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SSB Interview DateUESUES 23 SSB Interview Dates Indian Army

UES 23 SSB Interview Dates Indian Army

Joinindianarmy.nic.in portal has published the SSB interview dates of UES 23 [University Entry Scheme 23]. Candidates those who have applied for UES 23 Indian Army and successfully cleared the preliminary round of interview are allotted with selection centre. UES 23rd SSB interview will be held at SSB Allahabad, Bangalore and Bhopal.


UES 23 SSB Interview Dates Indian Army

UES 23rd SSB Interview Details

  • Candidates for SSB Allahabad: 3391
  • Candidates for SSB Bhopal: 2000
  • Candidates for SSB Bangalore: 1500

Also Read:

UES 23rd Allotment Centre and SSB Dates

 Note: Common Call Letter Is Available At The End Of This List. Please Download The Same And Treat As Call Letter.
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  1. hello everyone …….actually there is no callup letter in the end of the available allahabad ssb list……..so what we have to do? pls tell us

  2. guys any 1 have idea regarding the probable dates of ssb interview throgh ues 23……4 allahabad ssb centre den plz plz let me inform on [email protected]…………
    Thanks n’ regards

  3. i am amar babar of VPCOE BARAMATI, E&TC branch D.O.B-29 sep-1990. i had cleared college interview of 23 ues. but my name is not there in center allotment list. my name was there in email sended by officers who came in my college. i have informed my TPO but finding my self help less. plz tell me what should i do.

  4. i got a common call up letter to my mail…in that the date is mentioned as to report at 1pm on 26 of november at bhopal railway station

  5. i m in a worse dilemma..please some 1 help me asap. i m selected for d ues 23 .i haven’t got d call letter yet in fact some of my friends have got it and it says dat der ssb dates are 24nov and 7 december.some of my friends whose name was not der in d pdf provided by u named as centre allotment ,even has got d call letter.i dont want to miss my dis chance of ssb,please someone help me.

  6. I was selected for SSB Bhopal. My reporting date is 24th November 2013, does anyone know the procedure how to change the date of reporting from 24th November(Regular Batch) to 9th December(Absentees Batch)

  7. sir i was selected in UES 23 and got my ssb centre as bhopal but till now we are not intimated about our ssb dates can you pls tell that when we will get the dates for the same

  8. Officials from army had come to our college and selected some few students
    We were told that they will intimate us by mail or post but haven’t received anything as yet
    Can anyone tell me about where should i check? for UES 23

  9. in case i need to file an rti ,as my name is not in ssb list , inspite of being selected in college interview.
    so to which department i should concern it??

  10. sir i am ‘ishuvir singh’ 23-02-93 persuing btech in “instrumentation and control engg “.sir i am selected in preliminary interview held in my collage ,but my name is not in centre allotment list.please help me

  11. Hello sir
    interview of 23 ues. but my name is not there in center allotment list.
    my name was there in email sended by officers who came in my college. I
    have informed my TPO but finding my self help less. please tell me what
    should I do sir….

  12. Sir my surname has been printed as “CHOUDHARY” instead “CHOUDHURY” although the documents I had furnished at the time of application have “CHOUDHURY” in it. Will there be a problem?Awaiting your reply.

  13. As I have been selected for the ssb2013 for UES 23 and center allocated is Bhopal but dates are not yet declared . so could you let me know the dates for the ssb in Bhopal

  14. sir,I am ashutosh walia of geeta institute of management and technology,kurukshetra cse branch d.o.b 3/2/1993.i had selected for ues 23 by college interview but my name is not in the centre allotement list.please tell me what can i do now..
    please contact me if someone know what to do..my email id is [email protected].
    my cellno is 7206459814

    • same case here bro, my num is +918439474578 and my mail is [email protected]
      well i had spoken to army people who have taken the interview they say we have certain our own calculation
      tommorow i will talk at local recurting office.
      if anybody has any information please share it.

  15. sir actually by mistake my date of birth is written wrong my original DOB is 27-08-1993 but by mistake it is written as 27-08-1992 ……sir please guide me how can i be able to remove this problem…..Bharat Gautam

    • This is serious.. get it corrected as soon as possible.. When you get the call,email or dates, Inform them immediately with your proof and certificates !

  16. sir i was recommended in prelims , but now my name is not in the final list.. plz tell me what to do ..as i was waiting for the dates but now my name is not there..

  17. what is the date for ssb interview at bhopal center…..if anyone know,,plz release complete info. regarding to the exact dates…..:)

  18. Sir,I am Anirudh Kashyap dob 7th Oct 1992 student of Sushila DeviBansal College of engg INDORE, I had cleared the preliminary round of 23rd UES successfully but my name is not there in the center allotment list.
    Kindly give relevant information…………..

  19. gud eve sir,
    I am bhawesh sahu and am selected for ssb in allahabad but there is no information regarding reporting date.so,i kindly request you to inform me for the same as early as possible.

  20. admin plz help.
    i am abhinay yadav of sushila devi bansal college of technology, indore IT branch D.O.B-20 AUG-1992. i had cleared college interview of 23 ues. but my name is not there in center allotment list. my name was there in email sended by officers who came in my college. i have informed my TPO but finding my self help less. plz tell me what should i do.


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