal


My Experience at 33 SSB Bhopal Day 2 Psychology Tests

First test was TAT (Thematic appreciation test). Here we were shown 12 slide containing pictures one by one (Actually 11 slides were having pictures in them and the last slide was vacant). I wrote stories according to pictures one by one shown in the slide. I tried to make my stories more interesting and challenging. Technical errors in the projector gave us some extra minutes in between 😛 . I completed all the stories well within time and in the last story for the blank slide I wrote a story of NCC Camp.
In Word Association Test we were shown 60 words one by one. Each word is shown for 15 seconds on the screen. Within that we had to write a sentence on it before the next word flashes. So within 15 seconds we have to see the word and write a sentence thus not allowing any time to think, which brings out our true thinking before the psychologist. I attempted all.
Then in Situation Reaction Test we were given real life situation on a booklet for which we had to write our full action. Total number situations were 60 and I attempted 45 situations out of them.
Then there after I wrote SD (Self-Description) test. Here we had to write what our parents, teachers, friends, colleagues and we think of our self. It sounds easy but needed to be written carefully. I wrote truth about all the questions those were asked to me. It was also asked to write what changes you want to bring within yourself?. I wrote that my General knowledge is quite poor which I want to enhance.
Thereafter I was scheduled for interview. My interview was taken by Deputy President of 33 SSB. Started with some technical question related to my branch and related to navy which I did well. Since I was from metallurgy they asked me question related to Corrosion and its prevention in hull of ships.
 Basic questions about my family, education followed next. They asked me each and every details of my past and wrote it down. They went into my life deeply and asked me about all the relations I have made in my life. Also asked me about the process in the company I am working for. He asked me about my hobbies and how I spent my time after work. Then he asked me 10 recent news in the national dailies, which I answered well. This went for almost an hour and went quite smoothly till I was asked G.K. Then I screwed up. I could not answer 70% of the G.K question asked to me. I simply said “I don’t know sir” to most of the questions. I only said those I was sure about. In the end he asked me about my strength and weakness. That time I said G.K is my weakness and now trying to improve it. In overall it went well and I was confident throughout the interview.
After this I went to E-classroom and searched for the answers of those questions which I could not answer over internet. All of my roommates had their interview and it was a load off our mind. So we went to the Open air theater inside the military campus to see a movie.

My Experience at 33 SSB Bhopal Day 3 GTO Day 1

The tests those had to be covered in GTO (Group Testing Officer) series were as follows
  1. 2 sets of GDs
  2. Group Planning Exercise
  3. Progressive Group Task
  4. Group Obstacle race
  5. Half Group Task
  6. Lecturette
In the first GD we were given two topics out of which we were supposed to choose one and start. GTO sir gave the following two topics based on the following:
  1. Syria chemical attack
  2. Indo china relationship
We choose Indo-China relationship and started discussion. I spoke for 3-4 times and gave some good points. Discussion was on what is the best solution for bitter Indo-China relationship. It was well. Throughout the discussion I was keep on smiling politely.
In next GD round our GTO sir himself gave a topic. It was general topic. The topic was” in the present scenario what is the biggest threat for our country? 1. Terrorism 2.Population 3.Lack of moral values”
In both the GDs my performance was well. I talked whenever I felt necessary. It was not outstanding but it was not bad also.
Then our GTO sir gave us a 2 min break and called for next task i.e. Group Planning Exercise. I forgot to mention that our GTO officer was quite humble and helping and most of them are, that is why they are defence officer. Well in this task he explained us a situation over map. The situation usually consists of a group of young and energetic students like us and facing several problems. We need to solve all problems within time frame and by using available resources. First after explaining us the situation our GTO sir gave us a sheet containing the details in written format and gave us 5 minutes to read it again. Then after that he took our sheets and asked us to write our individual ideas on a paper within 15 minutes. Honestly I could not write more during this time as I spent more time in thinking. But I wrote in a systematic way. First I wrote my preferences then solution for each. It was hardly half of a single face of paper while other wrote it on two faces fully. During the time of discussion we had to discuss our ideas to arrive at a conclusion. I also participated in the discussion with others and it was not that well form my side. We could not arrive at a conclusion within time as few of the guys are not discussing systematically. But at the end one of my friend concluded and while he is explaining we helped him to conclude.
Then the Progressive Group Task. This task is filled with structures, which we the whole group along with the load ( water filled drum) and helping materials (balli,plank,ropes) needed to cross to reach the finishing line within 45 minutes. Of course there were some rules while crossing these structures like some areas we can’t touch and we cannot apply any physical force etc etc. I could not perform well in this task according to me. I think as a group we could not perform that well also and almost 60% ideas were provided by our GTO sir. We wasted our time by applying wrong ideas. I was thinking what we are doing and what am I doing. Finally this task came to an end. Everybody were little disappointed with the performance. But we finally bounced back to face the next task after 10 min break.
Next task was Group Obstacle Race. In this task we had to cross big obstacles in groups while carrying a tent folded in the form of a snake thus also called “snake race”. Here one group of 10 is raced against another group.  There were rules while crossing the obstacles. We also asked to choose our war cry. We choose “Jai Ho”. The race started on account of three. I remained at the end of the group while crossing obstacles and always keep on shouting the war cry as loud as I can. We used to lead our opponent group in all obstacles but all the time our GTOs used to give us time penalty for the two groups to come to same level. At the end we won the race and with that some minor injuries. But we were quite happy and satisfied after the race. As we were completely exhausted we were given a break of 10 min again.
Then we were called for half group Task. It exactly same as progressive group task. But the group of ten is divided into two groups of fives. And also the obstacle was only one. Rest all the rules remains same as that of progressive group task. It is only done to give them a chance those could not perform properly in the previous task. In this task as number of people in a group is less, everyone gets better chances. In this task I performed well by giving some good ideas to build cantilever. It was satisfactory.
After 5 min they called us for Lecturette. In lecturette we were given 4 topics (which is written in card to be choose randomly) of different levels and we have to choose any one out of them and deliver a lecture of 3 minutes. After the first candidate chooses his card he is given 3 minutes to prepare for it. In that time we are asked to introduce about ourselves to the group by giving a small introduction. When the first candidate is ready to give his lecture the next candidate takes his card and starts preparing for 3 minutes while the first candidate is giving his lecture and this goes on. I choose “Sino-Indian relationship” out of all my topics given to me and gave a lecture containing introduction, history, present scenario and conclusion. It was pretty good.
This was the end of the first GTO day tasks. We went back to our rooms, took lunch then went for outing with all my roommates. We went to see upper Lake of Bhopal. Then Went to DB city mall. I purchased my dress for conference. It was fun and we enjoyed a lot. Especially the auto journey was awesome indeed. After we came back we took dinner, played table tennis and went to sleep early.

My Experience at 33 SSB Bhopal Day 4 GTO Day 2

This was the final day of GTO series. Tasks those had to covered on that were
  • Individual Obstacle
  • Command task
  • Final group task
As the name suggests Individual Obstacle had to be performed each Individual. Everyone were quite frightened of Individual obstacles especially me. As we have seen some cases of serious injuries, dislocations, fractures etc. from last 3 days we were quite nervous also. Our GTO sir called us before beginning this task explained us every obstacle one by one and also gave us some ideas to avoid injuries. We were also asked to run for some time in order to warm up for this task. This task contains 10 obstacles numbered from one to ten. All this tasks are of different difficulty level and carrying different marks according to their number. (1 no task carries 1 mark, 2 no task carries 2 marks and 10 number task carries 10 marks). If one completes the entire task with all obstacles within the given time (3 min) then he will get 55 marks (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10=55). If after completing all the obstacles still some time is left he can repeat any of the obstacles to get extra mark. But for repeating all the obstacles are not be done successfully. It is not necessary that it has to be done in specific order according to their numbering. Anyone can decide his order of crossing obstacles. If we are in the middle of the task when time completes then we r allowed to finish that but if we are just in the initial stage then we are required to stop and return from that.
I was quite nervous as this was my first time and had never seen such things before. But somehow I managed to finish all 10 within time. I started with Monkey jump, then double ditch, commando walk, tiger leap, jump over screen, Long jump over wired drum, Burma Bridge, Jumping over the slide, Jig jag balance walk and finally Tarzan swing. Then I was going to jump over the drum to get extra marks but suddenly GTO sir blew the whistle. Suddenly I stopped myself before the drum.
I have not decided this complete order. I have decided only the first four. Rest of the obstacle I crossed randomly whatever came to my way and mind first. I was quite happy that I finished the entire task without even a slightest injury and any failures. Most of the group members performed well. We were given 20 minutes break.
We were summoned for Command task. It is also an individual task where one is made commander and is given an obstacle similar to progressive group task. Here the commander can choose two subordinates from his group according to his wish who are supposed to help him during the progress of the task. But the rule is that all the ideas should be given by commander only and subordinates should only talk when asked to. Here one single person is under the observation of GTO (subordinates are also under the observation) thus it is quite intimidating. After giving all the instruction the task started. While the task is in progress with one commander and 2 subordinates, rest of the group members should not see it thus we asked sit away facing to opposite side. He called one by one randomly and they choose their subordinates to help them. Well in my group I was called in 8th number and before that 5 of my group mates called me for helping them as a subordinate. Although the task given to each one is different, it gave me a plus point to get some idea about the obstacles and how to perform better. When my number came I had a formal interview with the GTO similar to others. In that he asked some question regarding my educational background, my Hometown, family etc. since I am from Balasore which is having an Integrated Test range of DRDO, he asked me a lot about that.(Like recent missile testing, ballistic missiles, their range and principle of operations). I did my homework and I answered well. Besides that he also asked me about Mars expedition, GPS systems and satellites. Whenever I failed to answer something he used to give me hints and I was answering thereafter. He also asked me questions about company currently I am working with. Then he asked me to choose subordinates and asked me the reason for choosing them. I said they are helpful in other task and skinny also. He asked me why you don’t choose someone who can give you good ideas. I simply said I won’t be needing that as I have full faith on me and I can handle it. Then he gave me 30 sec to have an overlook of the obstacle. When my subordinates reached me I wished them and explained them the structure and started. While ordering them also I was helping to carry helping materials. I didn’t stop in between and keep on crossing the structures with my friends with help of a plank and a rope. I reached near to finishing line in no time. GTO aksed me to stop over an obstacle and asked me the structures I was making to cross. I said it is a cantilever, Then he asked some questions related to cantilever beam, fulcrum, its principle etc. He asked me to cross the last one without using any helping material currently I was having with me. That time I realized that I forgot to bring balli and another rope which is still at starting line. I realized my mistake. But GTO said that go and bring by walking on ground and after that I finished my task. Everything went well except that part. I thanked my friends and GTO sir then returned to my place after keeping all the materials at starting line.
Next was the Final Group task. Where everyone were again put into a single group and asked to cross one obstacle which is having highest difficulty level as compared to others. We were given 10 minutes for this. It was having a football goal post with two small platforms on either side. I used the concept of Tarzan swing with the help of rope to cross it. And within two minutes all the group members were crossed it. I was quite happy for my work and also GTO sir was quite happy.
Then he called us and gave us a small talk about conference. And also asked us to be strong and not to get discouraged if we do not get recommended. He said if a person is not getting recommended does not mean that he is not capable. It means he can perform better in other areas rather than in armed forces. He gave the example of Sachin Tendulkar, APJ Abdul kalam, Amitabh bachhan etc who got rejected by SSB because they had skill in other areas. Then he asked us to go and enjoy the afternoon and dressed well for conference.

My Experience at 33 SSB Bhopal Day 5 Conference Day

This was the day of conference followed by result announcement. It might turn as a great day for few recommended ones but going to shatter dreams of many. But keeping that feeling aside we got shaved properly and dressed well. We were asked to report at 7.30 am for conference.
Conference is the stage where all the assessors (Psychologists, Interviewing Officers, GTOs) sit for a discussion about the candidate’s performances and decides whether to recommend him or not. If All the 3 assessors agreed upon a candidate then he is getting recommended. But if 2 of them agree and one does not then the candidate is in borderline. His fate is to be decided in conference by asking some questions. For other cases (where 2 assessors disagree and 3 assessors disagree) the candidate does not have any chances of getting recommended. Thus conference play a major role for those getting recommended and those in border lines.
Normally questions in the conference were asked by the respective interviewing officer. I entered the room by knocking at the door and walking slowly I stood before them by wishing the president. I only knew that everyone present there were in navy uniform. Before entering the room I thought of seeing out GTO sir in uniform but while I was in there I could not able to look at anyone but the deputy president who was asking questions to me. After I wished him he asked me to sit down. I knew that everyone is looking at me but I was only looking to the deputy president straight into the eyes. In total it lasted for 1 minutes I think. The questions and my answers go like this.
  • Deputy President: So Bipin, This is your first SSB attempt. Tell me how was your experience, did you make any friends here?
  • Me: sir the experience was memorable and awesome. I enjoyed these 4 days and made some good friends from different area and visited Bhopal area with them. It was full of fun and enjoyment.
  • Deputy President: So did you learn Tamil from your Tamil friends?
  • Me: yes sir I have learnt 2-3 Tamil lines and dosa compostion (with little smile)
  • Deputy President: Okay (with smile)…so how was the food here?
  • Me: Food was quite good and fresh too.
  • Deputy President: Any suggestions you want to give?
  • Me: No sir. Everything was just fine.
  • Deputy President: So you enjoyed these days?
  • Me: absolutely sir. Fully enjoyed.
  • Deputy President: Thank you Bipin. All the best. Now you can go.
  • Me: thank you sir.
Then I went with my roommates to CSD canteens. They purchased some items and we roamed for a while as it was the last day and who knew if we will be meeting again or not. After that we took our lunch and waited for the result which is going to be really big for some.
We were waiting in six lines for almost an hour. Then one officer came out and said that 6 of us got recommended. He said that he will read out the chest numbers and those got recommended should come and spell there full name. I closed my eyes when he started calling one by one. He went like this….. chest number 12,7,23,45,40….already fives names were called out and I was not one of them. I was sure that I am out. Then he asked us to guess the last one. Everyone was shouting some numbers. Someone from my group shouted my chest number but too I was silent. Then he said yes the last one is chest number 27. I could not believe that it’s me. I was trembling and could not able to stand properly. I was quite happy that I could not able to smile also. We went to meet the interviewing officer. He gave us instructions for medicals and asked us to stay fit for medicals and sent us after congratulating us. We were asked to submit our mobile at the earliest. I ran to my friends with whom I spent my last 4 beautiful days, hugged them and asked them to promise me that they will meet me one day in uniforms.
photo About Author: Bipin Kumar Sethy: I am a recent passed out graduate of NIT Rourkela of 2013 batch currently working in an alloy manufacturing industry.


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