From the very childhood, I was fascinated by the uniform, salute, commands, parade and everything related to that life. Yes the Indian Armed forces life. It was always a dream to be a part of the rich culture, to feel the sense of camaraderie, brotherhood, to respect commands and to serve with honor.
To fulfill this dream I started my journey about three years back in Apr-10, when I first stepped to Bangalore City railway station to attend UES- Army interviews at Selection Centre South, Bangalore. Believe me still I can feel that cold breeze, pleasant weather and of course the language which was alien to me.
After five wonderful days at SCS, I was conference out. Dreams shattered, but lessons learnt. After this I had to go back to the college and prepare for placement as I was in final year of my degree.
I got placed in Oracle with decent package and good job profile. After coming to IT, I was enjoying the comforts and perks of an IT job and for some period of time, I got distracted from my goal. But destiny had something else, in my deep heart it was always there that I want to join but coming out from that comfort zone was tough. I kept on applying and getting calls for SSB but could not attend, sometimes office commitments, sometimes shortage of leaves. Finally I make my mind in Jan-2012 that I will have to do this at any cost. I was back to back conference out from SSC (Tech) – Navy, SSC (Pilot) – Navy, TGC- Army, screen out from SSC (Tech)- Army and again conference out from IMA-135.
After my Sixth, IMA-135 attempt in Bhopal from which I had great expectation, I was discouraged, I was getting the feeling that failure will never leave me. Due to some unavoidable reasons I could not attend TGC and SSC Tech- Army in May and June. I had my first AFSB scheduled on 15-Jul-13. But again I could not attend on that date and requested for rescheduling. I called up the board and wrote a letter.
I did not get any calls or any intimation from AFSB Mysore. I casually called them on 2-Aug morning to find out whether my request has been taken or not and one official said that you have to report on 5-Aug Monday.
So friends from here my journey started towards recommendation. I took emergency leave from office. Booked my ticket to Bangalore, met my friend there and started for Mysore on 4th night. I reached Mysore early morning 3 AM. I moved forward for railway station and met 3 more guys who were there for AFSB. Talked to them and found out they are also repeaters then we started sharing our previous experiences and started cracking jokes. It was a beautiful morning and I was enjoying my leave from office.
Day-1 Screening
After formalities and document checks we were given our chest no. and divided as per fresher, screened out, repeaters and increasing order of date of birth.
Officer’s Intelligence Rating Test/ Written Test: Very simple, no extra preparation required. I believe if you open up your mind, do practice sets well, do not spend more time on lengthy calculations and maintain a good speed then you can get most of them correct. Please note that OIR plays a crucial role in your selection and it gives a primary input to the interviewer about your aptitude. Interviewer draws out an initial picture on the basis of OIR.
PP and DT
Make you mind at peace before this test. I know this is very tough as this is the initial phase and to overcome anxiety is a cumbersome task, but the key to success is to be cool and give your natural response. Try to write a story which is close to your personality or in which you can project your OLQs. Try to finish the story in writing, even if you are not able to finish don’t panic you can continue the story during your narration.
During the gap between PP & DT, just try to rehears your story once and make your mind for the best narration possible. Do not think much, keep calm.
At the time of DT, during narration address complete group. If you have got the middle seat try to address both the sides. Watch out your body language, no extra hand movements. Wear a smile when you start and end. Do give importance to stress and intonation in your speech to double up your performance. Always remember DT is the best opportunity to display your qualities. While discussion, don’t lose your calm. Do not contribute to the fish market. Just be confident and make sure when you speak, others must listen to you. This can be achieved by practice. Be polite and have curt tone in your voice.
In my case, there was picture shown in which I saw 4-5 characters cleaning up water catchment area. I made a story on Save Lake campaign. Narrated confidently, contributed thrice to the discussion.
After PP & DT, results were announced and I was selected for phase-II testing with 65 more guys.
Day-2 Psychometric Tests:
Each and every test in the SSB is important for the selection. As they say it’s not the one test, it’s the totality of all the tests which takes you to the recommendation.
Psych test plays a vital role in the selection. As the outcome of the psych test is used as the input to the GT and Interview. The outcome of the psych is used as a stimulus to rest of the testing and a confirmatory round is performed. So it’s very imperative to write your original response. Before going to SSB, please go through all the OLQs as many as times possible and try to understand. Each of us have these qualities but the requirement is to show at the right time. Be natural in your response. Make sure every response is close to you and connected with you in some manner, try to give as much as qualities to these tests.
TAT: These pictures are designed in manner to asses one of the four major category of the OLQ. Just keep this in mind and write your story. It’s always better to write something related to you. Like in almost all my stories I have just written a life incident. Not required to create the problem even if it does not exist. Make it simple and clear. Clarity of thoughts and sentences definitely get you a good score.
On blank slide, you can prepare your story well in advance. They say that don’t worry about beauty of expression and grammatical mistakes but I feel if you are engineering graduate or even a graduate, you must make sure that your writing is free from all these flaws.
In my case, I just formatted my brain and removed all the stories which was there in my mind and which I have conceived in my last six attempts and started a fresh. Wrote life incidences and made it cool. For blank slide I wrote a story about one of my project which I had undertaken in my office. Completed all the stories within time.
WAT: A test which will test your mental endurance on how quick you are. An interesting and can be done really well if you practice it well. Try to get the list of words and prepare your own response sheet. Take your time and evaluate whether these are desirable or not. If you feel even an iota of improvement go for it, change your response and re-read until you are satisfied. Try to play this WAT game with your friends, make it fun and you are master of this.
In my case, I have practiced more than 300 words. Did a complete brain storming with my SSB friends over the desirable and undesirable response. It does not matter how much you practice, it matters the how much improvement you are getting after that practice. I am very sure if anyone practice about 100-120 words then he/ she can achieve a very good grade in it. My responses included most of the observations and facts. Again remember every word has been given to test one of the four verticals on which OLQ stands.
Example: Literary: Man booker prize is the highest literary award.
How it is desirable as per my personality: My hobby is reading books and I make sure that I read books which have got the coveted Man booker prize. So when I first saw this word this flashed in my mind and I gave my response.
SRT: SRT you have to enjoy this test. Put yourself in the situation and write the response. Try to be crisp and quick in your response. Do not think much just write it whatever you will do in that situation. Practice 3 to 4 sets beforehand and evaluate your response. Do not panic on attempts if you do 35-40 it’s all fine. If you closely see every fifth situation is just same as the previous first situation and so on. That means four situations is from one of the core verticals from OLQs and this pattern repeats. So if you attempt even 24-28 situations, you have given enough material to psychologist to assess you. One of my recommended friend did 25 situations only. In my case I did 50 situations.
SD: The specialty of this test is that you can prepare it well in advance. Talk to your parents, friends, boss/ teacher and most importantly talk to yourself what do you think about yourself. Be truthful and be concise. Do not give many weaknesses. Also try to give some points on how are you planning to overcome your weaknesses. Try not repeating your qualities in section to section. Do not add weaknesses like that you do not make your room neatly or you have got bad hand writing, nonetheless these are also equally important but as a young, dynamic guy you should have something which is worth improving.
In my case talked to my friends, parents, boss and tried to find out their expectation and thoughts. Believe me it will be totally fun if you really start preparing in this manner.
Crux is for psychometric test be cool and calm, try to give responses which is close to you and your personality. Every individual is unique and knowing about yourself and priorities is at utmost importance. Give time to yourself and it improves day by day. No pre- conceived ideas. No borrowed ideas. Make sure it’s YOU and only YOU.
Day 3 & 4- Group Testing
(In AFSBs you get one day as a free day, while in SSBs it’s a continuous process) In these tests everything is in your control. It’s not guided as psych tests. Before going to the GT just keep one thing in the mind you have to think and act like a 17 year old kid in all your tasks. For all the ground tasks PGT, HGT, CT, Snake race, IO, FGT, there is only thing it has got a simpler solution than you think. It’s not always true that you have to apply complex theories in crossing the obstacles. It’s about looking at the simpler side of the solution. Remember there is no need to use rope till 2nd stage in PGT. In AFSB we did not use the rope in all the four stages. As I said it’s about looking at the simpler solution.
PGT, HGT, CT & FGT: Try to help your group in every possible situation. It’s not always that you lead the group, it’s about contributing to the group in all possible manner. Help, share, guide and learn. And definitely hard work.
In my case helped the group, took initiative and gave all the help as required. In command task I was called thrice. As a subordinate helped the commander in best possible way.
IO: No extra preparation is required. Be fit and you can do all within time. I personally feel that IOs of AFSBs are slightly tougher than SSBs.
I completed 7 obstacles. In my previous attempts at SSB Bhopal and Bangalore I have done 11. J
Snake Race: Do not rush. Be with group. Help others. Shout the war cry at the loudest.
In my case JAI BHADRAKALI was group’s war cry.
GD, GPE & Lecturette: Read newspaper to be updated. Be courteous, have a friendly tone in your voice, do not consider it as a test, just talk like as if you are talking to your friends on a tea table or in restaurant.
Did pretty well in all the three tasks.
Interview: First and foremost thing PIQ is the foundation of the interview. Please make sure you have your PIQ ready beforehand or at least be mentally prepared with all the information which you have to furnish. Try not faking anything. Like if you have not played any group sport, be frank to accept that. Do not write anything just for the sake of writing. Groom yourself well, choose a good combination of clothing, wear a tie if you are comfortable. Enter in the room confidently. Be polite in your approach.
My interview was scheduled on the next morning of psych test. I took a good sleep and reached the waiting room well within time. There, I met other candidates they were discussing about the aircrafts and deals. I was blank on all this and could not stop smiling at myself. But I did not lose my confidence. I was just saying to myself that I have to give my best shot. My interview mainly revolved on below points:
- About my job profile, company, CEO of Oracle, how Oracle is doing good than others.
- Gave all the answers confidently. I could see that IO (Interviewing officer) was happy about the interest which I have in my current job.
- About joining the Armed forces and reason for leaving IT job where have 3+ years of exp.
- Justified it and convinced him about my priorities which I have from my life.
- Family, friends, regular questions like how do you support your family, to whom you are close, what your friends think about you, what they want you to improve.
- Gave all the answers very well. Did not break the sequence of rapid fire.
- About previous attempts, reason for rejection, what I did extra this time, academics, competitive examination which I have appeared.- Same as above.
- About hobbies, sports, strengths, weaknesses, most adventurous thing.
- Told him everything in detail in sync with PIQ and SD.
- GK questions.
40% questions went un-answered and I had reply I don’t know Sir. Questions which I knew gave the answer confidently.
Overall it was a treat and I was somehow satisfied with my performance.
Last Day- Conference
Well, It was the judgment day. After my chest no. was announced I waited for 2-3 minutes and entered the room as directed by bell. I wished the board and took my seat. Deputy President of the board asked about my number of my attempts and about my performance in tasks and asked me to leave.
At the time to result it was an usual feeling. I did not have any idea how will it go. I have just given my best and with more coolly and calmly. I was prepared for both success and failure.
And believe me I could not believe when DSO sir announced my chest number 57. I was struck by the memories of all my attempts, all the hard work which I have put, I literally had tears in my eyes that today I have achieved what I dreamt for.
It was supposedly my last attempt, as I was making my mind to continue in my current job profile or looking for an MBA. But the madness for Armed forces took me again to the SSB and made me recommended.
I believe the four months gap which I have got in between my IMA-135 SSB and this AFSB have helped me a lot to come out of those pre settled mind sets. I started a fresh for this and got recommended in my seventh attempt.
So friends, give time to yourself ask what do you expect from life and work towards your goal.
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I’m Anoop Kumar Shukla. Currently working for Oracle India in Hyderabad. I love to read books and writing short stories. I give value to the relationships, friendships and commitments. It was my seventh attempt and first for Indian Air Force. I got recommended for AEC (L)-Jan 14 course from 2 AFSB Mysore on 10- Aug-13. Waiting for my medicals to finish and merit.
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Congratulations!!! Your article is so nice.
Hey buddy congratulations!! u deserved…
For me..better fortune next time….
Any help required about the inside life in Academy. get in touch immediately.
Ex Flt. Cdt. Maneesh Singh
AFA, Dundigal
July 12 batch
10SSC F(P)