Here are the contact details of all SSB and concerned branches for your convenience, if you feel any difficulty while applying or anything related to SSB interview, you can contact the respective concerned branch mentioned below.

Naval Selection Board Indian Navy Sr No. Name Postal Address Tele.No. Call Up Officer (a) 12 SSB Bangalore The President 12 Services Selection Board Selection Centre South Cubban Road Bangalore-560042 09480948061/ 09916322971 080-25327671 / 080 25006804 080-25591075 extn 6804 FAX-080-25594954 / 25587883 (b) 33 SSB, Bhopal The President 33 Services Selection Board Selection Centre Central Sultania Infantry Line Bhopal-462018 0755-2702223 / 0755 – 2731245 0755 – 2731255 FAX-0755-2735980 (c) NSB,Agrani The President Naval Selection Board INS Agrani Red Fields Coimbatore-641018 Toll Free-1800-425-4599 Fax No- 0422-2325957 |
Telephone: 011-23010151
TeleFax: 011-23011282
General entry : [email protected]
University Entry Scheme: [email protected]
(a).Call up officer Bhopal – 0755 – 2730692 /2735980
(b).Call up officer Bangalore – 09480948061 / 09916322971 / 080-25327671 / FAX-080-25594954
(c).Call up officer Coimbatore – 0422-2325957 / Toll free no -1800-425-4599
For any further query, contact IHQ-MOD (N)/DMPR at 011-23010151 / 23011282 / 23010097.
Indian Army Services Selection Board
Selection Centre South Bangalore
NO 9480948061 (BSNL) AND /
9916322971 (VODAFONE)
080-25591075 Extn 6804
Fax – 080-25587883
e-mail – [email protected]
Selection Centre Central, Bhopal
Phone No: 0755-2731245, 0755-2731255, 0755-2702223
Fax – 0755-2735980
Selection Centre East, Allahabad
Phone No: 0532-2422680, 0532-2422688, 0532-2296987, 0532-2424816, 0532-2424817
Fax – 0532-2424815
e-mail : [email protected]
Air Force Selection Board AFSB Indian Airforce
Air Headquarters (Vayu Bhawan)
Motilal Nehru Marg
New Delhi – 110106
Tele: 011 – 23013690
011- 23010231 Extn 7080
Fax – 011 – 23017918
E- Mail : [email protected]
Post Bag No – 5
RK Puram (Main) P.O.
New Delhi – 110066
Tele: 011 – 26160286, 26160289
E – Mail: [email protected]
Clement Town
Dehradun- 248002
Tele: 0135 – 2642269
Fax: 0135 – 2640104
CV Complex
Sidharth Nagar PO
Mysore – 11
Tele: 0821 – 2526621
Fax: 0821 – 2502836
Sector 9
Tele: 079 – 23242600 Extn 5754
Varanasi Cantt
Varanasi – 221002
Tele: 0542 – 2503853 Extn 213
Fax: 0542 – 2502836
- For queries regarding clarifications on eligibility and advertisement, contact- ‘DISHA’
- For queries regarding AFCAT application, admit card, AFCAT centre, contact – AFCAT Cell.
- For any queries regarding SSB interview, contact respective Air Force Selection Board detailed for.
- For clarification on submission of documents after recommendation/medical, merit list, joining instructions, contact- 011 – 23010231 Extn 7973.
If you know contact information of other SSB center, please post it in the comment box below.

I am SIVAPRASATH , and I recently graduated in 2023 with a degree in Engineering . My educational certificates are currently held by my company. I am eager to attend the SSB interview, and I seek guidance on how to proceed with this matter.
Reply sir
Course No-SSC(Tech)-55, Roll No-744811, Name-DHARAVATH HUSSAIN SSB Interview at Selection Centre East, Allahabad. Report at 0600hrs/06:00AM on Tuesday, September 08, 2020 at the main gate of Selection Centre East, Allahabad.not there in full address
Sir ..i received my call of letter by mail&sms ,ssb bhopal,my interview is on 28 th aug, my doubt is i can’t found where is my name in the merit list ..&how i check my name in the side..and one more doubt sir is they send any further interview and sir plz send a valid no.of ssb bhopal…thank u sir
I have purchased ebook of 17 ebook 2020 pack for ssb interview from ssbcrackshop , transaction has done but the link provided is not opening… plz help me
sir i have gat my ssb interview date on 1 may from which date my exams are going to start so I am unable to come .Is there any rule to postpand the date of interview ?If is there Please suggest me ,what to do
I had completed my diplamo in electronics and communication in the 2013 and the aggregate is 66.5% so can I get the job in Indian navy, airforce? Sir plz answer me and where and how can I apply for navy or airforce sir
sir,I have got my selection for TGC-119 SSB allahabad interview on 26th april-2014,but I have not received the interview call letter from the board yet,so please advice me whar should I do in this regard,as I have try to contact the board on telephone but no body pikked up the phone,My e-mail is [email protected]
sir can u plz tell me the mail id of service selection board bhopal
Sir where is nsb( navac)
i am abhay vishwakarma sir mera admit card nahi aaya mujhe pata karna tha ki kyun nahi aaya
mara application no. pct1347744717
Sir, When the call letter is going to be dispatched of 11th JAG for oct2013 course?
Plzz rply me on my email id [email protected]
I had applied for SSCW 12 and mY aggregate percentage upto 6th semester is 74.5 and even in each sem my percent is above 70 but i am not short listed for ssb… Plzz tel me reason ?? My roll number is 773081. Plzz rply me wat is reason and wat should i do now????
I had applied for SSCW 12 and mY aggregate percentage upto 6th semester is 74.5 and even in each sem my percent is above 70 but i am not short listed for ssb… Plzz tel me reason ?? My roll number is 773081.
i misplaced my call letter fr ssb 01/2013…dated 24 june at dehradun..n now even the login to the site fr candidates hs been disabled….somebody please help me out..real trouble..also i hv not received any call letter by post..but it was there in my account on afcat..but nw i can’t get it by ny means..can i???
Sir isn’t there any email address for ssb centre bhopal??….i urgently need to contact them…
Sir isn’t there any email address for ssb centre bhopal??….i urgently need to contact them…
Sir I have applied for TGC name is present in Central Allotment List of SSB, but I have not received any call up mail for SSB due in april next month. What should I do now? ??
I have cleared written NDA II and the website showing ssb bhopal as my centre and the dates are 4 Feb /22 April
tell me how to get call up letter?
Is there any procedure to get call letter after passing written?
Plz anyone reply
plz plz please
I have not received my call letter yet but the website of UPSC is showing bhopal as my SSB center
date is given 4 feb 2013 and 22 april
tell me about the whole procedure to get call up letter from UPSC after clearing written.
my ssb date is 20 feb. but i am not able to give it owing to my board practicals. the absentee date of reporting is 19 april and i am comfortable in giving my interview on tis date. do i have to submit a written application to ssb board?? if yes then please tell the adress and the person whom i should adress in the letter.
hello admin, I m 2012 BE passout. I m called for SSB on 10th Feb, 2013.
when i applied in june 2011 i was in prefinal year. i had my interview on 26 sep 2011, i was in final year. and now m working in a private company.
I am not sure whether i m eligible.
I got a SMS and my name is there in the website.
Now are they calling me for UES…
Big confusion..
what do I do?
UES-22 allahbad
my name is in centre is allahabad.but in ssb allahabad list my name is not there.what should i do?
hello admin,
This is P.Prabhu from Chennai. My name is there in the selected list for ues 22 and my center is Allahabad. but till now i haven’t received my call letter sir. my interview date is Feb 10. please help me. whom should i contact for this problem.
hello prabhu same year…
are u in final year or 2012 pass out ?
sir here by madhusoodan naik,i have been selected for stl 40 course ssb interview in allahabad,i am in banglore ,i will reach two days before interview coz i have only two train from banglore to allahabad, what can i do suggest me
Sir ,
I came to know about my S.S.B. centre in Allahbad very late,so I’m not getting reservation. I will be able to report for absentee batch only. Will they allow me to report in that batch with this reason and how can I inform them ( WHO EXACTLY DO I INFORM ?) now ??
Also I am a resident of Bombay so Banglore or Bhopal is more convenient for me . Is there any way I could get a change of centre ??
hello sir,
i have my name in the list of students for sscmen (T)-39 course but i haven’t recieved the call up letter . what should i do?
If you do not receive the call letter in time, you can proceed with the printout of online application with all other necessary docs.
Sir, I am V.Sai Abhijith and had applied for TES – 27 and got my call letter from SCE – Allahabad. My Roll 401430. However when I downloaded the selected list from net though my Roll No. is appearing but the name is different in the published list. It appears as Suraj singh S/O Shiv Saran Singh.
Secondly i have been given only one choice of date for the interview on 2nd June 2012 with no Secondary / Absentee date choices. I have got my B.Tech exams w.e.f 29th May to 9th June and hence cannot appear for the interview on the given date. Moreso, I tried calling on the numbers given in the call letter but nobody is lifting the call.
Please advice.
V.Sai Abhijith
S/O V.Srinivas Murthy
Roll No. 401430
Mob : 9642822890 / 9704130671
email [email protected]
There may discrepancy occur in online list, so just go by with your call letter.
Please check whether or not anything mentioned regarding the absentee batch in the call letter.
Keep contacting the concerned branch for more clarification.
hello sir,
Can you please tell me that how many vacancies are there for Indian Coast Gaurd Officer Entry General duty , technical and pilot/navigator branch respectively.
They do not mention number of vacancies .
hello sir, i am amit a finall year student from u.p, i hav a call for ssb interview for tgc:115 cource on 17 th may. But at that time our finall year semester date hav been announced, so plz inform me the processor to make my interview date to be get rescheduled…plz. provide me with the neccessary details as soon as possible.
[email protected]
how-to-postpone-ssb-interview text
sir what is the procedure to change ssb date of 10+2 btech entry in navy?? my ssb centre is 12 ssb banglore…..
List of all SSB centres with complete details.
No.1 Air Force Selection Board
Clement Town,
Fax No.: 0135-640104
No.4 Air Force Selection Board
Varanasi Cant.,
Fax No.: 0542-348218
Thank you.
@admin:hello name is NAVIN KUMAR and my name is there in the TGC-115 allahabad ssb list and i have received my ssb call up letter but i don’t have a print out copy of application form which i have submitted online and by mistake i have filled course completion date as 5th may 2011 because system was not accepting 2012 dates dats y i filled it as 2011 but remaining things were correct n i have all documents with me except print out copy of application form … will i b allowed to attend the ssb on 6th april 2012 without a print out copy ??????plz rply
Yes, go with call letter.
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This comment has been removed by the author.
HELLO SIR …my name is rupankar sharma, i m pursuing BE last sem,i m from Bhopal.sir i attended the campus of Indian army which was held in rgpv Bhopal in October 2011 and i got my result in Nov 2011,and i was recommended for SSB.but i am too confused that my entry scheme was TGC 115 or UES 22,because my name is not there in any of the ssb interview list of Bhopal, Bangalore and Allahabad,which is of TGC 115 SCHEME.BUT I WAS RECOMMENDED FOR SSB..please clear my doubt sir,and clear me one more thing that i can fill this ssc tech(10) women form or not as i am already recommended for ssb……waiting for your reply sir,thank you.
Your enter is UES, please check the eligibility criteria for SSC(10), if the course commencing is same then you can not apply.
sir i filed the form of SSC39,but i forgot to fill the column of “CUMULATIVE %” what should i do sir??
You can not do anything now, but you will get your name in the list because list is generated with the online registration and one who did registration successfully, gets his/her name mostly.
when wil dates of tgc115 4 alahabad wil come??
March 2012