Group discussion is the first and foremost test in GTO series. Being the first test in GTO, group discussion is the most important for candidate to show his OLQs effectively. This is also your first chance to create a good impression in front of Group Task Officer. As always, first impression is the last impression
A Group Discussion can be defined as a formal discussion involving ten to 12 participants in a group. It is a methodology used by an organization to gauge whether the candidate has certain personality traits and/or skills that it desires in its members. In this methodology, the group of candidates is given a topic or a situation, given a few minutes to think about the same, and then asked to discuss the it among themselves for 15-20 minutes.
Also Read: OLQs to Show During Group Discussion
Qualities Judged during Group Discussion
- How good you are at communication with others.
- How you behave and interact with group.
- How open minded are you.
- Your listening skill.
- How you put forward your views.
- Your leadership and decision making skills.
- Your analysis skill and subject knowledge.
- Problem solving and critical thinking skill.
- Your attitude and confidence.
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SSB Interview Group Discussion during GTO |
Do’s and Don’ts of Group discussion
- Make eye contact: Do not look at the evaluators only. Keep eye contact with every team member while speaking.
- Try to Initiate the GD: Initiating the GD is a big plus. But keep in mind, Initiate the group discussion only when you understood the GD topic clearly and have some topic knowledge. Speaking without proper subject knowledge is bad impression.
- Give chance to others to speak: Do not interrupt anyone in-between while speaking. Even if you don’t agree with his/her thoughts do not snatch their chance to speak. Instead make some notes and clear the points when it’s your turn.
- Be clear: Speak politely and clearly. Use simple and understandable words while speaking. Don’t be too aggressive if you are disagreeing with someone. Express your feelings calmly and politely.
- Keep the discussion on track: If by any means group is distracting from the topic or goal then simply take initiative to bring the discussion on the track. Make all group members aware that you all need to come to some conclusion at the end of the discussion. So stick to the topic.
- Positive attitude: Be confident. Do not try to dominate anyone. Keep positive body language. Show interest in discussion.
- Speak sensibly: Do not speak just to increase your speaking time. Don’t worry even if you speak less. Your thoughts should be sensible and relevant instead of irrelevant speech.
- Be a good listener: Speak less and listen more! Pay attention while others are speaking. This will make coherent discussion and you will get involved in the group positively. You will surely make people agree with you.
- Keep it simple: Some basic subject analysis is sufficient. No need to mention exact figures while giving any reference. You have limited time so be precise and convey your thoughts in short and simple language.
- Formal dressing: Do not take it casually. No fancy and funny dressing. You should be comfortable while speaking in group. Positive gesture and body language will make your work easy.
As in a football game, where you play like a team, passing the ball to each team member and aim for a common goal, GD is also based on team work, incorporating views of different team members to reach a common goal.
How do you face SSB interview GD, do share your success tips in the comment box below.
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hellow ….. could u plz tell me dat how to inspire others or how to control the situation when it is moving in some other direction ?? i want to know what exactly we have to say in such situations ??
i didn’t got a chance in GD, every one was speaking at same time, so i kept mum for most of the part of gd, only spoke 2 times, what to do in this case because no one is willing to listen to others
dear admin,
i amit ,attended 3 ssbs..always confernce out.i think i spoke well in gd , did well in interview.but i m not sure about the father he him self is serving indian army officer i wrote the same kind of stories as he did in his ssb but then also rejected. can i be sure abt psycic test
@Rohann , No cut off you must pass the 12th class.
sir……….howmany attempts should b made to talk in gd?
ir what is the percentage required for entry in nda in 12th
Its a real challenge, you need to control the group by convincing them from your words, don’t worry Assessors are listening to each and every one so try to manage the group instead of arguing with each other.
In group discussion, the discussion becomes Debating, arguments..after a short time.
All the candidates statrs talking each other at the same time…
At that time the discussion wont remains a discussion.
In this situation, how could i react…
Shall i try to controll the situation or keep on expressing my views or do something else?
Please reply.
Do you have any idea that when I will get the call for my pre-ssb interview for UES 22 of the Indian Army ?
Kindly describe the pre-ssb procedure also . 🙂
thnk u again for d info sir… :):)
NDA is after 12th to join National Defence Academy.
CDSE is after graduation to join IMA OTA AFA NA..
Minimum cut of not fixed but you should get 60% of total and avoid wrong answer due of -ve marking.
sir i hav two more questions….
1.wats d minimum marks required for passing nda xamination???
2.wats d difference between cdse xamination nd nda xamination???
no probz sir,thnk u for d info.. :):
You have to Google it 🙂
sir is dere any link to check d ryt answers as well???
okkk,thnk u sir
Solve previous question papers.
sir,dis may sound odd bt wid nda written xamination jst 15 days away,can u plz tell me how to prapre for it???