
How to fill Indian Navy Online Application Form

By SSBCrack

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Nausenabharti,No record found?? Check How to fill Indian Navy Online Application Form

This post is regarding the online application form submission for various entries in Navy like Logistics ,ATC, Education and many more.

Things you should have before applying online for Navy logistics Cadre, Education Branch and ATC. 
  • Read the Advertisement carefully and check the eligibility criteria.
  • Note down the number of entries for which you are eligible.
  • Priorities the types of entries according to your interest, if you are eligible for more than one entry
  • You must know marks obtained and total marks for each semester in your graduation ( B.sc, B.tech etc.)
  • Have a latest color passport photo of less than 10 KB in size, it is required to be uploaded in the form.
  • Know your particulars like Name, DOB, Address so on.  
  • Have a good net connection, and clear cache and cookies in your browser before applying.
  • Try different browser you get problem with any browser. 
1. Check the  Advertisement  and click on the link below to apply:
2.   You must have completed you graduation before applying for this entry.
3. Fill all the respective particulars, Now candidates with 1st year with one sem only got reliable option.
4.  Check again all the details before clicking on submit button:
5.  Check the type of entry for which you are eligible or interested:
6.  Click on Submit
7. Be very careful filling your details now:
8. As mentioned earlier , you must have a passport photo of 10 kb in size, system will not accept the size more than that and photo upload is mandatory. Click on preview after it.
9.  Last chance to make any change , click on edit if you wanna make some change or else click on submit for the final move.
10.  Here is an important note for you after submitting the form.
11. Well done , you have registered successfully , you got your registration number here.
12.  Take the print out of the form and follow as mentioned in the advertisement: 
Note: Merely applying online will not make you eligible for SSB, there are more formalities to be done, like sending your application form to the concerned department.
To reduce the size of photograph to 10 kb follow this :

1. Open the picture with microsoft office.

2. Click on Edit picture option.

3. Click on compress picture option in the right pane.

4. now select the web document option or the email message option. (which ever reduces the size of the photograph to 10 kb or less).

5. Now save the picture.

That’s it… U’re done..  [Method by:Saurabh]

Any problem ??? Write it in the comment box below. 

Also check How to change/postpone/prepone your Interview Dates.


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96 thoughts on “How to fill Indian Navy Online Application Form”

  1. Sir I’m in my last semester and navy is giving option in final year and it’s showing also but asking for the graduation marksheet which one should I upload?

  2. When im filling the educational qualifications there is a box for uploading the CGPA to percentage conversion certificate but our university doesn’t provide any such certificate. So what can i do for it ,and also the coloumn for the serial no of plus two is uploaded at the same time it is mentioned as wrong. Please help me.

  3. Hi am filling, SSC [GS (engineering)],01/2020. I have doubts while filling this form. I am confused while filling 12th details and my question is below.

    Select checkbox to consider subject into aggregate percentage?

  4. we had Grading system in b.tech.. so i dont know the exact marks obtained. What shall i fill in Marks Obtained.?
    Can i fill there the GPA score obtained for a particular semester.

  5. Sir I haven’t uploaded the picture in University Entry Scheme application form of Indian Navy.What should I do? Please help me.

  6. sir we have only one semister in 1st year and remaining 3years we have 2
    semisters in each year, so all together we have only 7 semister. so how
    to over come with that 8th sem column, since if i leave that 8th sem
    column the system it not accepting. so pls help me out sir.

  7. Hello sir,
    When I was filling application form, I made mistake in address and phone number.
    how should I change it? And now I have taken printout also , can I fill a new application form or what should be done by me so that I can change the mistakes occurred while filling up the application form?
    Please help me sir , I request you.

  8. Sir ,
    i have made a mistake that i have 7.68 as my grade point and it was supposed to be filled as %. since i was not aware that it should be multiplied with 9.5 instead i had multiplied with 10. I have got my ssb call. Please let me know if there will be any problem during document check

  9. its urgent problem.while filling form of observer i m not able to cmplete the 4 step
    kindly help me before last date n
    NOTE: last date is tommrow

  10. sir.
    plz I need help.iam trying to fill an application form for sscIT in indian navy.though I visted the website.and I reached the four step.but iam not abel to move forward..when I clik the next .option .automatically I was send back to home.page .iam eligible for this .but still iam not abel to.complete the online procedure.plz help me.bcj due date is coming..

  11. sir,
    Today I have filled the ues(naval architecture) recruitment form
    2014-2015. There I have entered my cgpa of 5th semester not of 6th
    semester and the sgpa I have entered is in the form of grading system(out
    of 10) ,not in percentage. I want to update my marks . How can I do it?
    Orelse can I fill another form? And I had no option of uploading my picture..Please suggest what to do

  12. hello sir
    1. i am studying in 12 and i gave the mark of 10 in section of education where written that 10 +2
    is their any problem. ???
    2. if my form is rejected can i have a another chance ??

    3. where to send the form print?

  13. Sir ,there is an option this time to upload photo .. even i do the same but my photo is not being showing there .. i got the registration no. and also got mail of my Application submittion.. now what should i do ??? should i attach the photo manually ?? “http://www.nausena-bharti.nic.in/triadentry_officer1.php?id=M7A3l36P12PS09TT98OP87QWE”

  14. sir , i was filling the form for officers entry & suddenly electricity went off. & when it came back & i tried to fill it again , it is showing this msg {“0Sorry No Record Found confirming to your age, gender, Qualification and percentage”}. what to do . i think it is getting that , i am trying to fill the form again(mean duplicate ). helpme out in this… pls…..

    • Me too facibg The same problem when I’m tried in g.chrome it was stucked. And I’m tried to apply once again but it shows the same message as u entered.

  15. sir we have only one semister in 1st year and remaining 3years we have 2 semisters in each year, so all together we have only 7 semister. so how to over come with that 8th sem column, since if i leave that 8th sem column the system it not accepting. so pls help me out sir.

  16. Sir i’m studying B.E computer science 3 year. I have one more year to complete my degree. I like to know i’m eligible or not.. can you help me please… i’m waiting for your reply..

  17. when the navy is going to short list for the SSC OFICERS IN EXECUTIVE BRANCH(GENERAL SERVICE)AND TECHNICAL BRANCHES.if they do so,how should i check my name in list or not,plz help as i am wating for it

  18. sir plz dont hesitate to read my query plz help me in this regard and if my query doesn’t understand by u ,sir plz mail u r office ph no to my mail id i will contact u,its request from me as i lost the chance last time for navy…………

  19. sir,in our jntu hyd we wont calculate the 2 subjects marks which are least out of total marks(even though we pass all subjects in 4 years b.tech course)and i secured the aggregate 65%.
    in 1st year max marks 1100,(only 1 sem)
    2nd ” ” ” 750+750(including 2nd and 3rd sem)
    3rd ” ” ” ” ” 4th and 5th sem
    4th ” ” ” 750+700 ” 6th and 7th sem
    so total max marks 5550

    i secured the 3480/5350(as mentioned we will remove 2 subjects marks)

    so,my issue is that should i enter the marks so as to get total max 5550 or 5350 and in my certificate total subjects marks were given including removed 2 subjects.so if i enter the max total to get 5350 then if they check my semester wise max marks in my certificate and if go wrong will tey cancel my application and if enter max total to get 5550 i geting 64% in navy application form as i was secured the 65% because of this issue i am loosing my some more entries in navy application

  20. Sir, I have applied for SSC tech (Navy) June 2013. I have sent all the required documents tagged properly. I have sent attested copies of my 10th and 12th marks but my semester mark sheets are not attested. Will my application be rejected? How can I confirm whether my application was accepted or rejected? When will the SSB interviews start for jun 2013 batch? I have not received any letter regarding this. My % is 77.7 in B.tech.

  21. sir i appled for SSC(IT) ,but when i entered my reg no to check my SSB call letter , a message is shown “NO RECORDS FOUND”,Sir plz tell me regarding this,is that mean that “am not selected for SSB or anything else???”…..

  22. sir in max marks n marks obtained column i filled my marks in the form of percentage…as my university follows cgpa system so in maximum marks i wrote 95%…will they accept my form?

  23. sir ,
    i have done my BE after diploma so i admited in 3rd semester but on neavy site they are giving one semester relaxation. there i have to fill the 2sem marks but i dont have that so what should i do.

  24. sir, i recently submitted online form for navy (Tech branch) , i did a mistake while filling in my name ,i didnt mention my father`s name in my full name as mentioned in my certificates .will it be a problem during the selections ?

  25. hey i fill d form of navy ues enty and got registration no but my pics r not clear. no body see clearly. wat i do ???? plzz see my form my rgi no is SUE132200505… AND RPLYYY

  26. sir in the ssc tech 39 course for army in the list you have uploaded i have my ssb on 4th july on 1 pm but the ssb letter that reached my home has a date of 5 july 6 am.one more thing the letter has been sent to my permanent address not where i am staying..help out sir

    • If you go on 4th then you will get a stay for one day and your ssb will start from 5th as mentioned in call letter.

      In SSC there is a huge crowed, so may be Army is not able to handle the accommodation for the huge crowed on 4th.

      I suggest you to follow the call letter .

  27. sir i have submitted my application form but i did a mistake while filling the application form i already attended SSB interview previously once but i forgot to mention about that so how can i make changes to my application i have alredy sent an email to the NAVY regarding this problem please tell me a suggetion sir

  28. Sir,I have recently filled in and sent my application form for the NAVY PILOT/OBSERVER post.But later I realized that I have not sent a self attested photograph of mine and the remaining documents are to the mark.I need to know that whether this is going to create any problem and if yes,what can I do?Please,help me out on this.

  29. but sir i have not yet received it from university, its just final year attested soft copy i have sent so will i get the call for the interview, and if in case not then when can i again apply for ssb.

  30. hi sir i have applied for the post of pc log entry batch dec2012 , and i have scored 64.3% in the Bcom from Eiilm univerity sikkim ( distance learning). The thing is university have just now declared the final year result last month and they have not sent the mark sheet for 1,2,3 year, though i have downloaded soft copy for the final year, and attested it from the govt officer. University said that they will be sending all the mark sheet in the month of may. So i have sent the attested copies for my 10th , 12th and final year soft copy of the mark sheet along with the dully signed application form with self signature photograph. Will i face any challenge, for the interview call

  31. sir i m production engineer and in my seventh semester i dnt have any marks i was having inplant training in 7th sem and project marks is included in 8th sem itself no seventh sem marks ????? how shuld i fill frm sir pls help sir

  32. sir we have only one semister in 1st year and remaining 3years we have 2 semisters in each year, so all together we have only 7 semister. so how to over come with that 8th sem column, since if i leave that 8th sem column the system it not accepting. so pls help me out sir.

  33. sir i am filling cgpa as only cgpa is provided to us by college. e.g.in max marks i filled 10(max cgpa) and in 7.052 (obtained cgpa)..my overall cgpa is 7.791. my %age is 7.791 * 9=70.11 %(its according to my college.our college has system to multiply by 9 but portal multiply it with 10 by itself thats why i m facing this problem.

    • This happening because you are putting cgpa, please first convert your cgpa into marks, use the key mentioned by your college. Then I hope your % will come correct into the form.

  34. sir know the formula for converting cgpa in marks but that does not match with the formula by which nausena portal calculate the %age by itself..according to my college my %age is 70.11 but portal shows it as 78.34. after correctly filling cgpa of all semesters…plz help for this.
    thanks for your immediate reply ,sir.

  35. hello sir, if i fill up my cgpa of all semesters i got the the %age as 78.34 according to nausena portal(by the method apply by the website) but my actual %age is 70.11 according to my college..so what should i d for this problem? plz guide me.. Thanks..

  36. to reduce the size of photograph to 10 kb follow this :

    1. Open the picture with microsoft office.

    2. Click on Edit picture option.

    3. Click on compress picture option in the right pane.

    4. now select the web document option or the email message option. (which ever reduces the size of the photograph to 10 kb or less).

    5. Now save the picture.

    That’s it… U’re done..


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