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SSBCrackTGC-117 Eligible Branch and Cut Off Marks

TGC-117 Eligible Branch and Cut Off Marks

tgc 117 eligible branches

TGC-117 course is a technical entry course in the Indian army for technical graduates. One going through TGC entry may join Indian Military Academy for one year training course and get permanent commission in Indian army. Tech graduates are assigned with technical field in Indian army after they get commissioned through successful one year training at IMA Dehradun.


TGC-118 Notification Indian Army 2013

Recently joinindianarmy published the allotment center and dates of TGC-117, soon more list will be coming for all the SSB. For more info check the links below:

Now the big questions is, are IT, EEE and other few branches are eligible for TGC-117, which are/were eligible for SSC-40 and SSC-41 ? TGC-117 advertisement doesn’t notify any of these branches and this is the first time when TGC excluded branch like EEE etc. But, recently army included IT, EEE and few more branches in SSC-40 and SSC-11 including IT, EEE etc. We all know that SSC-tech and TGC are almost same so there is no point in keeping a different eligibility criteria.

Yet the picture is not clear but the call letter received by few candidates for SSB Bangalore clearly mentions that only notified branches are eligible, and nothing mentioned about equivalency certificate.

Eligible branches in TGC-117 as per revised call letter*:


Btech/BE Discipline
Civil (including mining/ construction) 19
Electrical or Electrical & Electronics 11
Mechanical (including industrial/ industrial Engg & Management) 07
Production (including Manufacturing) 02
Bio – Tech/ Food Tech / Bio – Medical Engg / Chemical Engg 02
Communication/ Telecommunication (including ECE/ Electronics & Communication) 06
Electronics (including Electronics & Instrumentation)or Instrumentation & control 08
Architecture/ Building Constr Technology 03
Computer Science & Engg or Information Technology/ Computer Science/ M.Sc (computer) 02

*Online list of SSB Bangalore

Also Read:

  1. TGC 117 Notification 
  2. CDS 1 2013 Answer Key

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  1. SUBJECT: Removal of Cut-off Criteria (read in full)
    Dear Friends,

    I think the criteria of B.tech. percentage cut-off to select the aspirants to appear before SSB is not right.
    The need to remove this cut-off criteria ( or to introduce a common test) is of Supreme Importance to us.
    I appeal to all my friends to take this matter on high priority as IF NOT NOW, NEXT CHANCE WILL NEVER COME.

    we can do following things:

    1. Humbly request Recruiting Directorate by informing them about our concerns and zeal and josh to join Indian Army.
    2. In gentlemen way, we can further appeal to Defense Ministry to look into the matter ( as it a matter of thousands of genuine candidates aspiring to join Indian Defense Forces).
    3. We can also move the Supreme Court to suggest the introduction of common entrance exam for this.

    We can discuss further our action plan regarding this. My email id is [email protected]

    Expecting thoughtful and quick reply from you all.


  2. Respected Sir,

    Please look into the account of the genuine candidates who applied for the TGC-117 entry with all zeal and Josh to join Indian Army, but could not appear before SSB just because of the cut-off of 63% till 6th semester.

    Sir, Indian Defense Forces are the only organisations which recruit free and fairly without any partiality.
    ( Every university has different judging and marking criteria, so a common entrance test like AFCAT may be introduced for technical entries).
    Please remove the cut-off and allow all the candidates of appear before SSB.

    Please take this matter on priority sir. Its a humble request of many many genuine candidates desirous of joining Indian Army.

    Expecting positive.


  3. i applied for tgc but my name is not in the list..i have applied every thing correctly..and also my percentage is 75 upto 6th sem… What to do now… Please help me…


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