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SSBCrackNDA 1 2013 Cutoff Marks NDA 1 Answer Key 2013 Mathematics...

NDA 1 2013 Cutoff Marks NDA 1 Answer Key 2013 Mathematics and General Ability

NDA(I) 2013 Answer Key and cut off marks
NDA 1 2013 held on 14 April 2013, aspirants attended the written exam of NDA-1-2013 for the course commencing in NDA in 2014 are waiting for NDA & NA Exam 2013 Paper solution sheet NDA & NA key 2013,  NDA 1 2013 Cut off Marks/answer sheet of NDA-1 2013 is published in SSBCrack. Aspirants can look at the answer keys for their NDA written exam, here of paper-1st and paper-2nd with set-a, set-b, set-c, set-d.

We have published the answer keys for NDA (I) 2013 written exam, the answers key for all sets of NDA (I) 2013 exam here in SSBCrack. You can check the answer keys published by Cavalier Coaching Institute below. NDA-1 answer sheet 2013 and NDA 1 2013 cut off. Check out other NDA-1 answer key 2013 very soon here.
nda (i) 2013 cut off, answer sheet, question paper
National Defence Academy
You can also download the NDA-1-2013 answer key from the link below. If you want to share or ask please do it  in the comment box also share the correct answers if you find any glitch.

NDA (I) 2013 Maths Answer Key
NDA (I) 2013 General Ability Answer Key

These keys are not official and may contain some errors

NDA 1 2013 Cutoff Marks

Please check your marks in NDA 1 2013 and post your marks below in the comment section  to analyse your result.
Mathematics 300 and General ability 600. Total 900 marks
  1. Cut off will be above 350 out of 900 this year in NDA 1 2013
  2. There will be no individual cut off.

Apply for NDA (ii) 2013-2014

Note: NDA 1 2013 Cut Off may change, keep checking for the latest updates.

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  1. Sir, my expected score is around 380 in NDA NA April-2014. Is there a chance for the SSB interview calls…….and what could be the date of expected result.

  2. Sir my score is Aroung 350 but i have attempted only 60 questions in Mathematics And not all the answers are correct so i think it will less than 100 in Maths……so have i cleared the Individual cutoff???. pLz rPlY siR

  3. I am Getting 150 in Maths and 296.5 in GAT…. Is there any Chance For Me to get into the NDA…Which Field is Right For Me & Is there any Degree/Diploma Courses in NDA?

  4. I totally agree. The paper was really tough and the cut off will be low this time as compared to the NDA & NA (II) 2012 Exam.

  5. Well you have a slight chance as the UPSC is unpredictable!
    Start preparing for the SSB, in case you get through in this attempt!
    Best of Luck

  6. sir,
    In Mathematics 43 questions are correct and 29 wrong…
    In General Ability 63 questions are correct 52 wrong…
    Is there any chance sir…
    I am very anxious.. respond soon…

  7. sir, thnx for key and cutoff
    sir i wanna know really is there nothing like individual cutoff…can u give reference for this news…..
    .and what is the expected result date for nda-na1 2013

    thanking ur anticipation

  8. Sir, I have appeared in NDA on 14/4/13 and have scored 128 in maths and 288 in GAT.In total 406. Will I be getting my NDA this time. And I also want to know that when is the actual course (month) is starting in NDA, Pune.

  9. Sir, I have appeared in NDA on 14/4/13 and have scored 128 in maths and 288 in GAT.In total 406. Will I be getting my NDA this time. And I also want to know that when is the actual course (month) is starting in NDA, Pune.

  10. Sir, I am studying in class XII. I have appeared in NDA1 2013 exam on 14 Apr 13. If I am called for SSB interview and (say) get selected, will they call me for joining the NDA? as I have not yet completed my XII.What is the disposal in such cases?

  11. many answers are wrong…set A
    some correct answers in maths
    8 D
    12 A
    45 A
    54 C
    68 A
    78 C
    117 D
    also in general ability argo won the best drama picture award in golden globe..google it if you want to be sur..

  12. To all asking regarding their chances, you can check the expected cut off which is near 350. Cut off varies each time but it will remain near that. So do not get panic because you will get the results and now you can nothing do anything about your written test.

    Those who are confident, can go for coaching if they want to, anyhow it will be useful for next attempts.

  13. Sir it was my first attempt at nda i m gettin abt 550
    My supervisor wrote my ans sheet no. in d attendance
    wrongly in math paper, i hav written d info on ans sheet correctly,
    Will it cause any problem,plzzz someone reply……

  14. Sir it was my first attempt at nda i m gettin abt 550
    My supervisor wrote my ans sheet no. in d attendance
    wrongly in math paper, i hav written d info on ans sheet correctly,
    Will it cause any problem,plzzz someone reply……

  15. Sir it was my first attempt at nda i m gettin abt 550
    My supervisor wrote my ans sheet no. in d attendance
    wrongly in math paper, i hav written d info on ans sheet correctly,
    Will it cause any problem,plzzz someone reply……

  16. Hello.
    I am Naveen K Devadas. Actually It was my first attempt in NDA. i scored 111.2 in Mathematics and 277.5 in GAT any way total marks is 388.7. will i be able to clear my way. Please I want an expert suggestion on this. Thank You.

    • Thank You Sir!
      Just I Need to ask a question that is there any limitation in selection of candidates on the basis of written exam. like the cutoff if 350 and a person had 388.7 will he be qualified for ssb if a majority of people has 450 above. Sir Kindly clear my doubt that can i be qualified for ssb. Please reply with a practical answer.
      Thank You.

    • Gentleman, as it is not like the iit’s which select a candidate only by written exam. As it is predicted that cutoff will be above 350 so it doesn’ t matter who has scored much or less if u cleared the cutoff u will be in. But ur marks will give u preference over others at the time of preparing merit list after the ssb.
      Hope u get ur answer.

  17. hi sir i got 210 in maths,
    and 335 in gat will i get through…?
    but my supervisor had filled in my ans sheet no. wrongly in attendance list fr maths
    but ans sheet info is correct,will it cause any problems???
    Please rply,i m very anxious…

  18. hi sir i got 210 in maths,
    and 335 in gat will i get through…?
    but my supervisor had filled in my ans sheet no. wrongly in attendance list fr maths
    but ans sheet info is correct,will it cause any problems???
    Please rply,i m very anxious…


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