
AFSB Medical Examination Experience By Komal Pawar

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Dear Friends, here is my new experience during my medical checkup! My medical was scheduled on 11th Feb. I had no idea what tests they are going to perform, we were only informed to reach their before 7 am and that our medical will be completed within a week.

This time it was only me and Shilpy  from our 20 girls and swathi  was through her medical as her medical was scheduled on 4th Feb. But thank god it was Swathi again who helped us to know the procedure.

I was only having the address of the IAM  banglore, and that it was nearby to HAL. I went to Banglore a day before my medical test. I thought that even this time the IAF Staff will come to escort us, but this time we had to go by ourselves, so I called swathi the night before i.e. on 10th and enquired her about reaching to IAM and she was very well acquainted with the place because she has her house nearby.

Also Read: My AFSB Interview Experience
I left my hotel at 5.30 am in morning because HAL was too far from my place and reached IAM at 6.15 am. I was surprised to see that shilpy their before me, coz at night I’d tried to contact her bt was having some network problem. We had a long chat till 7 and then we asked one of the office their about the procedure but he was not knowing and then came Swathi who told us about the procedure of the medical test, she escorted us to the in charge and later left us since her medical was incomplete. And after an hour Ashwini  joined us, she was knowing about medical tests before hand so didn’t hurry to reach IAM.

Later then that sir made us to fill some forms required for the test and guided us with the locations of various departments. We had to do following tests:

  • ENT
  • Ultrasound and X-Ray test
  • Dental test
  • Blood, sugar, urin test
  • Eyesight test
  • ECG, height weight test
  • Gynec test  And human engineering for flying branch

The first day I and Shiply had the ultrasound test, and it was then that kind of cyst was detected in my rt. Ovary . I asked to the doctor that whether that will create a problem in my selection, but he said it was not a serious issue and that detailed investigation will solve this, so I was relieved thinking that I’ll not be rejected.

Later one by one we had our other medical tests, ENT, Eye test, X-ray, Blood sugar urine and even ECG everything was perfect and in dental I got 22 on 22, but the only problem was with the Cyst.

As the days were passing I was getting depressed thinking of the cyst, finally on 14th feb one of the sir and the gynecologist said that it might be an ovarian cancer and that I’ll be rejected permanently. That was the day I burst out crying, I went completely despair. Shilpy and Ashwini  were busy with their TMT because they had problem with their ECG report, and I went in the hostel and was sobbing continuously, Swathi had seen me running in the hostel  crying and followed me, completing her work, and she made me understood that I should not lose hope and that I still have the chance to reapply as it was not the reason of permanent rejection, those were just the random predictions.

Later I too realized that it is just the examination god is conducting for me to check my firmness. Because there were some boys who were rejected for having more height by 1 cm or 1.5 cm, there was no hope for them coz ht can’t be reduced and I was happy once again. Later I contacted some of the doctors for enquiring about the cyst and even I surfed net and found that ovarian cancers and not detected in girls of my age and that had helped me to regain my confidence.

I had two boys along with me for the medical both for IAF, they were Kartik(NDA) and Rohit , Kartik was rejected for IAF but recommended for army and Rohit, Shilpy & Ashwini were all recommended only I was left. I felt bad for about my rejection but was happy for others and so we had a party at KFC on our last eve at IAM. Next day at the conference sir said convincingly that this rejection is not the end of life you can do many other things in life, but I was sure this is not my rejection but my test and so I’d applied for remedical.

Air Force Medical Candidates 

The staff at IAM hostel had taken care of our stay their very well, we never missed our home. Apart from my rejection everything else was very well and we enjoyed our 1 week stay there.

Re- Medical Telegram

It was on 28th Feb, I received a telegram for my re- medical, my happiness had no bounds because when I went home after my banglore medical I’d done the ultrasound and there was no cyst observed and that doctor said it was something corpus luteum.

I was suppose to report RK puram, Delhi on 15th March for my test , and in the telegram it was written that, I will be provided with the accommodation facility, I thought that it will be same as it was in banglore. I reached to Delhi on 14th eve thinking that I should not get late in morning, and then the real problem started, as I reached there one of the officer came and said that they have mentioned in the telegram that no accommodation will be provided and asked me to show the telegram, when he went through it he said that, the word “no” is not printed and that I have to arrange for my own accommodation. I was shocked hearing this, I went numb and my eyes were filled with tears. I knew no one from Delhi and it was evening time and I had a heavy bag with me.

Suddenly I remembered one of my friend Dinesh, who once said that his classmate and my senior, Sudha, lived in Delhi and I called him asking for help and after sometime it was Sudha who called me, inviting me to her house. The problem for that day was solved, I went to her and had a stay for nearly 10 days. Her parents were very caring towards me, they were like disciples of god for me.

Next day I went to R K puram and from there we were escorted to the base hospital. It was an OPD day and doctors were available, I was waiting for my turn in the hospital and when it came doctor said that I need to do ultrasound else he will not be able to investigate so I went to the ultrasound section, but the sir there said working hours were over and I’ll have to wait for the next day.

Next day it was Saturday and not an OPD day, so I just had my ultrasound and the radiologist said that there are some consistent loops but didn’t explained me anything and was informed to visit the hospital on Monday. I was tensed hearing that So wanted some relaxation & had much spare time on Sunday, so instead of thinking about the findings, I opted and went to Agra, explored the city but was completely exhaust by the night and even was late to bed, and had to reach the hospital by 8am, that means getting out at 6 am, and so I did. But as I reached, the receptionist said that doctor is absent today, so I went home thinking that I still have time on Tuesday for OPD.

Even on Tuesday I came at 8am and that time the receptionist told the real reason of doctor being absent, the commander of hospital was on leave for a week and that all the responsibility was on the doctor who was going to investigate me, that time I was pleading god to show some miracle, I was tired of all this problems, I called my mom and started crying on phone explaining her the situation, she made me believe in god and convinced not to lose hope and faith in god. And here it was, our Lord, showing his presence. As soon as I disconnected the call with mom, the doctor arrived there, since he had some office work. I was so happy that can’t be expressed in words, the first tension was released and later when he went through the repots he said I have no such problem and that I’m medically fit.

It was the time, I was willing to jump and dance and sing loudly and tell everyone that, “Problems in life are not to destroy you but to cross check the ability within you”

Also Read: My AFSB Interview Experience 

photo Author: Komal Pawar: I’m an engineering graduate, from Information Technology and working at a software company in Pune.


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26 thoughts on “AFSB Medical Examination Experience By Komal Pawar”

  1. I have one question Komal. Is medical checkup very important for the selection? Can u please tell me about dental checkup?

  2. I have been diagnosed with the same problem. A cyst measuring 4X3 cms has been identified in my left ovary. I consulted a doctor and they are giving me some medicines for the same but they are also are not sure whether the cyst will dissolve or get smaller. Can u please tell what type of a cyst was identified in ur case the dimension and what did you do about it.

  3. you have nailed it komal ..Congratulations .. well i have 1 question for you which i’ve been seeking since so long and everytym got mixed answer which unable me to come up any certain conclusion about my problem ..i’ve squint in my eyes ,which’s very minor ..it can only be caught be special examination .. i’ve been engaged in various sports where it never created any problem ..as u hv been through medicals ..did they do any special checkup to check whether u hv squint or nt ..nd wht eye checkup did they conduct 2 check ur eye .. hoping 2 get some certain conclusion frm ur side which wl enable me nt to be in ny unbalance mental status while afsb which M gonna give soon …help plz soon ..

  4. hello komal:) Iam sachin from bangalore recommended from 2AFSB. My medical is on july 8 in bangalore but i have ssb dates of navy on 12 of same month. so can you please tell the exact number of days the medical test happened for you.

  5. congratts komal di,I want to ask you a ques,that I’ve 28 teeth & having cavity in one molar tooth,so will that cause me any problem in clearing medical Or may i get rejected because of having cavity in tooth?

  6. Wao…its realy miracle whn u discnt ur cal n sudnly doctr arved..n said u r medicaly fit…sach me MAA TO MAA hi hoti MAA Ki jagaj koi nh le skta… Guys plz take cre of ur parents coz they r ur motivator,n helper in anyway…B-) n congrats mam… For ur recmmndtn….hope u got ur seat in IAF ALL D BEST:-)

  7. wow……I’ll tel u wat Komal, God has a plan 4 every1 of us. He had plans 4 u 2 n m sure since u had cleared His Test u’l definitely be on the MERIT list…….God Blesss.. & CONGRATS.

  8. congrats komal it’s good to know dat u cleared ur medical in spite of having so many problems….ur medical experience reminds me of my own experience of bangalore ssb and air force command hospital of bangalore….i hope u are selected in the merit list….

  9. Cool yaar…… true God is alwys testing us…:) n one more thing… u r sweet and good at heart n achche logo ke saath hamesha achcha hi hota hai……. Congratulations once again!!! 🙂 (y)


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