
Recommended from 17 SSB Bangalore for TES-30 10+2 Army and NSB Coimbatore for 10+2 TES Navy

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Hello, my name is Nitin Jose and I got recommended from 17 SSB Bangalore for TES-30 10+2 Army and NSB Coimbatore for 10+2 TES Navy. I am a regular visitor of ssbcrack.com and clear all my SSB-related doubts by reading the personal experiences of the recommended candidates. I would like to share my 5 day experience at NSB Coimbatore which I hope would benefit some users of this website.

would like to share my 5 day experience at NSB Coimbatore which I hope would benefit some users of this website.

SSB Screening

My reporting date was 15 October 2013 and 94 candidates reported at the Coimbatore Jn railway station.After the document verification, I was given chest number- 92. The Verbal tests were easy but the non-verbal was bit tough. Nevertheless, my concentration was on the PPDT as it decides whether I get screened in or not. A very hazy picture was shown in which four men were visible but it was difficult to make out what they were doing as I was sitting in the end and the picture wasn’t clear. I made up a story from one of the pictures of TAT in SSB Bangalore. I was able to complete the story and gave a proper narration as well as I spoke about 4 times in the GD. 36 were screened in and my chest number was 20.

SSB Psychological Tests

I was relaxed during the psych test as I knew what would happen. I had already prepared 12 names of my friends in alphabetical order as I knew this would make my writing fast. As for the blank slide, I gave the story which I had narrated in PPDT at Bangalore. I did 55 words for WAT and did all 60 SRT. Giving simple one line solutions is the key of SRT. As for SD, I had already prepared one paragraph each.

SSB Personal Interviews

The same day, I had my interview. I was able to answer almost all the questions asked. Questions on family,friends,the Indian Navy and current affairs were asked. I was able to remember and answer 6 out of the 7 questions he asked in rapid fire. Maintaining eye contact and replying confidently is the key to a good interview. After the interview, I immediately wrote the questions which I was not able to answer on piece of paper and went to the nearest internet cafe to find those answers. Whatever question he asked, I made sure to reply back in full confidence.

GTO Tests

On GTO day 1 we first had the group discussion. The first topic was about Progress in India. The second topic was about the Lok Sabha elections 2014. I was very careful so as not to mention the names of any politician while most of the other candidates starting praising politicians like Narendra Modi and Rahul Gandhi. The GPE went well as I gave practical solutions. Next was the snake race. Shouting the war cry and helping fellow candidates so as to reach the finish line first is the key to this. Then we had the PGT, and the HGT. I gave reasonable ideas and lead the group. Following that,we had the lecturette, on which I spoke about student politics for about 2 minutes 45 seconds.
On Day 2, we had the IO, in which I completed 9 obstacles.Next we had the command task where I, very loudly and clearly, gave the instructions to the subordinates and completed the task before time and as for the FGT our group completed it in 1 minute and 19 seconds which the GTO claimed was a new record at NSB!


After being shown the conference hall, we were sent to our rooms. There, I constantly practiced the questions which I was not able to answer at the interview. At the conference, I was asked about my stay and what I learned from the NSB. I gave satisfactory replies and the smile on the faces of the President and the IO (which I hoped was genuine) gave me satisfaction. At last the results were announced. 7 candidates were recommended out of 36. I was overjoyed on hearing my name and congratulated the other 6 for getting recommended!
From my experience,to get recommended, I feel the following points need to be kept in mind:-
  1. Look and speak confidently always, whether it is to the IO, GTO or to fellow candidates.
  2. Do not be inclined to any political party but do have information about political events like the Lok Sabha elections, 2014.
  3. In GD, do not dominate or rebuke any candidate’s idea even if it doesn’t make sense. Instead appreciate him for his info and carry the discussion forward.
  4. Having sound knowledge in current affairs is helpful especially in GD,interview and lecturette.
  5. Do not worry about the results as you never know if you have done well or not. The assessors are very well trained in that respect. Just give it your best shot and have a pleasant experience!
Jai Hind!
1394810 726881380661474 58730907 n About Author: Nitin Jose: Got recommended from 17 SSB Bangalore for TES-30 10+2 Army and NSB Coimbatore for 10+2 TES Navy.
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6 thoughts on “Recommended from 17 SSB Bangalore for TES-30 10+2 Army and NSB Coimbatore for 10+2 TES Navy”

  1. Heylo ( to who ever is reading this) I was with this guy not in Jose all along the medical exam…. And trust me he is constantly always lost in good own world……. Nitin Jose……. No offense

  2. Hey bro first of all, congo!!!
    I need to ask u that can we apply to join IAF through TES, if yes, how? If no, then what should I do now??
    (I’m appearing for twelfth boards in ’14)


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