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SSBCrackConvert CGPA/DGPA to Marks for SSB Application

Convert CGPA/DGPA to Marks for SSB Application


How to convert CGPA/DGPA into marks while applying for TGC or Indian Navy, this is the most common question asked by aspirants and our readers while applying for these entries. After lot of search I have found some helpful instruction which may help the candidates to convert CGPA/DGPA in the required format.


How to convert CGPA/DGPA in filling SSB Online form for Indian Army?


Let :
Marks obtained in 1st Semester = 80
Marks obtained in 2nd Semester = 85
Marks obtained in 3rd Semester = 90

CGPA will be of these according to CBSE standards
Sem I  = 80 / 9.5 = 8.42
Sem II = 85 / 9.5 =  8.94
Sem III= 95 / 9.5 = 10

the conversion value may be different according to college or university, aspirants are adviced to ask their respective college and university for conversion key.

CGPA/DGPA to Marks :

CGPA/DGPA obtained in 1st Semester = 8.42
CGPA/DGPA obtained in 2nd Semester = 8.94 
CGPA/DGPA obtained in 3rd Semester = 10

Sem I  = 8.42 X 9.5 = 80
Sem II = 8.94 X 9.5 = 85
Sem III= 10 X 9.5 = 95

How to convert CGPA/DGPA in filling SSB Online form for Indian NAVY?

While searching for the same details online I found the answers in the official Navy website, they have given clear instruction to aspirants and advised them to ask their respective college and university for CGPA conversion:

Words of Indian Navy


1. Take out your University Approved Conversion Chart for conversion of your grades to percentages.
2. Compute your semester wise percentages based on the formula used by your University.
3. Note down all your semester wise percentages carefully.


Candidate A has grading system for evaluation in his University. He has secured the following grades in his 04 years of study.

Year/ Semester Credits Obtained Total Credits Formula For Conversion From Grades To Percentages Calculated Percentage
(a) Year 1
(Semester 1)
3.0 4 Multiply Credit Obtained by 20 60
(b) Year 1
(Semester 2)
3.0 4 60
(c) Year 2
(Semester 3)
3.0 4 60
(d) Year 2
(Semester 4)
3.0 4 60
(e) Year 3
(Semester 5)
3.0 4 60
(f) Year 3
(Semester 6)
3.0 4 60
(g) Year 4
(Semester 7)
3.0 4 60
(h) Year 4
(Semester 8)
3.0 4 60

                Now candidate A has to fill in the marks column, such that the total percentage is 60.
                He will have to enter 100 in maximum marks column and 60 in marks obtained column.
                Finally, the system will compute the aggregate percentage for his 04 years of study as 60 %.
                As explained, candidates should fill in the marks accordingly.

                There are few more helpful post related to the same topic , do check them


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                1. Hi there!

                  My university calculates only gives us GPA both subject-wise and semester wise. As per the value inputted, the entry form is showing the correct percentage. So just wanted to ask if I still have to convert to Total Marks and Marks Obtained to other numbers because even my degree states the maximum marks as 4 and then my GPA as 3.06. Please suggest!

                2. 1st sem=6.63
                  2nd sem=6.89
                  3rd sem=7.31
                  4th sem= 7
                  5th sem=7.38
                  6th sem=8.31
                  7th sem=8.42
                  how can i convert
                  1. CGPA converted to Marks
                  2. Percentage of Marks based on CGPA
                  reply to mail: [email protected]
                  note : University of Mumbai
                  please help me

                3. Sir I am unable complete my form for AEC 122 course, i had encountered a major problem in Education details section where we need to provide our every semester marks in coulmn no 14(a). It has been already mentioned that we need to convert our cgpa %age to total marks and scored marks. For e.g i wrote like this 1st semester 400/500, second sem 400/500, 3rd sem 330/400.. so on, but after clicking save & continue buttion the form is not proceeding as it displays a message “enter all semester marks/grade obtained in postgraduation”.

                4. i want to take my addmission in mumbai but i have grade i want to change into marks soi get addmission plzhelp me i need marks before 25 th june

                5. Hello Sir
                  I have done my btech in the stream of Information Technology.
                  Am I elgible for SHORT SERVICE COMMISSION (TECHNICAL) (SSC(T)-41)and i applied for it and i got Roll number also.

                6. Sir,I have SGPA system in college.Can please tell me how shall i fill the Grade section of the form.What shall fill in the %age of marks scored and Cummulative %age and what shall i fill in the SGPA CGPA/DGPA and %age of marks based on cummulative grade.Please provide me the complete details to fill this section.Thanks

                7. sir my b.tech total marks is 5550 but according my university jntu 2 subjects should be removed for calculating overall percentage i.e 5350.but my problem is should i enter 5550 marks or 5350 because individual semester marks will be for full marks.1st 1100 2nd 1500 3rd 1500 4th 1450,total 5550 and in my provisional certificate it is out of 5350.my % is 74.92 i.e 4008 out of 5350

                8. thank you Sir for your helpful post But Sir Our Institute (National Institute of technology, Surathkal, Karnataka) have CGPA based system & regarding to conversion It says, If CGPA>6.5 then you comes in Class I & If Your CGPA lies between 5-6.5 then II Class……
                  INSTITUTE’s Curriculum says conversion will depend on SSB (other organization where u r applying)……….. ???
                  I m confused ………… I simply multiply by 10 and got Percentage !!!

                9. thank you sir also wanted to ask what are the chances in 1 st ssb as some of my friends said tht allahbaad is toughest and only 30% chances are with the fresher . what is the ground reality sir

                  • In my opinion freshers are tested with more efforts comparatively to repeaters , but if you do what you are suppose to do there then no one can stop you to get recommend.

                    All the best.

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