- The advertisement for NDA is released twice a year in the months of May and December and for CDSE in the months of June and October by UPSC.
- Duly filled applications are to be sent to UPSC as given in advt.
- The written tests are conducted by UPSC only. For details visit www.upsc.gov.in
- For all entries other than NDA and CDSE and for all branches, candidates have to undergo the AFCAT.
- The test is conducted twice a year in February and September
- Advertisements inviting applications for AFCAT are out in June and December. Candidates are to apply as per the advertisement.
- The test is conducted all across India by the Indian Air Force
- Air Sqn NCC Senior division ‘C’ certificate holders are to apply through DG NCC/ respective NCC Air Squadron
- They would then appear for AFCAT
SSB (Services Selection Board) Testing
- Officer Intelligence rating Test
- Picture perception and Discussion Test
All Stage I qualified candidates undergo following tests as part of Stage II testing during next three to four days
- Psychological Tests are written tests that are conducted by a Psychologist.
- Group Tests are interactive indoor and outdoor activities which are a combination of mental and physical work.
- Interview involves a personal conversation with an Interviewing Officer.
Ground Duty
Day 1
Phase I testing – Officers Intelligence Rating Test & Picture Perception and Discussion test
Day 2
Group tests
Group tests
Group tests
Day 3
Group tests
Group tests
Group tests
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Conduct Of Medical Examinations
- If you are recommended by the Selection Board, you will be sent for the medical examination either at Air Force Central Medical Establishment (AFCME), New Delhi or Institute of Aviation Medicine, Bengaluru.
- Preparing All India Merit List
- An All India Merit List is compiled on the basis of your performance in the written test and AFSB interview, subject to being medically fit. Based on the vacancies available in various branches / sub branches, joining instructions are issued to join one of the Training establishments.
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