
How To Postpone SSB Interview Dates

By SSBCrack

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How to postpone SSB Interview Date? I always come across the same question from my reader regarding the change of SSB Interview date, because most of the candidates are studying or they are working somewhere. You may have exam during your SSB or you may not get leave from office because of some project.But I feel that fresher’s are not aware more about the present SSB Interview procedure, mainly they do not know about. How to postpone SSB Interview date??
I must tell the candidates that SSB dates are fixed according to the availability of particular SSB board and the time duration. Few SSB interview dates are easy to postpone and few are hard , I will tell you why and how.
Let’s talk about it according to the type of entries and gradually discuss how to postpone SSB interview date and what are the procedures to  be followed to
postpone SSB Interview date.
1. CDSE Exam: It is conducted by UPSC so all the procedures are followed strictly, the possibility of getting call letter at your home is 99%, I will cut 1% for other factors such as postal service at your location. Candidates always ask for the SSB Interview dates , I do not know why do they behave so restlessly, instead of preparing for the SSB Interview they are more interested in  waiting for SSB Interview dates, one who clears CDSE surely gets the call letter.
  • How to postpone the dates: In this entry you get the absentee batch date, so you have to attend SSB either regular or absentee. The good thing is if you do not attend on the regular batch you will again get a call letter at your home to attend the absentee batch( but again it depends on the mood of the board).
  • When I say CDSE, it consist of IMA, OTA, AFA and NA.
  • Suppose if you did not get your call letter on time then you can take a print out of online list with your roll number. Please make sure you go with other important docs such as your 10th 12th and degree certificates.
  • For convenience go with originals but if you do not have them then go with attested copies and custodian certificate.
2. NDA and NA Exam: Again NDA & NA is conducted by the UPSC so all the rules are applicable same as CDSE Exam.
3. AFCAT: AFCAT was introduced in 2011 and till now IAF is doing a commendable job by handling all the applications manually by its own, the number of applicants are increase from 70 to 80% since 2011-2012 ( AFCAT exam held on Feb 2012). But again some glitches are there. Chances of getting admit card and call letter is 70-80% only, there are many cases of not getting admit card , call letter or whatsoever. If you get the call letter there will be only one date mentioned in the and no official absentee batch date. To be straight forward there is not absentee batch, all batches are regular batches only.
  • How to postpone the dates: First have a valid reason for postponing the SSB Interview dates, got the reason , open your SSB call letter, search for the contact details on the top. You can mail them , Fax them or you can talk to them on the phone. I suggest to do all the methods but the most convenient is call them . You should know your roll number, name( I am not kidding) , DOB(againWinking smile) and the date of SSB Interview, request the person who takes your call and tell them the valid reason, if he is kind hearted then he will ask the details of yours and he will provide you the date on next batch or any other batch. The batch will be regular but you will be added to it.
  • Good thing is you can prepone your SSB Interview dates also , procedure is same as mentioned above. *Cheers*
  • SSB Interviews list comes in parts like 1st , 2nd and 3rd lists, the official sire of IAF is very good and well managed. careerairforce.nic.in
3. TGC: It’s the most ill managed entry one must have faced, especially with the SSB dates. Chances of getting you name in the online list for SSB is 95%, 5% for those who apply offline or messed up with something else. Online list comes very late but it comes , also it will come in parts like 1st list and 2nd list.
  • How to postpone the dates: For Allahabad you will get primary, secondary and absentee dates you have to attend in one of those, further you will not get any other dates. For Bhopal and Bangalore you will get primary and secondary dates so better to attend in any one of those. There will be no official absentee date for you.
  • TGC officials are very lazy to attend your queries on phone so better do not take any chances of missing any dates given in the call letter.
  • Name not in the online list: Don’t worry there will be another list , calling TGC department barley helps you because all the lists are computer generated and if you have registered you will get your names for sure.
  • I did not send the documents by post: Do not worry if you have applied online successfully then you will get your name for sure.
4. SSC tech: Every thing is same as TGC except the type of commission , SSC is short service commission and TGC is for permanent commission.
5. Navy: All the direct entries like Logistics , ATC, Education, SSC Pilot etc. You have to apply online and send the docs if mentioned, strictly follow the deadlines.
  • How to postpone the dates: Mail them, Fax them and even you can call them, they will tell you the exact procedure. For direct entries there will be no absentee batch mentioned, but entries like NDA&NA you will get absentee batch(UPSC rules). But there are very well managed and they send you the e-mail and SMS. Also they will send you the email for absentee batch if you have missed the regulate one.
6. Other entries: Entries like NCC special are easy to manage so the process is quit smooth and you will get the call letter in time. Also you will get the online list so that you can check your ssb center and date of SSB Interview.
Olive Squad Mugs


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118 thoughts on “How To Postpone SSB Interview Dates”

  1. Sir i have received TGC-122 Ssb date on 1 November.but on the same date…i have to attend CDS examination. As i am preparing for it since last 3 months it is hard to miss it…they sent me online ssb letter on my mail..and mentioned one time call up date…this is my 1st attempt what should i do?? Plzz help me…

  2. Sir, i have nda exam on 27 sep in chennai but an ssb interview on 16 sep in bangalore. I cannot prepare for both. What can i do now

  3. Sir, i applied for 10+2 b.tech cadet entry in navy in june. But still i have not got the call up letter. I doubt whether my documents send by post would not have reach. What wil be the cause

  4. I have a call letter for ssb interview: STL-43. my ssb date is 7 july 2014 abd my centre is allahbad.. due to health problems I m enable to reach allahbad on above date ..and I got no response from the no. I dialed many a times given on the call letter.
    give the way to postpond my ssb

  5. sir i have cleared CDSE1 2013 .. n i have been allotted allahabad center. i am an engineering student n have a backlog and most probably my result will not be declared by the time of my ssb . what should i do in that case .

    my roll numer is 000027 so i’ll be getting the earliest calls possible . a little tensed now . i am expecting my ssb in september whereas my result will be out in october .
    please suggest something and help my out sir.

  6. sir… i had to change the date and i called up the office… i told the officer about my situation and to my amazement he first asked me if i could come on 10th?? i said that would be fine… but then the phone got disconnected… i called again and reminded him of my situation and this time he told me to come on 21st!!! without even asking my reg.no he gave me the date… is that all right?? isnt there a formal procedure?? i have also sent a formal letter to the email address mentioned in my call letter to which no reply came!! still i got 21st as the date?? what do i do???

  7. Sir.. I wanted to postpone my ssb dates,so i called them. They just ask my sort of entry, and date of SSb, They didn’t even asked my name or roll number, nor did any check , just gave me the date for absentee batch, so i am worried whether this is enough, or is there any problem.

  8. sir kindly help. I gave my afcat exam on feb 24 th, very first attempt and I am more than sure to be shortlisted. having said that, there are two problems I am facing currently. 1st, I did my engineering from IP university, which provides you btech degree even ifv you leave two baclogs. they administer this on the basis of total credits earned. one should have 200 credits minimum to acquire the degree,’i have 206 credits therefore out of 214, after leaving two subjects. hence, I have been provided with a degree in my hand stating the mentioned criteria for it. am I eligible? kindly enlighten me here.
    2nd, one of my second sem marksheet had flaws in marks provided against each subject. last year hence I made a written application and returned that marksheet for correction. and now I have been told that they lost my marksheet i their bundle of files(this is completely true) I was shocked to hear that, and they have told to apply for duplicate marksheet which will obviously take some time. hence I do not have second sem marksheet right now, whicvh would be required in afsb. I do have a consolidated marksheet having all the subjects mentioned in it . all in one paper. will it work as a substitute. thankou . kindly help.

  9. sir i have selected for ssb interview ues-22 allhabad date-26 feb. but i dont got my call letter courier due to some reason.
    so what can i do???
    should i go for interview r not??/
    pls reply as soon as possible..

  10. sir, i want to change my SSB date of bangalore for SSC(TECH)-40 ,but in the list they have shown only one date . i have send them my query but they didn’t reply yet. so what to do………..

  11. sir i am selected in sscw(tech) for my ssb but this course will be starting in april and i am a final year student and my degree will end in june by next year so if i dont submit my last year marksheets would that be okay

  12. sir
    i had selected in direct interview for ues 22 course in 5 th semester. My ssb is on 23 nov 2012.
    My current average is 59%.
    at the time of interview it was above than 60.
    am i eligible to attend ssb.

  13. sir
    i had selected in direct interview for ues 22 course in 5 th semester. My ssb is on 23 nov 2012.
    My current average is 59%.
    at the time of interview it was above than 60.
    am i eligible to attend ssb.

  14. M asking wrt to CDS 1 2012..My Regular date is 16th Aug..Bt due to Medical reasons I am unable to attend the ssb..My Absentee date is 17th Sept..Will It affect my chances of getting Recommended anyway?

  15. I tried reaching them on their contact mail given on their site but got delivery failure…its not reaching them.. and I dnt know how else to contact….what should I be possibly doing now…

  16. I tried reaching them on their contact mail given on their site but got delivery failure…its not reaching them.. and I dnt know how else to contact….what should I be possibly doing now…

  17. sir i have dropped two subjects from my btech . i have complted it from GGSIPU. they offer btech degree, by dropping two subject. will they remove me during ssb. ? am i eligible. ! sir, i am asking this because i have exam on 26th aug for afca and same day i ahve to appear for “railtel-dy manager” post exam. i have to leave one of the exam. could you guide me on this a little as i am really confused?

  18. respected sir,

    I have my NAVY(CDSE) ssb on 20th aug.So I made a call and i requested them any dates in september.They gave me 1st week of september and did not mention the dates.will they ADD me in a regular batch or absentee batch.On 4th september there is one regular batch,they did not mention about that to me.Please reply sir

  19. I have not received my final semester marklists from my university yet. I am a 2012 passout so can i attend the SSB with the internet result copy nad submit the originals later.

  20. Sir, i need ur help..my ssb was on 28th may at afsb
    dehradun.bt due to exams i was unable to atnd my ssb.i
    also send d request letr 4 postponment..aftr dn i have
    been called them so many times.bt neva got respnse.bt
    today when i tried 4 about 30times then they receivd my
    col n told me dat my secnd ssb date was on 2july..i
    havent receivd ny col letr n mails.n they r sayng dat its nt
    their faults..i need ur help sir urgntly.wat should i do
    nw.should i send them again leter 4 recnsidrng or should
    go to or col dlhi headquarter?

  21. Hello sir,
    i got call letter form ssb interview from allahabad.i am completed my btech 2012 fresher.i have lost my ssb application printout and i am not have original certificates of btech.can i attend ssb interview. my date of reporting is 23july2012.so please kindly advice.

  22. sir there is only one date given on my call letter & i want to change that date & also the selection center from bhopal is unable to pick up my phone so please tell me another alternative

  23. sir, my ssb date for sscw(T)- 10 is on 1august2012 I want to prepone it to 27july 2012 is it possible? n the reason is that I have my company joining on 5th August 2012 will this reason be considered for the preponement?

    • Possibility of changing SSB Interview dates will be mentioned in your call letter, sometimes it is difficult to get another date when it is not mentioned in the call letter.

      Please contact the SSB board for the same.

  24. Sir,
    I got a call letter for SSC39 for Allahabad for primary batch 08th July’12,But, Unfortunately, I got suffered from food poisoning on 07th july’12.Now, There is no secondary dates and absentee batch is 28th july’12.
    Plz tell me the complete procedure of how to attend the SSB in absentee batch. Do I have to inform to the center by mail or phone. Will they allow me appear the SSB directly on 28th or separate call letter will be generate for the absentee batch.
    Does It make any difference during Interview of Absentee batch from the regular one.
    Plz give your valuable comments…

  25. Sir,
    I got A call letter for SSC 39 for Allahabad for the date 25 June 2012 but due to some personal problems I was not able to attend th Interview. There is absentee batch date is 28 July I am trying to call At centre but they didn’t respond Please suggest me what can I do. If I go directly for the absenty batch will they allow me.

  26. Sir ,
    I had applied for Ssc 39 tech now I have intw call but unfortunately lost my online form copy.. and only have call letter on mail id…. plz help..

  27. Sir ,
    I had applied for Ssc 39 tech now I have intw call but unfortunately lost my online form copy.. and only have call letter on mail id…. plz help..

  28. Hello sir,

    i got have call letter for ssb interview. it is mentioned that we are supposed to bring AFCAT admit card compulsorily,but i have lost it.
    will they reject me?
    thank you

  29. Sir i applied for postpone of my SSB for SSC(Tech) of Indian Navy.
    my reporting date was on 26th May 2012 at Bangalore.
    I contacted them and asked for another date.
    I talked to them and they said that you will get an alternate date of SSB but till now there is no reponse from there side.

  30. Sir,
    can we directly report for ABSENTEE BATCH in allahabad for SSB(TECH) on the absentee date or do we have to communicate first. I have mailed my problem several times but got no reply and the phones have also not been picked up!!!!. Sir i have 11 days between my 2 exams and during this period i have been called to allahabad i.e. on 27th may. I have booked my tickets but what would be the ideal choice???

    I am worried that is there a possibility of a candidate being sent back if they report directly in the absentee batch before notifying them. please sir clarify

  31. sir i applied for postpone of ssb my ssb date which was scheduled at SSB bangalore on 26 may 2012
    i droped a mail to SSB bangalore but on 16th may but still there is no response…
    what should i do???

  32. I have been shortlisted for the SSB interview at AFSB-MYSORE (AFCAT 01/2012 for courses commencing from Jan-2013). Presently I am pursuing my final year and I have attended for my final semester exams. I have 2 backlogs at present but according to the rules laid down by the university to which we are affiliated, we can leave 2 subjects to obtain the degree and also those 2 subjects are excluded while calculating the aggregate. But as per notification the final semester students must not have any backlogs at the time of SSB testing. But as per my university rules I can obtain the degree by leaving those two backlog subjects.those details are present in the “academic regulation and syllabus” book provided by our university Can I attend the interview with those two backlog subjects? My interview is on 28-05-2012 at AFSB-MYSORE. (I have applied for technical branch 82AEC/54SSC only).

    i can proceed a letter from the principal of my college about the omission of two backlogs.kindly help me in this regard

  33. hi sir, this is thangavelu from chennai. i cleared the cdse II -2011 and the ssb interview is scheduled on 1st of june. kindly provide some details about the course- SSC (NON-TECH)-96TH COURSE.
    what does it mean by the term non-technical.

    • Hi Vel

      There is Technical entry (tech) also for candidates in army, only engineering candidates (BE Btech) are allowed in that.

      CDSE is a not tech entry , in non tech entry you will not go for any technical job mostly , and in tech entry you may go for some technical job in Army after getting commissioned .

    • sir, i’m having my university exam on 4th of june also the ssb interview on 1st or 2nd of june as per my call letter, when asked for alternative date they rejected my proposal. so is it possible to attend the ssb on 1st and return on 2nd or 3rd day of ssb? kindly advise.

    • Hi Vel , I guess you have go two dates , one is regular and another is absentee date. You can go in any one of these two dates. You cann’t go and come on 2nd day, if you clear the screening than you have to stay there for next 4 days.

  34. hi sir,
    i got my ssb regular date is on 22nd may and absentee date is on 30th June for ota. But beacause of my dad’s ill health, he has been hospitalised. So kindly tell me if i cant postpone the ssb date to 30 june or not. Do reply as soon as possible.
    Thank you.

    • Hi Preethi, you already got two dates , if you are enable to go in the regular batch, you always have the absentee batch . So do not worry and you can attend the SSB in the absentee batch without any problem .

      Do mail or call the concerned SSB board in this regard.

      Take care of your Dad.

      Good Luck 🙂

  35. sir i have got my ssb for cdse on 29may and my sem exam are clashing with it.so do i need to write to them to postpone my ssb or do i need to wait for the another call letter for the absentee batch..??

    • Yes, call and e-mail them, did you get any other date in the call letter?? If not ask them whether you will get another date or not. Mostly there is secondary date and absentee batch for CDSE.

  36. sir m a serving personnel in armed force my ssb was scheduled on 16 apr in maysore for afcat 2012 but because of my transffer n leave .can i again get a chance for my onterview ..please guide me.
    Mandeep Singh

    • Mandeep, service personal goes through different channel.

      Yes there is a possibility of getting another date but only if there is any service candidates batch available after your date .

      You have to contact the SSB board for that, rest the procedure is mentioned in this post.

      Jai Hind

  37. Sir;
    i hv been shortlisted for OTA.
    both regular and absentee ssb dates ie.22nd may and 1st june are in exam days of my engg. which will start on 24th may till 4th of june .
    sir pls let me know if i can ask for any other date other than this,ssb center is bhopal.

  38. to admin.i have been trying since NDA. every time i have been conferenced out.its been 7 attempts.do i really stand a chance..if yes kindly tell on what aspects do i need to improvise…

  39. Sir,
    I have been selected for 4 AFSB, varanasi but unfortunately the dates clash with uni exams. Though I know the procedure for the change of dates, I would like to know the following:
    1. I have a current backlog, What if I go to the SSB after giving the backlog exam and awaiting for the result?
    2. My CPI is less than 60% will that be a problem?



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