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Cut OffNDANDA 1 2014 Cut Off Marks NDA 1 Answer Key 2014 for...

NDA 1 2014 Cut Off Marks NDA 1 Answer Key 2014 for Mathematics and General Ability

NDA 1 2014 was conducted on 20 April 2014, all candidates who have attended NDA (I) 2014 written test for which the course is commencing in National Defence Academy in 2015 must be waiting for NDA and NA (I) Exam 2014 Paper solution sheet NDA and NA key 2014NDA 1 2014 Cut off Marks/answer sheet of NDA-1 2014 is being published on SSBCrack. Aspirants can have a look at the Answer keys for their NDA I 2014 written exam, here of paper-1st and paper-2nd with set-a, set-b, set-c, set-d.


We will publish the complete list of answers and keys for NDA 1 2014 exam. NDA (I) 2014 written exam, the answers key for all sets of NDA (I) 2014 exam are going to be mentioned at SSBCrack soon. You can also find the keys and cut off marks published by Cavalier Coaching Institute for NDA-1 answer sheet 2014 and NDA 1 2014 cut off. Check out your NDA-1 answer key 2014 very soon here.

NDA 1 2014 Cut Off Marks NDA 1 Answer Key 2014 for Mathematics and General Ability


You can also download the NDA-1-2014 answer key from the link below. If you want to share or ask please do it in the comment box also share the correct answers if you find any glitch.

NDA (I) 2014 Answer Keys By Doon Defence Academy

NDA (I) 2014 Answer Keys By Cavalier Academy

*Updating Keys

NDA 1 2014 Cut Off Marks

  • Please check your marks in NDA 1 2014 and post your marks below in the comment section to analyse your result.
  • Mathematics 300 and General ability 600. Total 900 marks
  • Cut off will be above 330 out of 900 this year in NDA 1 2014
Note: NDA 1 2014 Cut Off may change, keep checking for the latest updates.
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  1. sir in april nda paper accordind to upsc i got 373 but the cutt off marks was 360 and in maths 91 and gk was 282. sir i didn;t understand that i was not in the written result what was the problem

  2. my maths is very weak but i am sure that i will get more than 350 in general ability an 90 in maths so is there any chance of clearing NDA

  3. hi …guys please tell me which books are best for preparation …..its my first attempt and i want to success …

  4. sir i’ve secured about 82 in maths and 203 in gs ,………that counts in a total about 285 out of 900….is there any chance ????

  5. Sir, I am scoring 111 marks in Math’s………and around 420 marks in GAT……. Sir,What are my chances for getting call letter……….And is their individual cutoff for mathematics paper………..

    I know i cant pass by just taking 80 in maths and 300 in Gat
    So wat is the minimum cutoff for both the exams ????

  7. admin on behalf of my son.please inform if any official key will come at all for NDA 1 2014 and also request for the date expected for the final merit list of NDA 132 nd batch

  8. hi sir!!!!!!!!!!! i got 57.27 in maths and 149.55 in GAT do i have any chance of getting……………????

  9. Friend,
    I am getting 70 in maths and 405 in GAT in NDA 1 2014.What are my chances??Any prediction regarding cut off for written exams?When will the results of written be declared??

  10. What is the expected cutoff?
    Is there any individual cutoff.
    Am getting 464.76. 388 In gs and the rest in maths
    What are my chances?

    • bro you will definitely get a call letter for SSB. coz minimum 30% marks are required in each paper. GOOD LUCK!

  11. admim its my humble req to u that the keys have many incorrect ans which are misguiding the aspirants so either if u can then correct those wrong ans or post them individually in comment section and if not thn plz remove these keys ….

  12. What is the exact date of release of NDA 1 2014 OFFICIAL answer keys on UPSC official site i.e. upsc.gov.in ????
    And what is the date of result of nda 1 2014 written exam ??

  13. Sir I have scored 128.34 in mathematics and 266.67 in General Ability test,
    With a total score of 395.01.Will I get interview call letter.

  14. bakwas……many wrong answers in maths…….ye coachng wale khud hi thk se prepare ni hai…….hmara preparation kya krwayenge…..

  15. they all are providing the answere key…………..
    and have lot of answers wrong…


    Q18-b (simple venn diagram problem)
    Q29-a (simple inequality solved wrong)
    Q40-c (modulus function)
    Q50-b (by plotting the graph)
    Q64-a (look like they forgot to change limits after doing substitution as tan^(-1))
    Q66-a (cant see modulus)
    Q100-a (can be checked by dot product)
    Q120-c (property given in NCERT)

    Most of the answere sheets provided have same mistakes (looks like they have copied from each other)????
    Its better to wait for official answer key as lot of questions are wrong…
    If you want the detailed solution of above correction ask me…

  16. my son has cleared 132 nd batch ssb and medical fitness for army and navy, airforce not fit due to 0.5 dioptre power glass. he has appeared again in 133rd batch. can he remove the glass, by exercise, and get air force in batch133 . when will the merit list for 132nd batch be out

    • It depends on merit list. if ubr sure about yr. marks thrn u will surely qualify because merit list is always below 400 in any case. check answer key. answer key is usually available after 48 hrs of exam.

  17. Friend,
    I am getting 65 marks in maths and 400 marks in GAT in NDA 1 2014.Is there any chance??How far will the cut off go this time?Is there any chance for me?


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