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Written ExamsNDA ExamNDA CDSE Cut Off & SSB Marks Declared Officially

NDA CDSE Cut Off & SSB Marks Declared Officially

NDA 2010, 2011 and 2012 cut off mark and final mark scored in SSB interview are declared by UPSC officially. This information was extracted through RTI act, big thanks to one of my friend who made this possible. This list also consist CDSE 2010 and 2011 cut off marks and cut off marks in SSB interviews.

Check: NDA I 2013 Cut Off Marks

This is the first time you are going to see the cut off mark in SSB interview for NDA and CDSE for the year 2010, 2011 and 2012.

Cut off marks for NDA and NA 2010, 2011 and 2012:

Year NDA& NA (I) NDA & NA (II)
Written Cut off SSB Cut off Written Cut off SSB Cut off
263 Army- 636 193 Army- 570
Navy – 636 Navy – 570
IAF – 678 IAF – 605

290 Army- 659 253 692- for all three
Navy – 659
IAF – 703
2012       333 695- for all three * *

* Not provided by UPSC for being under process.

Cut off marks for CDSE 2010, 2011 and 2012:

Written Cut Off SSB Cut off Written Cut Off SSB Cut off


IMA-69 192 IMA-75 197
INA- 48 182 INA- 63 194
AFA- 90 214 AFA- 99 245
OTA Men- 56 138 OTA Men- 54 134
OTA Women- 56 141 OTA Women- 54 138


IMA-90 214 IMA-93 213
INA- 45 204 INA- 78 201
AFA- 111 249 AFA- 126 273
OTA Men- 72 154 OTA Men- 68 148
OTA Women- 72 153 OTA Women- 68 149
2012 * * * *

* Not provided by UPSC for being under process.

Reference Documents:

Make sure you do not consider these marks for future examinations, cut off may go higher than these marks. Use this data just to analyse and always aim higher than this.

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  1. hiii.. can anyone could tell me about what does it mean ” minnimum qualifying marks in each subject = 12 and maximum aggregate marks = 76 in cds.. please guys help me with this

  2. Dear Sir
    I’m getting 387 marks appox. according to your ans. keys in NDA II 2012 but i didn’t get selection in written exam.
    so i wanna ask what may be cut off , should I use RTI to know my marks & cut off. But when its right time to ask.

  3. Hi Mustan, are you sure you were eligible at the time of applying for CDSE II 2012?

    CDSE II 2012 course is commencing in July 2013 whereas SSC-41st is commencing on Oct 2013.

    • at that time i read that final year students can apply but i hadn’t seen the date of submitting the final certificates….so now sir my point is, is there any provision for late submission of documents ???

    • mustan u r eligible. All u have to do is from ur institution get a certificate mentioning ur final year exam date. I attended last year similarly. The format of certificate wil b along with cal letter

  4. @admin : sir i have cleared my CDSE-2 2012 exam but my final semester exam will finished on 1st june and in the result they have mentioned in the 4th point that they need all the original certificates by 13th may …so what should i do ??? although there is provision of 12 weeks for submitting the documents after joining the academy in case of ssc41(M) notification but in case of CDSE they doesn’t mentioned anything like that ??? GUIDE PLZ !!

  5. @genxarmy :: yes brother there is sectional cut-off and SSB-crack needs to update this info soon.
    @akash sharma :: brother, in my opinion you might have cleared the overall cut-off but u may have left behind in sectional cut-off of ur weak subject.
    Braveheart !!

    • The sectional cut-off for NDA(II) 2011 is as follows as I also applied for RTI in UPSC

      cut-off of written part of it was 333(37 % ) marks in aggregate with atleast 30 % marks in each subject


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